WEEK OF DECEMBER 29 THROUGH JANUARY 3 An earthquake in Israel is a certainty;
Jan. 2….(Israel Insider) The Haifa Bay area is a ticking bomb, which will explode if and when an earthquake occurs," said Geological Institute Director Amos Bein yesterday. A former study by the Geophysical Institute of Israel found that a 7.0 Richter scale earthquake at Beit Shean would bring down buildings in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Israeli relief organizations vowed to send aid to earthquake victims in Iran, despite Iran's unwillingness to accept it. "Nearly the whole of Israel is along the fault line," said Chairwoman of the Knesset Science and Technology Committee MK Meli Polishook-Bloch (Shinui) yesterday. "An earthquake is a certainty; it is just a question of when. It could be in five minutes or 50 years. The whole area is sensitive. (Zechariah 14:3-4 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.) (Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;)
Pope Calls For Global Order For Peace Jan. 1….(Reuters) The world needs a "new international order" to solve its conflicts and ensure peace, Pope John Paul said in his New Year's Day address Thursday. "More than ever we need a new international order which draws on the experience and results of the United Nations (news - web sites)," the 83-year-old pontiff said at a mass in St. Peter's Basilica. "An order which is capable of finding adequate solutions to today's problems, based on the dignity of human beings, on integrating all society, on solidarity between rich and poor countries, on the sharing of resources and the extraordinary results of scientific and technological progress," he added. Syria Smuggled Arms to Saddam Dec. 31….(LA Times) A trading company led by the cousin of Syria's dictator, Bashar Assad, smuggled millions of dollars worth of sophisticated arms and equipment to Saddam Hussein for three years prior to the Iraqi leader's overthrow, reports the Los Angeles Times. At least one shipment of arms was completed with the help of the Syrian government in violation of a U.N. arms embargo. Just prior to the U.S.-led effort to oust Hussein, SES International Corp. signed at least 50 contracts to supply weapons and gear to Iraq, the paper reports, saying the arms transfers included 1,000 heavy machine guns and up to 20 million bullets for assault rifles. The Syrian trading company smuggled weapons and military hardware to Saddam Hussein between 2000 and 2003, helping Syria become the main channel for illicit arms transfers to Iraq despite a stringent U.N. embargo, documents recovered in Iraq show. The private company, called SES International Corp., is headed by a cousin of Syria's autocratic leader, Bashar Assad, and is controlled by other members of Assad's Baath Party and Alawite clan. Syria's government assisted SES in importing at least one shipment destined for Iraq's military, the Iraqi documents indicate, and Western intelligence reports allege that senior Syrian officials were involved in other illicit transfers. Iraqi records show that SES signed more than 50 contracts to supply tens of millions of dollars' worth of arms and equipment to Iraq's military shortly before the U.S.-led invasion in March. Syria supplied Iraq with ballistic missiles, antiaircraft missiles, artillery, and spare parts for MIG fighter jets and battle tanks, gunpowder, radar systems, nerve agent antidotes and more.
“Al Qaeda: We will destroy New York within 35 days. Dec. 31….(DEBKA) The threat was contained in a video clip featured on a web site associated with the fundamentalist terror group. It announced al Qaeda plans to destroy New York in a nuclear blast on February 2. The FBI blocked and removed the web site. The video clip showed three possible scenarios:
The video clip was accompanied by large, red-lettered Arabic captions saying: “If God wills it, the end of America is near.” Debka’s counter-terrorism sources say they cannot verify the authorship or gauge the seriousness of the threat because the Internet site is no longer accessible. But the report appeared in a newspaper widely viewed as the flagship of Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. Such reports, even if not authenticated tend to contribute to the mounting sense of alarm generated by “Orange Alert” in America and other Western countries. It comes against the backdrop of appeals to New Year revelers to stay away from the traditional New Year’s Eve celebrations in Times Square, Rome’s St. Peter’s Square, Moscow’s Red Square and London’s Trafalgar Square, or even Disney World and the Las Vegas Strip. All these sites are surrounded by heavy security. UN Clashes With U.S. On Libyan Inspections Dec. 30….(CBC) United Nations inspectors don't want American help in dismantling Libya's nuclear program, the UN's chief inspector said today. Mohamed ElBaradei, the director general of the UN International Atomic Energy Agency, said his agency plans to “work alone” despite the recent decision by the U.S. to send its own inspectors to Libya to help dismantle the country's weapons program. Returning from a trip to the North African country where he inspected four nuclear sites, ElBaradei said that Libya was still years away from developing nuclear weapons. However Washington believes the UN nuclear agency has underestimated the sophistication of Libya's nuclear program. During ElBaradei's trip, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi assured the UN inspection team his country would co-operate fully with inspections and would dismantle its nuclear program. Gadhafi recently acknowledged Libya had been striving to build a nuclear arsenal. He said his country would abandon its nuclear ambitions to improve its standing in the world community.FOJ Note: Israel has affirmed that Libya would be able to produce a nuclear weapon within two years, and the US has also confirmed that Libya has 7 more nuclear sites that the UN inspector admits. For prophecy students, there is one fact that must not be overlooked, and that is the fact that Libya is one of the nations mentioned as being aligned with Russia when it invades Israel during the Tribulation. (Ezekiel 38:5) America Has Not Experienced Revival Since 9-11 Dec. 30….(Barna Research) A Christian researcher says the Church in
America is no different from the days immediately before the terrorist attacks
of two years ago. George Barna says Christians in the U.S. missed a unique
opportunity to turn to God in repentance and humility after the attacks.
According to a recent survey by the Barna Research Group, although there was an
increase in church attendance in the weeks following the attacks, that surge has
disappeared and any revival that may have occurred immediately thereafter was
shallow. Barna says he believes many Christians in America, instead of turning
to God tried to deal with the attacks in their own strength. He says he cannot
help but think that God may have been using the attacks as a wake-up call to the
Church. "In many ways, the Church in America has become like the Church of
Laodicea that's described in Revelation 3," the researcher says. "We're a Church
that's very complacent, very satisfied with ourselves." He believes that, to a
large extent, the Church in America has lost its focus, apparently preferring to
be prideful in all the "stuff" surrounding it. "Even when we try to gauge how
successful we are, we don't look at personal transformation as much as we look
at numbers," Barna says. "We look at how many people show up, how much money we
raise, how much square footage do we have, how many cars are in the parking lot,
how many programs do we have, how many staff are on board. "Really, such
concerns are found nowhere in scripture, and that's not what Jesus died for," he
says. According to Barna, American Christians are simply too comfortable. "When
you look at our hearts, there are very few broken hearts and there are very few
surrendered Christians in America today." The Barna survey also found that since
the attacks, there has been no change in personal religious activity, such as
church attendance, Bible reading, prayer, and Sunday school involvement, and no
increase in the percentage of adults who say they are "born-again" Christians.
Mideast: A Christian-Free Zone? Dec. 30….(excerpt by Joseph Farah) The Christian population of the Palestinian Authority, once representing 20 percent of the region, is today down to 2.4 percent. There are fewer than 50,000 Christian Arabs living within the Palestinian Authority. In 1948, Bethlehem was 80 percent Christian. Today it is 80 percent Muslim. Where do they go? Are you ready for a shock? Many of them prefer life in Israel to life under the rule of Yasser Arafat and his friends in Hamas and Islamic Jihad. In fact, life would be better just about anywhere else, and those who have the ability to leave have left. This massive display of ethnic cleansing and population movement has been totally obscured by the Palestinian Authority and covered up by the international media. Worse yet, it has even been blamed on Israel. But Christians fleeing the Holy Land know why they are leaving. It began a long time ago. I know, because my grandparents fled for the safety, security and freedom of America. Christians in the Middle East know very well who their enemy is. They know why are they are oppressed. They know who is attacking them. They know who is occupying them. And it's not Israel. Here are the facts. Over 2 million Christians have fled the Middle East in the past 20 years. Since Arafat took over administration of the Palestinian territories from Israel, the Christian population has dropped from 15 percent to 2 percent. They are being driven out. They are being murdered. They are being raped. They are being systematically persecuted. They are being harassed. They are being intimidated. Such is life for Christians now in Bethlehem and other formerly Christian towns in the West Bank. Just imagine what it will be like when Palestine becomes a real state. When Israel administered these areas, Christian Arabs lived in safety and security. The truth is that the Christian population in Israel has more than quadrupled since 1948. Why? Israel guarantees religious freedom, whereas the Palestinian Authority offers an official religion of Islam. What has happened in the Palestinian Authority is that the protective hand of Israel has been lifted as it has been forced under international pressure, to give Arafat and the Palestinian Authority more and more autonomy to run its own territory. It's time for the whole world to recognize the mini-holocaust taking place against Christians in the Middle East. It's time to punish those guilty of these atrocities, specifically those in charge of the Palestinian Authority. And for God's sake, they must not be rewarded with a state of their own.
America’s New Cultural Christianity Dec. 30….(FOJ) The Bible and its fundamental doctrines are under a very
subtle Satanic attack today. The most damaging attacks today are not necessarily
the ones emanating from the atheist or secular world, but from the popular
Christian cultural community that dominates the modern church generation.
What makes today’s generation of cultural Christians unique and so dangerous is
that the principle attackers are purported believers. And what’s more, they
don’t even know that they are tools of the attack.
Baker Making Inroads on Iraqi Debt Dec. 30….(USA TODAY) The Bush Administration appears to be making surprising headway in its effort to reduce Iraq's huge international debt load. Japan, owed more than any other government outside the Arab world, said today that it is ready "to eliminate the vast majority of its Iraqi debt" if other creditors also do so, and China said it will consider "a relatively large cut" in its claim. The positive comments were the latest in a series from officials across Europe and Asia in response to requests from James Baker, the U.S. envoy seeking relief of Iraq's debt. Virtually all of Iraq's obligations, which are estimated at $120 billion to $400 billion, were incurred during the rule of Saddam Hussein. U.S. officials have warned that forcing Iraq to repay it all could cripple the country's return to economic viability. Japan is owed at least $4 billion in principal alone. Baker's successes so far are preliminary, are mostly rhetorical and represent only a dent in the total that Iraq owes Arab governments, other nations and companies around the world. Including war reparations and contracts signed while Saddam was in power, Iraq's obligations are estimated to be more than 10 times the nation's entire yearly economic output. The rhetorical shift among Iraq's creditors marks a dramatic reversal and a better start to Baker's mission than many analysts expected. Just two months ago, officials from Japan, Russia, France and Germany were insisting that Iraq was rich enough in oil reserves and human potential to eventually repay most of its debts. At the time, diplomats said Iraq should honor all of its obligations to win more aid, investment and credit. But particularly in light of the capture of Saddam earlier this month, many countries have come to see debt relief as a way of signaling support for the U.S.-led effort in Iraq without giving up much. (FOJ Note: Perhaps they are afraid of what Saddam could reveal) Many of the biggest pledges of debt relief came after the Bush administration said it wouldn't award Iraq reconstruction contracts to countries that had refused to support the U.S.-led war and rebuilding efforts. President Bush suggested contracts would be more accessible to nations that offered debt relief and other aid. Russia has made it clear it wants its interests in developing Iraqi oil fields taken more seriously in return for debt relief. Baker was secretary of State under the first President Bush and Treasury secretary under President Reagan. Some foreign leaders see Baker, a longtime friend of the Bush family, as a direct line into the Oval Office who can provide a high likelihood that their efforts to curry favor will succeed.
Iranian Earthquake Reflects Truth About the Middle East Dec. 30….(Dennis Prager) How deep is the hatred of Israel and Jews is in most of the Muslim world? If you want to understand the Middle East conflict, Iran has just provided all you need to know. A massive earthquake kills between 20,000 and 40,000 Iranians, and the government of Iran announces that help is welcome from every country in the world, except Israel. This little-reported news item is of great significance. It begs commentary. Israel not only has the world's most experienced crews in quickly finding survivors in bombed out buildings, it is also a mere two-hour flight from Iran. In other words, no country in the world would come close to Israel in its ability to save Iranian lives quickly. But none of this means anything to the rulers of Iran. The Islamic government of Iran has announced to the world that it is better for fellow countrymen and fellow Muslims, men, women and children to die buried under rubble than to be saved by a Jew from Israel. That is how deep the hatred of Israel and Jews is in much of the Muslim world. Hundreds of millions of Muslims, Arab and non-Arab, Sunni and Shia hate Israel more than they love life. Naive Westerners, which includes most academics, intellectuals, members of the international news media, and nearly all others on the left, refuse to acknowledge the uniqueness of the Arab-Muslim hatred of Israel and Jews. Yet, there is no hatred in the world analogous to it. Not since the Nazi hatred of Jews has humanity witnessed such hate. That is why Palestinian parents celebrate the suicide terror of their sons, the joy of killing Israeli families far outweighs the pain of the death of their child. Surely the Iranian refusal of rescuers from the Jewish state ought to help all these people acknowledge the unique hatred that is at the root of the Arab-Israeli dispute and recognize it is, therefore, a conflict unlike any other on earth. So, too, the immediate and sincere Israeli offer of rescuers to Iran should make the moral gulf between Israel and its enemies as clear as day. Despite the fact that Iran is the greatest backer of anti-Israel (and anti-American) terror and despite the fact that Iran repeatedly declares that Israel must be annihilated, Israel offered to send its people to save Iranian lives. The two reactions, Iran's preference for Iranian deaths to Israeli help and the Jewish state's instinctive offer to help save Iranian lives, ought to be enough anyone needs to understand the source of the Middle East conflict.
Satan is a Loser, Big Time! Dec. 30….(BP) Satan is a created being. He shares none of the attributes
of Almighty God, not omniscience, omnipresence, nor omnipotence, meaning that he
is limited in knowledge and space and power. When it comes to predicting what
God is going to do next, Satan has to rely on what he can figure out, what he
remembers from the timeless past when he resided in heaven as a favorite angel,
and what he reads in Holy Scripture. Since the Holy Spirit does not enlighten
his understanding, Satan sees as the world sees, not with the mind of Christ.
Once we understand this, a hundred puzzles fall into place. The Apostle Paul
pointed out that had Satan known what God was up to, he would never have
crucified Jesus. One might say that God pulled the wool over the devil's eyes
and fooled him. On that first Easter Sunday morning, an imp rushed into the
presence of his satanic majesty, interrupting the two-day celebration over the
death of Jesus. The demon breathlessly announced that the tomb was empty, the
body gone, and the soldiers looked like they had seen a ghost. Satan spewed out
his champagne and cursed. He had been had and he knew it. He had played right
into God's hands and was defeated. Sometimes in biblical history, we see that
the Lord manipulated Satan and at other times, the Lord used subterfuge to fool
His enemy. Christmas is one of those times. Satan can read. He knew from Micah
5:2 that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. What he did not know was the
timing of the Savior's birth. So, in another of his endless efforts to thwart
the purposes of God, Satan pulled in demons from around the world to concentrate
on the Holy Land, specifically the region around Bethlehem. They served as
Satan's spies and were charged with keeping an eye out for godly young couples
about to have babies. Satan was lying in wait for the Messiah. Gadhafi Armed al-Qaida With Bio-Chem Weapons Dec. 29….(World Net Daily) Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi provided al-Qaida
with chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction before changing heart
and agreeing to destroy his arms program, Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin has
learned. Libyan intelligence chief Musa Kussa told U.S. and UK spy agencies that
tens of thousands of weapons had been produced at 10 secret sites in the
country. Kussa has named hundreds of what he termed "sleeper" al-Qaida agents in
Britain and the U.S. Gadhafi's dramatic turnaround has earned him a future
meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bush. He was
welcomed back onto the world stage with the understanding that his help to Osama
bin Laden would never officially be mentioned. Kussa escorted British officials
to Libya's secret sites on what was described as "the best bus tour in
intelligence history." Not only has that new intelligence led to heightened
terror alerts in the U.S. and Britain, but the agreement has prompted new
threats on Gadhafi's life by al-Qaida terrorists.
Quake-Devastated Iran Refuses Aid From Israel Dec. 29….(World Net Daily) With the death toll from Iran's devastating
earthquake soaring toward 40,000, and the Islamic republic's leaders openly
acknowledging that as much outside help as possible is vital to limit the number
of dead and suffering, Iranian officials are refusing to accept aid from only
one nation, Israel. Tehran officials stressed the need for sniffer
dogs and aid equipment, medicines, blankets and tents, over volunteers. But in
the midst of the world's most serious earthquake since 25,000 were killed in the
western Indian state of Gujarat in 2001, Tehran continued its longstanding
hostility toward Israel, declaring it would not accept its assistance. "The
Islamic Republic of Iran accepts all kinds of humanitarian aid from all
countries and international organizations with the exception of the Zionist
regime," Jahanbakhsh Khanjani, a spokesman for Iran's Interior Ministry, said
following word that unofficial Israeli sources were considering sending aid to
Iran. Earlier, Israel's foreign minister Sylvan Shalom offered condolences and
suggested the Middle East foes should set aside their differences for the sake
of the victims. "The Government and people of Israel are moved by the human
tragedy experienced by the Iranian people and believe that despite all
differences a mobilization of the whole international community is needed to
come to the help of families of the victims and wounded," Shalom said in a
statement, according to Israel News Agency. Israel considers the Islamic regime
the world's "No. 1 terror nation" due to its support for terror groups like
Lebanese Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. WEEK OF DECEMBER 22 THROUGH DECEMBER 28
Israel Seeks to Avoid Middle East Disarmament Fest Dec. 26….(Ha Aretz) The American effort to neutralize security threats gradually in the Mideast has recently produced some marked improvements in Israel's strategic environment. Iraq has been conquered, Iran was forced to expand international supervision of its nuclear facilities, Libya promised to dismantle its nonconventional weapons, and Jerusalem believes that Syria will be next in line. The Arab world, led by Egypt, has responded with the expected demand that Israel also join the regional disarmament fest. The equally predictable response from Israel stressed its lack of faith in its enemies' promises, and insisted that the danger has not yet passed. But if the Iranians and Libyans keep their word, Israel is likely to encounter growing skepticism about its need for wide security margins, and be asked to do its bit toward changes in the region. The United States has made it clear that it does not intend to deal with Israel's nuclear capabilities now. "I don't think there will be a change in policy toward Israel in the nuclear field," a senior American official said this week. "The Arabs will raise the issue, and Israel will need to find a way to explain its policy. But we understand that as long as Israel is facing Arab rejectionism from so many directions, the way to deal with this is via quiet discussions."
Wars And Rumors of War From Iran Dec. 26….(World Net Daily) Iran's minister of defense yesterday threatened Israel with a long-range missile attack should the Jewish state hit any nuclear facilities in the country. "We will strike Israel with all weapons at our disposal, if the Zionist regime ventures to do so," Ali Shamkhani told the Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran's government-controlled news outlet. Iran possesses Shahab-3 missiles with a range of 800 miles. Israel is about 600 miles west of Iran. Shamkhani was responding to a statement by Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz on Israel Radio's Persian-language broadcast last week, Haaretz reports, in which he implied that Israel would destroy Iran's nuclear reactors if it was thought necessary for Israel's safety. "The Islamic Republic of Iran will strongly deal with the action against its national territory. The Israeli threat emanates from its evil literature. It is too cowardly to threaten Iran," Shamkhani is quoted as saying. "The Zionist regime knows that the armed forces of the Islamic republic, and especially its air force, have such high capabilities that if Israel carries out a military attack against Iran, it will be digging its own grave," the commander of the Iranian air force, Gen. Seyed Reza Pardis told the Iranian news agency Mehr. Iranian President Mohammed Khatami said Israel would be "swept away" if it dared to attack Iran.
Syria, Egypt: Israel Must Give Up Nukes Dec. 26….(AP) Syria and Egypt dismissed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's call for Arab nations to follow his lead and get rid of weapons of mass destruction, insisting Wednesday that Israel must first eliminate its suspected nuclear arsenal. Gadhafi's remark was seen as being aimed at Syria. U.S. officials have repeatedly said that Syria has chemical weapons and is sponsoring terrorism. Syria denies the charge. Egypt has failed to ratify the chemical weapons convention and reportedly used such weapons when it intervened in Yemen's civil war in the 1960s. It is unclear whether Egypt has still has chemical weapons. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell ( ratcheted up the pressure Wednesday, urging Syria to "get out of the hole" of being an international pariah. "You need to start getting rid of weapons of mass destruction programs, stop supporting terrorist activities which destabilize the region and come out and start participating in the 21st century world that has benefits for you. Gadhafi also said that if other nations abandon weapons of mass destruction, it would increase pressure on Israel to do likewise. "Israel should not expect to be the last country in the Middle East to be free of weapons of mass destruction," Egyptian spokesman el-Baz told reporters. Israel has never denied nor confirmed having nuclear bombs, but it is widely believed to have them. Those suspicions were echoed again this month by the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Assad and Mubarak stressed "current developments in the Middle East demonstrate the need to declare the Middle East a zone free of all weapons of mass destruction, starting with Israel." Merry Christmas 2003
Dec. 24…..Focus
on Jerusalem Prophecy Ministry would like to take this opportunity to wish all
of its readers a Merry Christmas. This prophecy ministry is a labor of love for
me, a love for my personal Savior whose birthday we celebrate at this time.
Although December 25 is not his actual birthday, it is very important that we
celebrate his birth. For if God had never sent his son into the world, born of a
virgin, we would all be without hope for all eternity! I have noticed how the
very name of “Jesus” has become such an offensive and politically incorrect name
to use in public anymore. Many places are simply referring to this time of year
as the “holiday season”, choosing to eliminate the word “Christmas” from this
blessed occasion. But God foreordained (I Peter 1:20) before the creation of the
world that he would send his own son (God in the flesh) (John
1:14) to become the propitiation
for the sins of mankind. The wonderful and miraculous birth of Jesus Christ is
the event that stands as the Light to this world. He was born in the little town
of Bethlehem about 2005 years ago. He was rejected of his own nation, and was
“cut off” (crucified-caught up) for a time. (Isaiah 53 and Daniel 9:26,
Revelation 12:5) But this very same Jesus is coming back to this world again!
The countdown signal for his second coming is the gathered remnant of the seed
of Israel, and the burdensome problems that their mere existence in the Promised
Land is causing this wicked old world. That day is near. And so, as I say Merry
Christmas to all, I would reiterate to you now the last lines of majestic book
of The Revelation; He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come
quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Russia May Waive Iraqi Oil Debt Dec. 24….(New York Times)
Russia has offered to forgive more than half of Iraq's $8 billion debt to
Russia, officials of Iraq's interim government said here on Monday, after the
Iraqis signaled that Russia would have the chance to revive oil contracts signed
during the Saddam Hussein era. Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the current president of the
American-backed Iraqi Governing Council, said President Vladimir V. Putin
proposed in talks with the Iraqis to wipe out 65 percent of Iraq's Soviet-era
debts to Russia in return for favorable treatment of Russian oil and other
companies. "We received a generous promise to write off the debt, or at least a
part of it," Mr. Hakim said after meeting with Mr. Putin in the Kremlin. In
return, "we will be open to all Russian companies," he added. "Russia said it
is willing to consider the write-off of the rest of the debt if it received
beneficial treatment in terms of oil contracts," added Jalal Talabani, a
member of the Iraqi delegation. Russia, one of Iraq's biggest creditors, wants
the write-off negotiated through the Paris Club, a group of 19 creditor nations
that negotiates debt. "Iraq is a free market," said Mr. Talabani. "All companies
and countries will be considered." However, the Iraqis singled out the oil
giant Lukoil, Russia's No. 2 oil
producer, for a meeting on Monday, as it tries to win back rights to the rich
West Qurna oil field in Iraq. Lukoil's
chairman, Vagit Alekperov, said that the high-profile Iraq visit "makes us
certain that talks will begin soon with the Iraqi oil minister and will be
successful." The original agreement on exploring the field, ended by Saddam
Hussein just prior to the invasion of Iraq in March, was signed in March 1997.
The United States has been seeking international support to reduce Iraq's
roughly $125 billion in debt, despite the Defense Department's recent exclusion
of countries like France, Germany and Russia, which opposed the war in Iraq, as
prime bidders on reconstruction contracts. President Bush has said he is open to
discussing access to other contracts.
Iraq has the world's second-largest oil reserves, after Saudi Arabia.
The country currently produces about 2.5 million barrels of crude a day, said
Mr. Talabani, and he estimated that Iraq could return to 4 million by the
beginning of 2005.
Palestinian Statehood is Coming in 2004 Dec. 24….(JNEWSIRE) The Middle East News Line reports that Israeli Prime Minister Saron has acceded to a Bush administration demand that an interim Palestinian state be established in the entire Gaza Strip and most of Judea and Samaria during 2004. This state will come into being whether or not Palestinian terrorism continues and whether or not the Palestinian Authority cracks down on the terror groups, according to the MENL. It is believed that the establishment of Palestine will have a powerfully positive effect on President George W. Bush's aspirations for re-election later in the year. The US proposal for Israel to recognize an interim Palestinian state in the coming year was reportedly predicated on the Washington-sponsored Road Map plan, which calls for a de facto Palestinian state to be established in 2003, and its final borders to be determined by 2005. But whereas the Road Map stipulated that there first be an end to terrorism and the disarming and dismantling of the terrorist infrastructure in the PA areas, something the PA simply refused to do, this new proposal apparently will award the Palestinians a state without demanding any Palestinian action. The MENL report states that, Sharon has accepted a US proposal for an interim Palestinian state in 2004 regardless of Palestinian Authority agreement to end the more than three-year-old war and dismantle Palestinian insurgency groups. Sharon no longer believes that any chance exists for negotiating a meaningful peace treaty with any Palestinian Arab leaders, yet he is set to begin his "disengagement plan" during April 2004. In his globally publicized speech announcing this plan last week, Sharon said he would give the Palestinians a little more time to carry out their Road Map obligation to fight terrorism. If the PA remained adamant in its refusal to do so, the Sharon government would then move unilaterally to separate Israel from the Palestinians. The security fence Israel is currently constructing could serve as a dividing wall between the two peoples. The reports, if true, indicate that Israel, long the world's chief champion of the terror-combating maxim never to negotiate with terrorists, will be rewarding the Palestinian Arabs' years of Jew-massacring with the state they committed innumerable murders to obtain. Sharon has bowed to US demands for this state, it will also mean Israel will be permanently relinquishing great chunks of its ancient homeland in order to boost President George W. Bush's re-election chances in November. In other words, the American leader will have asked Israel to risk self-destruction in order to ensure his victory at the polls, and to further the overall Bush Middle East Doctrine. Many Bible believers, persuaded by Scripture that the Lord God of Israel will not sit idly by while His land is so divided, are bracing for a divine response.
Arab Muslims Painting Christians as Warmongers Dec. 24….(FOJ)
CBN recently aired a story about rumors and conspiracy theories that seem to run
rampant through the Arab world. The Arab news stories that generate the most
interest these days is that the U.S. has launched a Christian holy war against
Islam. And the latest theory being pushed by Arab State owned media in nations
that receive billions of dollars in US foreign aid is that American Christian
fundamentalism is behind an American war on Islam. Residents living under Arab
regimes have almost no experience with a free press, and in the wake of the U.S.
military campaign in Iraq, there is widespread freedom to vent hatred of the
United States and Israel. Some of the most violent talk is coming from nations
the U.S. would like to call its friends such as Egypt. On a recent political
talk show via the al Jezeera network a poll question asked: "Are the Muslims
facing a new crusade?" Out of 677 people responding 645 voted "yes," and only 32
voted "no." Bible teaching is a death sentence in most Muslim countries, and
government-approved broadcasters paint a sinister picture of the Christian faith
practiced by President Bush and American evangelical Christians. One Muslim
broadcaster said, "Bush declared that he was launching a war in the name of
heaven, and that God has chosen the American people to wage this war. We Arabs
are facing an extremist organization t(Christianity) that has ruled the U.S. for
many years. They have are 80 million followers. The American Church believes
that occupying Iraq is a part of the battle of Armageddon before the return of
Jesus, and that the destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque (in Jerusalem) is
necessary before the return of Jesus. It's a Christian and Jewish alliance to
fulfill their Messianic prophecy between the Nile and the Euphrates."
Bush Declares: "We Must Get Rid of Arafat" Dec. 23….(Arab Press) US President George W. Bush told an Israeli journalist that "we must get rid of" Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, the mass-circulation Yediot Aharonot daily has reported. Bush's comments came in a brief exchange with the paper's correspondent during a Christmas party in Washington, several hours after a keynote speech by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon Thursday in which he outlined plans for unilateral disengagement from peace negotiations with the Palestinians. The US government has boycotted Arafat with Bush accusing the veteran leader of failing the Palestinian people. Israel has also shunned the 74-year-old, branding him an absolute obstacle to peace and confining him to his West Bank headquarters for more than two years. Israel's security cabinet approved Arafat's "removal" in September, with one minister even suggesting that he could be assassinated, but Washington warned Israel not to even make an attempt to expel him, let alone assassinate him.
The Libyan-Israel Nuke Shell Game Dec. 23….(FOJ) It has been a week of
sweet vindication for those who promoted what has become known as the Bush
Middle East Doctrine. Beginning with the capture of Saddam Hussein a week ago
and ending last riday with an agreement by Libya's Moammar Gaddafi to surrender
his unconventional weapons, one after another international problem seems to
have eased. The Bush Doctrine, a policy of taking preemptive, unprovoked action
against emerging threats predicted that an impressive U.S. victory in Iraq would
intimidate allies and foes alike, making them yield to U.S. interests in other
areas. The capture of Saddam Hussein may have served as a domino catalyst on
other rogue states and dictators. Since then, Libya has agreed to end its
pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and allow international inspectors to
enter the country and search for such weapons. President Bush said
Libya's decision would be "of great importance" in stopping weapons of mass
destruction in the global fight against terrorism. Libya has long been on the US
sponsors of terrorism list and played a role as a haven for terrorists. Libyan
leader Muammar al-Qaddafi has also admitted trying to develop weapons of
mass destruction and now plans to halt all such programs, Bush said. Libya also
admitted to cooperating with North Korea to develop scud missiles. Muammer
Qaddafi took less than a week to assimilate the ignominy of fellow dictator
Saddam Hussein’s surrender, and decided to follow a new game plan.
Russia Deploys Strategic Nuclear Missiles
Dec. 23….(Washington Times) Russia
has deployed another batch of state-of-the-art intercontinental nuclear missiles
after a two-year break in the program caused by a funding shortage. Russian
Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov inaugurated the new set of Topol-M missiles at
the Tatishchevo missile base in the central Saratov region Sunday, describing
them as a "21st-Century weapon" unrivaled in the world. "This is the most
advanced state-of-the-art missile in the world," Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov
said in remarks broadcast by Russian television stations Monday. "Only such
weapons can ensure and guarantee our sovereignty and security and make any
attempts to put military pressure on Russia absolutely pointless." The Topol-M
missiles, capable of hitting targets more than more than 6,000 miles away, so
far have been deployed in silos. Its mobile version, mounted on a heavy off-road
vehicle, is set to become operational next year. The Libyian
Dec. 23….(Joseph Farah) Libya and its allies in the Middle East would like you
to believe Muammar Ghadafy has had a change of heart and has simply decided
unilaterally to abandon the development of nuclear warheads and other weapons of
mass destruction. Whatever the motivations for the
announcement, and no matter how much validity there is to what Ghadafy says, one
thing is certain: The move will be used as leverage to launch a new propaganda
assault against Israel's nuclear arsenal. What do I mean? How will this work?
There is little doubt in anyone's mind that Israel possesses sufficient nuclear
warheads and delivery systems to destroy every capital in the Arab world. Of
course, Israel has never been considered a threat by anyone to launch a nuclear
attack against any of its neighbors unless its very existence was threatened.
Israel has an excellent track record in this respect. It has fought several
major conventional wars where it was outnumbered and outgunned by its enemies,
but it never resorted to using non-conventional weapons. But mark my words. You
are about to see the international pressure raised on Israel to abandon nuclear
weapons. You are about to see the Arab powers try to shift focus from their
weapons programs to Israel's existing nuclear arsenal. You are about to see this
become another issue used by the "international community" to batter the
beleaguered Jewish state. There is a difference, of course, between a nuclear
weapons program by Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia or Syria and one by Israel. No one
in his right mind would trust Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia or Syria with nuclear
arms or other weapons of mass destruction. And Israel has proven it can be
trusted. There's also a good reason for wanting Israel to remain armed with
nuclear weapons. They ensure that no foreign enemy will ever be able to destroy
Israel in war, and that is a good thing. It is one of the reasons we have seen
no major Arab-Israeli war in 30 years. We need to be able to make moral
distinctions between Israel and its Arab neighbors. We cannot begin to treat
them as if they are moral equivalents. They are not. Israel is a pro-Western,
self-governing, free nation, the only one in the region. Israel's Arab neighbors
are largely anti-American, anti-Jewish, anti-Christian dictatorships. To make it
even simpler, one side in this conflict is basically good and the other is
basically evil. I say this with no racial or ethnic animosity whatsoever, but as
an Arab-American. Israel's enemies, and they include many other nations
throughout the world besides the Arabs, will do anything, say anything, try
anything to defeat the Jewish state. They tried conventional arms in four major
wars. They tried to build non-conventional weapons. They tried propaganda. They
tried the unconventional approach of guerrilla war and terrorism. Campaigning
like a group of Greenpeace activists will almost certainly be the next ploy.
WEEK OF DECEMBER 15 THROUGH DECEMBER 20 Syria and Iran Next in War on
Terror? Dec. 18….(World Tribune) The
United States is expected to target the regimes in Iran and Syria in the next
stage of the war against Islamic insurgents. A report by the U.S. Institute
for Peace has warned that the war that began with Afghanistan and then Iraq
could include multiple targets. The most likely targets are Iran and Syria. The
institute, which is under the auspices of Congress and contains leading U.S.
analysts, said in the report that Stage 3 of the U.S. war against terrorism
would be significantly different from previous phases. The next stage of the war
could be very explosive. The report, entitled "Phase three in the War on
Terror," said the United States would not find many terrorist targets for an air
or missile attack in either Iran or Syria. Both countries are on the State
Department list of terrorist sponsors. Taking the war on terrorism into Iran or
Syria would not be a bombing campaign, but a protracted ground war. As a result,
the United States would require a much larger military force than that used in
Iraq. Damascus would be certain to resist and any U.S. invasion of Syria and
such a war could damage Washington's interests in the Arab world. Although the
clerical regime in Teheran is unpopular, and the Baath regime in Damascus is
widely scorned, they are not universally loathed as was Hussein's regime. The
report raised the prospect that Iran and Syria would use Hizbullah to strike
U.S. interests in the Middle East and other regions. Hizbullah is probably more
lethal than Al Qaida, the report said, with a presence in Asia, Europe and South
America. The report did not rule out a Hizbullah attack on the continental
United States. As a result, the United States would be forced to invade Lebanon
as well as Syria, the report said. Israel has tried a military solution to
the Hizbullah problem for 20 years, but its efforts have been futile thus far.
Hizbullah could activate its cells in America. The Peace Institute recommended
heavy U.S. pressure on Syria to halt Hizbullah actions. Hizbullah is a tactical
tool for Damascus. Pressure on Iran could also help cut Hizbullah's global
network. Israel’s Security Fence is Not A
Problem Dec. 18….(FOJ) While the
Palestinian Authority presents its case before the UN and before the Hague
demanding that the security fence that Israel is building along the old green
line in Israel represents a land annexation program, the truth is that the fence
is merely a symbol of Arafat’s dishonesty, and failure to erect a security force
in the areas that Israel tried to relinquish into his control. The security
fence is not a problem. Even after its completion, “the fence can be removed”
after somebody on the Arafat-PLO side demonstrates a willingness and power to
enforce some kind of security guarantees! The Berlin Wall came down, didn’t it?
But of course, this is an item that will someday be falsely accomplished by the
Antichrist! ADL Poll: Americans
Strongly Support Israel Dec. 17….(ADL) A recent survey of American attitudes toward the Middle
East performed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) revealed that Americans
continue to stand behind Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and are
positive about the US-Israel relationship. A nationwide poll conducted by the
Marttila Communications Group found encouraging supportive attitudes by
Americans toward Israel. Forty percent of Americans sympathize with Israel in
the dispute between Israeli and the Palestinians whereas only 15% sympathize
with the Palestinians. About 39% of Americans surveyed consider the Palestinians
to be responsible for the current violence in the Middle East while only 16%
blame the Israelis. The poll showed that 42% of Americans think that the
Israelis and their leader Ariel Sharon are genuinely interested in reaching a
long term peace agreement and only 36% thought the real goal of
Sharon and Israel is to squeeze
the Palestinians into the smallest territory possible. When similar questions
were asked about the Palestinians and Yasir Arafat, the poll showed that 57%
believe the real goal of Arafat and the Palestinians is to destroy
The survey also showed that an overwhelming 75% majority of Americans believe
that the US has a special relationship with Israel because of the shared values,
including commitment to freedom and democracy. The most significant finding
shows that 73% of Americans agree that the
US is more likely to be targeted for terrorist
attack because of support for Israel. Interestingly, 62% believe that the US
should still continue supporting Israel, even if it means a greater risk of
terrorist attacks against America in the future.
On the contrary, the Euro-barometer, a survey conducted for the European Union,
showed that 59% of Europeans rated
Israel as the greatest threat to world peace and
53% named the US as the second greatest threat.
These results confirm a dynamic that has been underway in Europe for some time,
helping to create a climate in which anti-Semitism flourishes. North Korea
Increasing Missiles to Mid-east Dec. 17….(Middle East
News Line) North Korea has reportedly delivered over 400 ballistic missiles
to clients in the Middle East and sharply increased sales over the last year. A
South Korean watchdog agency reports that the best clients of North Korea are
Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Zionists Plan Emergency Congress in Jerusalem Dec. 17….(JNewswire)
Zionists are working to convene an emergency congress in Jerusalem in the face
of increasingly determined local and international efforts to push through the
creation of a Palestinian state in the biblical heartland of the Jewish people.
Zionist leaders from both the Jewish and Evangelical Christian communities are
being invited to the capital in February, amid reports that an increasing number
of key right-wing Israeli government officials are surrendering to the
"inevitability" of Palestine. It is expected that in his re-election bid for the
presidency in the coming months, US President George W. Bush will give added
emphasis to his vision for a two-state solution, "Israel and Palestine living
side by side." New Iraqi Foreign Minister Slams U.N. Dec. 17….(Washington
Times) Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari yesterday chastised war
opponents at the U.N. Security Council, and the United Nations itself, for
failing to help the Iraqi people during three decades of Saddam Hussein's brutal
reign. Although he did not list names, France, Russia and Germany were prominent
among the countries that resisted a Security Council resolution authorizing the
war in Iraq. "One year ago, this Security Council was divided between those who
wanted to appease Saddam Hussein and those who wanted to hold him accountable,"
Mr. Zebari said dispassionately in an address to the 15-member council. "The
U.N. as an organization failed to help rescue the Iraqi people from a murderous
tyranny that lasted over 35 years, and today we are unearthing thousands of
victims in horrifying testament to that failure. "The U.N. must not fail the
Iraqi people again," Mr. Zebari asked in a plea that Secretary-General Kofi
Annan return international staffers to Baghdad for relief work and
nation-building assistance. "We call upon the members of the United Nations to
look beyond their differences over the decision to go to war on Iraq and come
together to forge an international consensus," the foreign minister said.
Settling scores with the United States should not be at the cost of helping to
bring stability to the Iraqi people. The Unspeakable Price of a Palestinian State
Dec. 17….(FOJ) As President Bush pushes forward with his Middle East
Doctrine, and the world pushes forth its Roadmap, (and other false peace
processes) it seems to be lost on the Christian mindset what the price would
ultimately be as we sit by and watch the creation of a Palestinian state in the
biblical heartland of Israel. It would not only be a reward to terrorism, but it
would also result in the following eventualities:
It would lend empowerment to the
strategy of the Great Red Dragon to compel the world to plot the end of the
Jewish people as a race and the end of Israel as a nation.
It would also lend support to the
evolution of the religion of the False Prophet and the eventual extinction of
true Bible-believing Christianity in the world, giving case to the rise of the
Creating Palestine in the biblical heartland of Israel, and dissecting the
city of Jerusalem and its Temple Mount from Israel would render
the Jews as an impotent nation, surrounded by a host of enemies sworn to their
destruction. It would also sever the traditional Judeo-Christian lifeline that
has nourished and helped to keep the State of Israel alive since 1948. It would
also shatter the biblical foundations on which much of true Christianity truly
stands. The Bible reveals that Jehovah was the one who designated the slither of
land we today know as Israel and Palestine as the national home of the
descendants Jacob, or the man He renamed
Israel. In the pages of the Bible, Throw away the Bible, and
Israel loses that birth-right. The
Bible then becomes irrelevant in more than just a land controversy! Questions About Saddam’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Dec. 16….(FOJ) The capture of Saddam Hussein will immediately bring the international intell-debate over the whereabouts of his former weapons of mass destruction to the forefront. With Saddam now in captivity and undergoing US intelligence interrogations, it will be interesting to see what develops on this front. Some US and Israeli Intelligence officials think that the Iraqi WMD have been relocated either to a section of the Syrian Desert known as Dayr Az-Zawr in Syria’s 600 sq. mile Al Jazirah province, which is wedged between the Turkish and Iraqi borders, or into the Bekaa Valley region of Lebanon-Syria. The missing weapons systems are thought to be buried somewhere in one of these two locations. These areas are now probably the most keenly watched areas on earth. FOJ has consistently reported that Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction were removed from Iraq and secretly buried in Lebanon and northern Syria with the connivance of Syrian president Bashar Assad. The Big question, now that Saddam has been captured, is, what can and will Hussein contribute to the finding of the WMD’s, and exactly who helped him acquire them in the first place? The US needs to make Saddam spill his guts to his American interrogators all the details of the arrangements he worked out with the Syrian president for the transfer of the weapons of mass destruction to their present hiding places. The US needs to find out exactly how Russia, Germany and France figure into the mass destruction weapons puzzle! Afterall, these three countries vehemently opposed the demise of Saddam and also refuse to waive the Iraqi debt burden. The Iraq debts to these countries consist of weapons procurements! It must be remembered that Saddam was once a weapons and strategic client of the Soviet Union. President Bush could turn the heat on Assad with info from Saddam and demand his cooperation in locating the buried items. If Assad continues to support terrorists and to shrug aside evidence that he has Saddam’s WMD, then the US may be forced to require UN Security Council to revisit the same scenario that was played out in Iraq. And that could lead to yet another war, a war that would have far more dangerous implications than Iraq! From a prophetic standpoint, it would appear that the scenario regarding the Burden of Damascus is building toward an impending climax!
Arab League Condemns US Dec. 16….(AFP) The Arab League expressed its "extreme concern" over impending US sanctions on Syria and urged Washington to abandon its alignment with Israel. The bill demands that Syria end its alleged support for terrorism, halt development of chemical and biological arms as well as medium- and long-range missiles, and withdraw the roughly 20,000 troops it has deployed in Lebanon. "It is regrettable that the US has taken such as action, said Arab League spokesman Hossam Zaki. The ratification of this law "raises major question marks among Arab public opinion about the intentions and aims of this law," he added. "It is necessary for the United States to return to the role of honest broker in the affairs of the Middle East, and to move away from its alignment with the Israeli side and serving its interests," he said. US policy is biased toward Israel and "provokes the Arab and Muslim peoples and creates a climate of tension, rage and frustration among these people," he said. Zaki questioned the policy of the United States for failing to act against Israel whose current government violates international law daily. Israel: PA and Syria Should Heed Lesson of Saddam
Dec. 15….(Arab Press)
Israel says that Saddam Hussein's capture should be a lesson to Palestinians and
to Syria to abandon "terrorism." The fall of Saddam Hussein should serve as a
lesson to the Palestinians as well as to Syria," senior government spokesman Avi
Pazner told AFP. "The Palestinians must proceed to examine their conscience and
give up their support for Saddam by recognizing that resorting to violence and
terrorism will not bring them anything," said Pazner. "The Syrian president,
Bashar al-Assad, who forged a close alliance with Saddam Hussein, must also
learn the lessons" of falling foul of Washington, said Pazner. Meanwhile, US
President George W. Bush signed into law Friday a bill providing for economic
and diplomatic sanctions against the regime in Damascus. The bill demands Syria
end its alleged support for terrorism and halt development of chemical and
biological arms. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon also stated, "We believe that the
entire non-democratic world, especially those who engage terror, will learn from
this lesson. "The civilized nations of the world are able to take action to
protect freedom and defeat terrorism." Democrat Candidates
Are a Joke! Dec. 15….(FOJ) Last
month I watched the nine Democratic candidates for US President debate in a
televised showcase for their candidacies. One of the questions posed to all nine
candidates was the following: Have you ever smoked pot? John Edwards, Howard
Dean and John Kerry proudly proclaimed that they had. Carol Braun declined to
answer. Dean and Kerry were especially proud and boastful that they had smoked
pot, and played up to the young-crowd about their pot experiences. Clark,
Sharpton, (Sharpton joked about sleeping with Kerry’s wife) Kucinich, and Joe
Lieberman all had to answer no, and their “no” answer seemed to sum up the
evening. They were highly reluctant (and seemed ashamed) to reveal that they had
not smoked pot, as the MTV and pro-liberal crowd reveled in favoritism for Dean,
Kerry, and Edwards as they gleefully admitted that they had smoked pot. I was
struck at how eight of the nine candidates seemed to think that pot smoking was
a cool and popular thing to do. They all laughed and joked about pot-smoking!
Only Senator Lieberman seemed to have any respect for the law, and his negative
answer about pot made him the unpopular outcast for the evening. Then, last
week, Senator Lieberman suffered the indignity of having his 2000 Presidential
running mate (Al Gore) come out in support of Mr. Dean. The entire Democratic
Party joke-list of candidates seems to suggest that Al Gore and Hillary Clinton
will wage war for the presidency in 2008. And they are each precisely what
America will not need in 2008.
Palestinians Saddened
With Saddam’s Capture Dec. 15….(Arutz) Palestinians in the West Bank
reacted with shock and disbelief to the capture of ousted Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein, with many expressing deep disappointment that the man who symbolized
defiance against the US and Israel surrendered without resistance. For many
ordinary Palestinians, the TV footage of a disheveled Saddam obediently
submitting to a medical exam by his U.S. captors was painful to watch: it sealed
the defeat of the one Arab leader they felt always stood by them. A senior PA
official in Ramallah said Yasser Arafat was "saddened" by the news from
Baghdad. "President Arafat was sad to see an Arab leader in an humiliating
position," said the official. For nearly two decades, Saddam was hailed by many
Palestinians as the hero of the Arab masses and the only Arab leader to stand up
to the US and Israel. During the first Gulf War, Palestinians danced on the
rooftops as Saddam's army fired Scud missiles at Israel. Arafat was one of the
few Arab leaders to visit Baghdad to express support for the invasion of Kuwait.
This is a big victory for Bush and Sharon and all of the enemies of the
Palestinian people. We hope the Iraqi resistance will now teach the American
dogs a good lesson." The Palestinians disbelief and gloom stands in stark
contrast to Israel, which came under Iraqi Scud missile attacks in the 1991 Gulf
War. Israel hailed the United States for capturing Saddam. Saddam paid over $35
million to the kin of Palestinian suicide bombers, militants and bystanders who
died in an uprising that began in 2000. Although far from all Palestinians
supported him, PLO militants marched to back Saddam ahead of the U.S.-led
invasion in March and Palestinian protesters were often heard chanting: "Oh,
Saddam. Oh, Saddam. Bomb, bomb Tel Aviv". During the 1991 Gulf War, Palestinians
cheered as Iraqi Scud missiles crashed into Israeli cities. Arabs within the
Palestinian Authority reacted to the capture of Saddam with "gloom, disbelief,
and shock," according to local reports. The Jerusalem Post quoted one PA
resident as saying, "I love him so much, I can't stand watching it while he's in
custody," and yet another as lamenting, "We are so sad." One taxi driver in
Ramallah said, "It's a black day in history, not because Saddam is an Arab, but
because he is the only man who said 'no' to the American injustice in the Middle
East." Haifa University Prof. Steven Plaut noted that the "Arab students in the
cafeteria were thrown into deep remorse and anger and shock. Their faces showed
their sorrow." That feeling goes all the way up to the top, it appears. An
official statement released by Yasser Arafat's Mukata headquarters stated that
Arafat was "saddened" to hear of the capture of the former Iraqi dictator.
Hamas spokesman Abdel Aziz Rantisi told Reuters the United States would pay a
very high price for capturing Saddam Hussein. "What the United States did is
ugly and despicable. It is an insult to all Arabs and an insult to Muslims," he
said. Prime Minister Sharon, on the other hand, who was informed about the
capture several hours before the rest of the world, said yesterday that he had
spoken with U.S. President Bush and "congratulated him on the successful
operation that led to the capture of Saddam Hussein. Today is a great day for
the democratic world. Israel Has Claims
Against Saddam Too Dec. 15….(Arutz) Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee today that
Israel should join the prosecution against Saddam Hussein. He mentioned in this
connection Iraq's Scud missile attacks on Israel in 1991, as well as the Saddam
regime's support for Palestinian suicide bombings. During the three years of the
PA-initiated Oslo War, Hussein sent millions of dollars to the PA-controlled
territories, including $25,000 to the family of each suicide bomber and a more
modest $10,000 for each Arab killed otherwise in fighting with Israelis. Justice
Minister Yosef Lapid also said that Israel must participate in the preparations
for the prosecution of Saddam Hussein. "Next to his invasion of Kuwait," Lapid
said today, "the 39 Scud missiles that he launched against Israel in 1991 are
the worst thing that he did." Lapid said that it doesn't matter where the trial
is held: "Even if it's in Baghdad, we must send our witnesses." "Firing missiles
without provocation at a country that was not involved in the war," the Justice
Minister said, "is a war crime according to any definition of international law.
Saddam must not be vindicated from this crime." It has been reported in the past
that Israel sought over $1 billion from Iraq in compensation for damages caused
by the Gulf War Scud missiles. This sum would include $103 million for material
damages, and $903 million for increased defense costs. Iran Has Case Against Saddam Too
Dec. 15….(FOJ) Iran said
Monday it was preparing a criminal complaint to present at any international
court that may try Saddam Hussein over the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war. "The Foreign
Ministry has taken some measures on this issue and has collected the necessary
documents. I hope we can defend Iranians' rightful demands at a proper place,"
Iran government spokesman Abdollah Ramazanzadeh told a news conference. Around
300,000 Iranians were killed in the eight-year war, including thousands in
chemical weapons attacks by the Iraqi army. Iran has longstanding war
reparations claims of tens of billions of dollars against Iraq for the bloody
war which Saddam launched in 1980 with an invasion of his eastern neighbor.
Tehran has long held that the United States and western European countries armed
Saddam against Iran which, following the 1979 Islamic revolution, was perceived
as a bigger regional threat by the West. (FOJ/a claim which is true) Iran
eventually repelled the Iraqi forces in the eight-year war and pressed into
Iraqi territory, but with its economy in tatters and concerns growing of
possible U.S. involvement in the conflict Tehran accepted a cease-fire in 1988
with neither side any better off territorially. More on the Building US-Russian Storm Dec. 15….(FOJ) President
Bush, who just 3 years ago declared that he had looked into Putin’s soul and
found a good man, is beginning to have a change of heart. President Bush
protested to the Russian leader recently for moving Russia away from its push
towards democracy. The Bush foreign policy team has begun to question Putin's
intentions, and their own approach to Russia, after the abrupt imprisonment of
Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky and parliamentary elections derided by
European monitors as an unfair government-orchestrated triumph. Earlier
assumptions about Putin are now being reassessed." At this point the shift on
Putin carries minimal practical weight. Confronted with Putin's campaign against
the independent news media, his targeting of influential businessmen and his
brutal war for control of Chechnya, Bush has confined his response to
expressions of displeasure, officials said. Bush's caution combines uncertainty
about Putin's ultimate direction with a lingering hope that his rhetoric about
democracy and the rule of law may still prove true, officials and analysts say.
With Putin at his side at his Camp David retreat in September, President Bush
said, "I respect President Putin's vision for Russia." It also signals a desire
to avoid alienating Russia when the United States wants help on such matters as
counter-terrorism, Iraqi debt and worrisome nuclear programs in Iran and North
Korea. Administration officials say Bush, in recent telephone conversations with
Putin, has raised complaints about evidence that Putin has fallen far short of
his promises to deliver pluralism and a fair legal system. The debate over the
United States' relationship with Russia had been largely dormant in
administration circles since Bush’s famous meeting with Putin in June 2001 when
he believed had gotten "a sense of his soul." When Russia unreservedly joined
the U.S.-led war against terrorism a few months later, the relationship seemed
sealed. But a series of strong moves by Putin this year raised fresh doubts.
The Bush administration was startled when Putin sided with France and Germany in
actively opposing the invasion of Iraq. The new authoritarianism Putin is
demonstrating in Russia is more than a test of America's ability to defend
universal values that have taken shallow root since the Soviet Empire collapsed.
It presents a fundamental challenge to American interests across Eurasia. (OIL?)
The Bush decision to ban Russia from Iraq reconstruction contracts highlights
the US-Russia problem. Russia wants compensation on Iraq's $120 billion debt,
and fears that the US is positioning itself as the benefactor in the Iraqi Oil
sector. Therefore, Russia has sold
Iran advanced 300-A air defense missile system, against Washington’s objections,
to help defend Iran’s controversial Bushehr nuclear reactor. Iran and Russia are
each concerned about the prospect of an Israeli preemptive action on the site.
Russia views Israel as an American client state, and as a strategic toehold for
American interests in the Middle East. Hamas:
U.S. Will Pay for Capturing Saddam
Dec. 15….(Ha
Aretz) Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat and his government made no
official comment about the capture of Saddam Hussein. However, Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi,
a senior leader of the militant Hamas group, said the United States would "pay a
very high price for the mistake" of capturing Saddam. "What the United States
did is ugly and despicable. It is an insult to all Arabs and an insult to
Muslims," he told Reuters. Islamic factions sworn to Israel's destruction have
taken strength from Iraqi resistance and cautioned on Sunday that Saddam's
capture would not end attacks on U.S. forces. Special Bulletin: 12-14-2003
Saddam Hussein is Captured Dec. 14….(FOJ) Saddam Hussuein was captured today in Adwar, about ten
miles southeast of Tikrit, Iraq. Saddam was captured while he was hiding in a 6’
x 8’ hole in the ground that was infested with rats. Photos of a disheveled
Saddam have been shown around the world today. The man that once stirred terror
in the hearts of millions looked like a homeless vagabond that couldn’t even
sustain himself. The former Iraqi dictator will likely stand trial in Iraq. One headline alluding to Saddam’s capture read; “one of the worlds most noted terrorists has been captured.” My immediate reaction was that Saddam is really a man who had no friends in the whole world. While the West celebrates his capture, it also continues to pacify and uphold the world’s number one terrorist, Yasser Arafat! Saddam’s capture also reminds me of the soon coming day when the world’s mightiest and most powerful men, operating under the auspices of the anti-Christ will cry to the rocks and to the mountains to fall upon them to hide them from the
coming! King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. They will hide in dens (holes in the ground) for fear of the wrath of the Lamb. Saddam Hussein proved himself to be a coward. While urging others to die in the name of Jihad, he cowered in fear. Yasser Arafat would be no different. He encourages young Palestinians to commit suicide, while he knows that he has universal geo-political protection from retribution. But the Day of the Lord is coming! Revelation 6:15-16 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the
rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and
every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: WEEK OF DECEMBER 7 THROUGH DECEMBER 13 PLO Will Challenge Israel's UN Seat Dec. 12….(Ha Aretz) The PLO delegation to the United Nations is planning to present an
appeal against Israel's credentials as a member of the world body, sources at
the UN reported yesterday. The sources said that some of the Arab states and the
nonaligned nations could be expected to support the initiative. The committee
dealing with credentials will convene today in New York and will, according to protocol, send a
general recommendation to the plenary session to ratify the credentials of all
member nations. However, when the assembly meets next week, PLO observer Nasser
al-Kidwa is apparently planning to demand that Israel's credentials be revoked,
arguing that Israel is not authorized to represent the territories, but only the
area within the Green Line. UN Says Israel Should Give up Nukes Dec. 12….(Ha Aretz)The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
Mohamed ElBaradei, has called on Israel to relinquish its nuclear weapons as
part of a general peace agreement in the Middle East. ElBaradei said he
recommends that Israel join the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). He said that in spite of
Israel's policy of not acknowledging
possession of nuclear weapons, "we operate under the assumption that Israel has
nuclear arms. Israel has never denied this," he said from his office at Vienna
headquarters of the UN organization. The senior UN diplomat said the notion that
Israel is safer today with nuclear weapons than it was 50 years ago is
incorrect. "Frankly, I am not happy with the status quo, because I see a lot of
frustration in the Middle East due to Israel's sitting on nuclear weapons or
nuclear weapons capability, while other parties in the Middle East are committed
to the NPT," he said. The Egyptian diplomat, (who fought against
Israel in Egypt’s wars)
who has headed the IAEA for seven years, suggested that Israel and its neighbors
begin a dialogue for the eradication of weapons of mass destruction. "My fear is
that without such a dialogue, there will be continued incentive for the region's
countries to develop weapons of mass destruction to match the Israeli arsenal. PLO Gunmen Shoot Worshippers Dec. 12….(Jerusalem Post)
Seven Israelis were wounded, two of them critically, when a Palestinian gunman
shot at their vehicle as they left Joseph's Tomb near Nablus before dawn today.
A group 16 Breslav Hassidim arrived at the holy site early Friday, violating
military orders barring Israelis from traveling to the tomb site, to conduct a
prayer service. As they drove away, a Palestinian gunman ambushed their van,
pumping it with bullets. Yasser Arafat’s Fatah Al Aksa Martyrs Briagde
claimed responsibility for the shooting saying it was also in response to
the IDF activities in Rafah. The group claimed that its gunmen lay in wait for
the worshippers who entered the tomb close to 3.30 in the morning and shot them
as they left the site. The group promised to deliver a series of "painful blows"
to Israel in the near future. Allah—You Must Destroy Israel! Dec. 12….(FOJ)
Masked militants of the Islamic group Hamas pray during a rally to mark the 16th
anniversary of Hamas' foundation in the Nuseirat refugee camp in southern Gaza
Strip. The Arabic on headbands read 'No God but God and Mohammed is the
Prophet of Allah.' Ironic is it not that the god of Islam would urge the
extermination of Jews and the destruction of Israel. The god of the Holy
Bible teaches that he will restore Israel, and bless all nations through the
blessing of Israel. Revelation chapter 12 depicts that it is the great red
dragon that wishes to destroy Israel, therefore it is my contention that Allah,
rather than being God, must be an imposter that is in close cahoots with Satan
and his schemes!
Arafat’s Fatah Plotting More Terror Dec. 11….(FOJ) The ruling Fatah movement is planning
more suicide attacks against Israel. Israeli security sources have discovered
that Fatah insurgents have been ordered by the PLO to carry out a range
of suicide operations against civilian targets inside Israel. The sources said
the insurgents, financed mostly by Iran and Hizbullah, have come from the northern
West Bank cities Jenin and Nablus and are in
daily contact with key aides of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat.
Anyone who really thinks that Israel can forge a peace with the PA is living in
a fairyland. Arafat, and each of his Prime Ministers are the actual founders of
the Fatah Organization that is engaged along with Iran and Syria in the
financing and orchestrating of Palestinian Terrorism. They are not and never
will be proponents of any peace deal with Israel.
Yasser Arafat intends to once again make himself the primary world-stage
political kingpin of Mid-east diplomacy, particularly as Israel begins to feel more
and more pressured to pursue the Quartet and UN backed Roadmap. Arafat would
like nothing better than to see George Bush defeated as US President next year,
but failing that, Arafat and the Fatah aren’t going to sit around and wait until
2008. He will return to terrorism as a means to offset the Bush Middle East
Doctrine, by complicating America’s experience in Iraq and albeit even thwart
Palestinian Statehood as proposed by the 2 state solution in 2005. Russia Helping Syria Develop Combat Helicopters Dec. 11….(Middle East News Line)
Russia has developed new systems for a range of combat helicopters that are
being deployed in Middle East militaries. Russian companies have developed
subsystems to improve the targeting, situational awareness and operations of the
helicopters as part of an effort to upgrade rotary-wing platforms to
NATO-comparable standards. The systems were presented as suitable for both
fixed- and rotary-wing Soviet-origin aircraft. Several Middle East states have
been searching for upgrades of their Soviet-made aircraft. They include Algeria,
Iran and Syria. Syria especially is being supplied with the Russian technology,
as Assad is very concerned about the possibility of an Israeli preemptive strike
into Syria. Israel
is Living on Borowed Time Dec. 11….(JNEWSWIRE)
Hamas political chief Khaled Mashal and Arafat spokesman Hani al
Hasan publicly stated to Palestinians that the state of Israel will soon cease
to exist, and that the State of Palestine would allow Jews to stay on only as a
subjugated minority in the land. Hassan assured his people that the PA had
"formulated a firm policy" (terrorism coupled with peace processes) poised to
fully reap the political benefit of "what the armed effort (al Aqsa Intifada
that Arafat began 3 years ago) has sown." "For the past three years we have all
sown, and now is the time to reap," the Arafat aide said. The time has come to
transfer the conflict "inside Israel, with the goal of overthrowing Mr. Sharon."
He encouraged the Palestinian refugees, saying the year 2007 would "not pass
without our state being established," and the PA would hold fast to the
"right of return" in the run-up to that day, Hassan pledged. "The hills of
Palestine are waiting for you. In 2007 this current
phase will end and you will fill Palestine. Allah will
give us victory." Meanwhile, Khaled Mashal said that
Israel was a state living on borrowed time and in the end it would disappear.
"We know that this will not happen overnight, but rather in steps and stages,"
he said. The way to achieve this, according to Mashal, is toforce Israel into what the Palestinians see as a "just and
lasting" peace, which would include the flooding of
the Jewish State with millions of "Palestinians refugees." US Bans Russia, France, Germany from Iraq Contracts Dec. 11….(Reuters/FOJ)
The Bush White House, defending its new policy barring companies
from nations that opposed America taking its war-on-terror into the Iraqi
theatre from bidding on $18.6 billion in reconstruction contracts, said
Wednesday that countries wanting a slice of that lucrative pie must participate
militarily in the postwar effort. Prime contracts for reconstruction funded
by U.S. taxpayer dollars should go to the Iraqi people and those countries
who are working with the United States on the difficult task of helping to build
a free, democratic and prosperous Iraq," White House spokesman Scott McClellan
said. The Pentagon policy prevents companies from countries that opposed war
from bidding on reconstruction contracts because their governments opposed the
American-led war that ousted Saddam Hussein's regime. The directive from Deputy
Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, limits bidders to firms from the United
States, Iraq, their coalition partners and other countries which have sent
troops to Iraq.
Netanyahu: Place Terrorists, Not Fence, On Trial
Dec. 10….(Jnewswire)
Former Israeli Prime Minister and current Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
yesterday responded to the UN decision to refer Israel's security fence to the
International Court of Justice, saying the terrorists whose murderous deeds make
the fence a necessity should be sent to The Hague for trial. Earlier Israel told
the United Nations the barrier was "Arafat's fence" made necessary by the
terrorism that was carried out with the sanction of the PLO chief. As long as
there was no serious partner for peace, Netanyahu said, Israel must continue
building the fence. John Paul
II Commends Peace of World to Mary
Dec. 10….(Zenit)
John Paul II once again commended the peace of the world to the Blessed Virgin
Mary on the solemnity of her Immaculate Conception. (instead of Jesus) The Pope,
wearing his long red cape, faced a cold wind this evening in Rome's Piazza di
Spagna, to render homage to the image of the Mother of Christ, erected after the
proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, in 1854. "Obtain for the
men and women of the third millennium the precious gift of peace: peace in
hearts and in families, in communities and among peoples; peace especially for
those nations where combating and dying continue every day," the Pope implored..
"I have come here, this evening, to render you the homage of my sincere
devotion," he said in his prayer. (devotion to Mary) It is a gesture in which I
am joined in this piazza by innumerable Romans, whose affection has always
accompanied me in all the years of my service to the See of Peter." The prayer,
composed with "intense trepidation" and "trust," was addressed to the "Queen of
Peace," (Queen of Heaven) one of the titles of the Virgin Mary, "in these times
marked by not a few uncertainties and fears over the present and future fate of
our planet," the Pope added. "Listen to the cry of pain of the victims of war
and of so many forms of violence that bloody the earth," he said. "Dispel the
darkness of sadness and solitude, of hatred and vengeance. Open the minds and
hearts of all to trust and forgiveness." "Help every human being, and all races
and cultures, to encounter and accept Jesus, who came on earth in the mystery of
Christmas to give us his peace. Mary, Queen of Peace, give us Christ, true peace
of the world," he concluded. Appearing at the window of his study at midday, to
pray the Angelus, John Paul II presented the Immaculate Conception as "the
pledge of salvation for every human being." "Mary is our unbreakable support
in the hard struggle against sin and its consequences," he added, when
offering a meditation on today's feast to thousands of pilgrims gathered in St.
Peter's Square.
Jordanian Sermon Calls for Israel's Defeat
Dec. 10….(World Net
Daily) Shortly before King Abdullah of Jordan was commended in Washington
for his contribution to peace, an officially sanctioned sermon on national TV
called for Israel's defeat. Amman's Television Channel 1 in Arabic, the official
station of Jordan, carried Sheik Muhammad Kheir al-Isa's sermon live Nov. 28
from Martyrs Mosque in the capital, according to Israel-based Independent Media
Review Analysis , or IMRA. Al-Isa devoted his sermon to "the greatness" of
Islam's holy book, the Quran, declaring it has been revealed by Allah to guide
humanity to the right path. In conclusion, he prays for the defeat of the
Palestinians' "enemy," Israel. "O Allah, give success to Muslims all over the
world," al-Isa prayed. "O Allah, support [holy warriors] everywhere. O Allah,
have mercy on our kinfolk in Palestine. O Allah, strengthen them in their
homeland. O Allah, help them defeat their enemy. O Allah, return." The sermon
appears to violate Jordan's 1994 peace treaty with Israel, which says the
parties must "take necessary and effective measures to prevent the entry,
presence and cooperation in their territory of any group or organization, and
their infrastructure, which threatens the security of the other Party by the use
of or incitement to the use of, violent means." At the White House last week,
King Abdullah praised President Bush, saying he "has always been out front in
trying to move the [peace] process forward." EU Ponders Security Ties With Middle East Dec. 8….(EU Observer) EU Foreign ministries are examining plans which
could result in the EU launching a major security initiative with Middle Eastern
countries. The EU is putting forth proposals to set up a security dialogue
between the EU and countries to the "South and East of Jordan", perhaps even
including Iran. The inclusion of Iran would hopefully help to bring that country
away from its Russian and Eastern alliances and include it in the European
sphere. Al Qaeda Will Make Iraq a Killing Field Dec. 8….(MSNBC) During the muslim holy month of Ramadan, three senior
Qaeda representatives allegedly held a secret meeting in Afghanistan with two
top Taliban commanders. The confab took place in mid-November in the remote,
Taliban-controlled mountains of the Khowst province near the Pakistan border, a
region where Al Qaeda has found it easy to operate. The plans from that meeting
reveal that Al Qaeda will start diverting a large number of fighters from the
anti-U.S. insurgency in Afghanistan to Iraq. Al Qaeda also planned to reduce
by half its $3 million monthly contribution to Afghan jihadi outfits. This new
strategy comes on the orders of bin Laden himself, the sources said. Why?
Because the terror chieftain and his top lieutenants see a great opportunity for
killing Americans and their allies in Iraq and neighboring countries such as
Turkey. Bin Laden believes that Iraq is becoming the perfect battlefield to
fight America.” If true, Bin Laden’s shift of focus could be unsettling news
for President Bush. The president is eager to quell the Iraqi insurgency and
establish a democratic, stable Iraq as he heads into the 2004 re-election
campaign. Until now, the attacks on Americans and other Coalition members have
come mainly from local Saddam loyalists rather than an influx of foreign
Jihadists. But if the Taliban sources are correct, bin Laden may be aiming to
help turn Iraq into “the central front” in the war on terror. That is how Bush
himself described Iraq in a September speech, when he said, “We are fighting
that enemy there (Iraq) today so that we do not meet him on our own streets.”
Many Al Qaeda operatives appear to be traveling to the Mid-east via the long,
overland route through Iran. But the Bush administration, preoccupied with Iraq,
has been reluctant to take a harder line toward Iran over its role as a
terrorist haven, and as a sponsor of terrorism. Iran and some Arab countries
like Syria are breathing easier because the United States is bogged down in
Iraq, Iran is an ideal transit station for Al Qaeda because it borders
Afghanistan and Pakistan to its west and Iraq and Turkey to its east. Forces Are Deployed Against Our Knowledge of God Dec. 8….(FOJ) America’s success and survival in the war on terror may
depend not on our military, but upon our understanding of the forces of evil.
For example, America is finding it very difficult to even define or identify the
enemy. In reality, the enemy of America today is also the enemy of Israel. Satan
is using his cadre of the “rulers of darkness” (kosmokratoei) to incite a
universal hatred of anything that has to do with God, Christianity, and Zionism.
Satan is seeking to destroy Israel, and America is in his way! UN and The Hague Condemn Israeli Security Wall Dec. 8….(FOJ) The U.N. General Assembly is set to approve
Palestinian-initiated resolution asking the International Court of Justice to
declare Israel’s security barrier illegal and force Israel to tear down its
barrier. Arab nations asked for the emergency session after U.N.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan reported on Nov. 28 that building the barrier
into the West Bank was causing serious harm to Palestinians. He said Israel
was obligated to not contradict international law. The Hague-based U.N. court is
not obligated to give an opinion, but Palestinian observer to the UN Nasser al-Kidwa
said at the debate Monday evening that the separation fence destroys all
possibility of any negotiation, and that Israel must choose between the fence
and the U.S.-backed road map. The Hague tribunal was set up to settle legal
disputes between states and give advisory opinions, if it decides they fall
under its jurisdiction. Israel's ambassador to the UN Daniel Gillerman said the
fence will contribute to negotiations by causing a decrease in the amount of
soldiers assigned to the West Bank, the radio reported. Gillerman also blamed
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat for creating the situation that led
Israel to consider it necessary to build the security fence. The UN General
Assembly voted 144-4 with 12 abstentions last month on a resolution demanding
that Israel halt construction of the barrier. Only the United States, Israel,
the Marshall Islands and Micronesia voted "no," WEEK OF DECEMBER 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 7
Muhammed and Malvo Were Acting for Islamic Jihad Dec. 6….(Fox News) The chilling jailhouse drawings of Lee Boyd Malvo show
the teen's obsessions with jihad, Arabic for "holy war," and the man accused of
molding him into a sniper. The most ominous of the hate-filled sketches shows
the White House in the target cross hairs of a sniper's rifle. "You will weep
and moan & mourn. You will bleed to death, little by little," the
frightening inscription reads. Others show and carry the faces of Usama
bin Laden with "servant of Allah", and Saddam Hussein. Returning again and again
to the theme of a holy war against America, and spewing the same rhetoric of
Islamic fundamentalists. James Baker III Working on Bush Team Dec. 5….(Fox News) President Bush has appointed longtime family
troubleshooter, former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, to oversee the job
of getting Iraq out from under its crushing $125 billion debt. "Secretary Baker
will report directly to me and will lead an effort to work with the world's
governments at the highest levels, with international organizations and with the
Iraqis in seeking the restructuring and reduction of Iraq's official debt," Bush
said. Iraq's debt carries annual servicing charges of $7 billion to $8 billion.
"The regime of Saddam saddled the Iraqi people with the debt because they were
more interested in building palaces and torture chambers and mass graves than
helping the Iraqi people," Bush said. Bush said he made the appointment in
response to a request by the Iraqi Governing Council. "The future of the Iraqi
people should not be mortgaged to the enormous burden of debt incurred to enrich
Saddam Hussein's regime," Bush said. With experience in diplomacy and world
finance, Baker "will help to forge an international consensus for an equitable
and effective resolution of Iraq’s debt," Bush said. The issue of Iraq's debt
must be resolved in a manner that is fair and does not unjustly burden a
struggling nation at its moment of hope and promise. Baker, a Houston attorney,
is a longtime Bush family friend who has held several high government posts. In
the closely fought 2000 election, Baker headed up Bush's strategy team during
the recount battle in Florida, which eventually ended up in the Supreme Court
and delivered the presidency to Bush. He oversaw the presidential campaigns
of Bush's father in 1980, 1988 and 1992. Of the total Iraqi foreign debt, some
$40 billion is owed to the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Russia and
other countries who are among 19 nations that belong to the Paris Club, an
umbrella organization that conducts debt negotiations. At least $80 billion more
is owed to other Arab countries and nations outside the Paris Club.
US and Russia on a Collision Course in Mideast! Dec. 5….(Debka) The strategic partnership forged by Presidents George W.
Bush and Vladimir Putin for the 2001 Afghanistan war is wearing thin under the
conflict of interests in the strategic, oil-rich Caspian Sea region. The
conflict is sparked by the bloodless coup that unseated Georgian President
Edouard Shevardnadze last month. Instead of developing the region to their
mutual advantage, Russia and the United States squared off December 2 at the
ministerial meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in
Europe at Maastricht, the Netherlands, after Moscow refused to withdraw its
remaining forces and military equipment from Georgia and Moldova. US Secretary
of State Colin Powell reminded Moscow of its pledge at the 1999 OSCE meeting in
Istanbul to completely withdraw its forces from Moldova and Georgia in four
years. He also warned Moscow against supporting separatists in Georgia, a
reference to the Kremlin meeting between Russian officials and leaders from
South Ossetia and Abkhazia just after the coup in Tbilisi. The two regions broke
free of Georgian control more than a decade ago and want to join Russia. Since
shortly before the Afghan War, the United States has maintained military bases
in Azerbaijan under agreements then forged between Washington and Moscow. The
deal was for the Americans to withdraw as soon as Russian troops quit Georgia
and Moldava. Debkafile’s military and intelligence sources explain Moscow is now
determined not to let post-Shevardnadze Georgia swing into the American sphere
of influence. The Russians look to prevent this by promoting the republic’s
fragmentation into mini-states. By annexing South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Moscow
will gain another military foothold in the Caucasian. The Americans may counter
this move by retaining or even building up its own military presence in the
region. In Baku, Rumsfeld will reportedly open discussions with Azeri president
Ilham Aliyev and defense minister Safar Abbiyev on new American bases in the
country. The United States already maintains a small detachment of US troops in
Georgia too under accords for collaboration in fighting international terror.
Also on Wednesday, a high-ranking US delegation landed in Tbilisi to help
Georgian interim leaders arrange a new election. It was made up of state,
defense, treasury and justice department officials, but it is not clear if they
brought financial pledges to the republic which is teetering on the brink of
economic collapse. Also taking an interest in Georgia are “world financiers”,
a group of whom joined the procession of arrivals Wednesday. Among them was the
exiled Russian tycoon Boris Beresovsky. Living in London since Putin threw him
out of Moscow, he is now after a handy base close to Russia for his opposition
campaign against the Russian leader. He reckons that in Georgia he can buy one
relatively cheaply. The stakes in this scrap between Washington and Moscow
are high. Oil-rich Azerbaijan on the shore of the Caspian Sea is an ideal
spot for American bases and airfields because of its location close to the
Middle East, Russia and China. Both Azerbaijan and Georgia lie on the route
of a pipeline being built by western oil majors which when completed in 2005
will ship Caspian Sea oil to world markets.
Facts About Arab Americans Dec. 5….(Joseph Farah) New Census Bureau data show the
population of Americans of Arab ancestry has doubled in the last two decades. As
the grandson of immigrants from the Arab world, I'm not surprised. I know why
most Arabs come to this country. They come to escape Islamic persecution in
the Arab world. They come for the freedom America affords. They come for
opportunity. But most of all they come for a life away from the brutal
reality of Islamo-fascism, which dominates the Arab nations. How do I know
this? I know from personal, anecdotal experience. I know why friends and family
members came here. But I also know because the statistics offered by the Census
Bureau demonstrate it. While Islam is the overwhelmingly dominant religion of
the Arab world, only 23 percent of the Arabs in this country are Muslim.
That statistic speaks volumes. Even after the latest wave of emigration from the
Arab world, 77 percent of Arab-Americans are non-Muslims, mostly Christians.
As an Arab-American, I can tell you that there is an assumption by most
Americans that Arabs, even Arab-Americans, are Muslims. That is not the case.
Christian Arab-Americans tend to have vastly different viewpoints on the Middle
East than Muslim-Americans. They tend to have vastly different outlooks on
the war on terror than Muslim-Americans. Most Arab-Americans, like most
Americans, want to see their brethren in the Arab world freed from oppression by
the mullahs and the oil sheikhs. I believe most Arab-Americans, like most
Americans, want to see the United States defend itself from terrorist attack. I
believe most Arab-Americans, like most Americans, want to see freedom breaking
out in the Arab world. And, I believe most Arab-Americans, like most Americans,
don't want to see the U.S. orchestrate the creation of another terrorist state
(Palestine) in the Middle East. US Will Intercept WMD Shipping Dec. 4….(Middle East News Line) A leading U.S. official has asserted that Syrian weapons of mass destruction threatens U.S. interests. Undersecretary of State John Bolton warned that the United States plans to use diplomatic and other unspecified measures to halt the WMD programs of Syria and other states he deemed as rogues. He said they include Cuba, Iran, Libya and North Korea. In an address to the Fletcher Conference in Washington on Tuesday, Bolton said the United States and its allies have been steadily preparing for the interception of WMD and missile shipments to Syria and other Middle East states. He said U.S. allies, under the auspices of the Proliferation Security Initiative, have been training in naval interdiction exercises in the Mediterranean Sea and other areas. "Rogue states such as Iran, North Korea, Syria, Libya and Cuba, whose pursuit of weapons of mass destruction makes them hostile to U.S. interests, will learn that their covert programs will not escape either detection or consequences," Bolton said.
Giving Comfort and Aid to the Enemy Dec. 4….(Commentary by Jack Kinsella) Hillary Clinton returned from her visit to Iraq to denounce President Bush's secret Thanksgiving visit to the troops as a 'politically-motivated publicity stunt'. It was typical of the increasingly bizarre behavior of the liberal left wing. Did Senator Clinton think that nobody would notice that she was also in Iraq? What was she there for? To boost troop morale? While the Bush visit was accompanied by cheers and standing ovations from the troops, Hillary's reception was a bit cooler. President Bush told the troops America was behind them and that victory was certain. Senator Clinton, on the other hand, told the troops fighting a heavily propagandized war that the war in Iraq has 'divided' America and that victory is 'not certain'. The troops were less than enthused to hear the Senator from New York tell them that there remained serious questions about why they were deployed to risk their lives. Many of them were visibly offended by the comments, which they interpreted as being insubordinate. Public officials in a war zone have a duty to support the troops and national policy. Can you imagine a US Senator visiting US troops in France during WWII telling them that we might not beat Germany, or that there were serious questions about why we were fighting Hitler? Hillary didn’t stop offending the troops she was visiting by being insubordinate to their Commander-in-Chief. When President Bush arrived, he followed military protocol, which says enlisted men eat first, followed by officers and public officials. But instead of eating their dinner, Bush served the troops their dinner as a symbol of his respect for their sacrifice. The President did not use his trip to bad-mouth political opponents or to demoralize the troops. After giving the troops her Thanksgiving message about the uncertainty of victory and lack of public support for their efforts, she and her entourage went straight to the front of the chow line, gobbling up the troopers’ Thanksgiving dinner before the troopers present even had a chance to sit down and say grace. Hillary toured Iraq during the daylight hours and spent each night in the relative safety of Kuwait. President Bush arrived at night (the most dangerous time) and gave thanks for the troops from the middle of the most dangerous place in Baghdad, the tarmac of Baghdad International Airport. He shared Thanksgiving with the troops, not in a hardened bunker, but in a flimsy mess tent. According to Section 2381 of U.S. Code Title 18, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” Hillary actually told our troops, “the outcome (of the war) is not assured”, remember. Demoralizing American troops and encouraging enemies to continue the battle is not what U.S. Senators ought to be doing. But that is exactly what the junior senator from New York did. Telling our armed forces in a combat zone, that there are many questions at home about the administration's policies" is more than irresponsible.
Assad Calls Israel “Source of World’s Problems”! Dec. 4…..(FOJ) Syrian President Bashar Assad yesterday accused the Israeli government of following "the policies of escalation and extremism" and of turning the Middle East into a volatile and oppressed region. Mr. Assad accused Israel of rejecting Arab willingness to make peace. He claimed that tension throughout the region was due to "the policies of escalation and extremism the Israeli government follows and acts with unprovoked aggression against the Arab people in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria." The Syrian president warned that Israel’s policies portended "the most dangerous consequences if it continues to act irrationally. He called for an international will to put an end to Israel’s aggression. Assad charged that "the thing that caused the region to lose its stability, ruined its natural course of development and consumed all its development was Israel's occupation of Arab lands and its refusal to comply with the requirements of a just and comprehensive peace."
Yasser Arafat: A Legacy of Hate and Murder! Dec. 4….(FOJ) A new biography on Yasser Arafat by Barry Rubin and wife Judith Colp Rubin on Yasser Arafat entitled: Arafat: A Political Biography, is essential reading for anyone hoping to comprehend the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. The Rubins have followed Mr. Arafat for decades, and now assert that the rejection of Barak's peace offer at Camp David in July 2000 is the key to their thesis about Arafat. Had Arafat’s real dream been to establish a Palestinian state and improve the situation of his people, then he would have said yes to Barak’s offer, or at the very least used it as a basis for compromise. (Ehud Barak has stated was his mission to expose as a non-peace maker) And whatever Barak may have intended, it is certain that his Camp David fiasco indeed showed that peace with Arafat was impossible. Arafat’s career has been an amazing paradox. He has been the unchallenged leader of the Palestinian people for decades. With the help of the former Soviet Union, he also created the horror of modern terrorism, and managed the incredible feat of simultaneously carrying out mass murder while garnering sympathy from the Western press. Meanwhile, Arafat has allowed the Palestinian people to rot in squalor. Arafat has done nothing but cause misery, poverty and unnecessary suffering on his people, by intentionally delaying any benefits or solutions to their problems so he could lay the blame on Israel. Arafat has milked the peace process for concession after concession. Everytime he receives each concession, he asks for yet another, all the while knowing that peace with Israel is the last thing in the world that he wants! Arafat is not intent on being the father of a new nation, (as the West thinks) but he is wholly submitted to feeding his demonic inspired hatred of Israel, and seeing the completion of his uncle’s scheme with Adolph Hitler (final solution) accomplished. His greatest fear is that history might portray him as a peacemaker with the despicable Jews! He is the primary and, for some mysterious reason an immovable obstacle to any chance of peace. Although the Bush Administration has sought to eliminate him from the peace process, the fact that the Administration continues to Israel to make even more concessions only serves to encourage the continuation of terror, either by Arafat or by some future Arafat! Someday, (not soon enough) Arafat will die, (74 years old) but given the monstrous hatred for Israel that Arafat and his world allies have instilled in the Palestinian people there is absolutely no reason to expect anything between Israel and the Palestinians but another False Peace! And the Bible predicts just such a scenario soon! The Church has Abandoned Biblical World Views! Dec. 3….(World Net Daily) A new survey by pollster George
Barna finds only 9 percent of born-again Christians hold a biblical worldview.
Barna, who surveyed 2,033 adults in his study, found only 4 percent of the
general population have a biblical worldview and suggests many of the nation's
moral and spiritual challenges are directly attributable to this fact. "If Jesus
Christ came to this planet as a model of how we ought to live, then our goal
should be to act like Jesus," said Barna. "Sadly, few people consistently
demonstrate the love, obedience and priorities of Jesus. The primary reason that
people do not act like Jesus is because they do not think like Jesus. Behavior
stems from what we think, our attitudes, beliefs, values and opinions. Although
most people own a Bible and know some of its content, our research found that
most Americans have little idea how to integrate core biblical principles to
form a unified and meaningful response to the challenges and opportunities of
life. We're often more concerned with survival amidst chaos than with
experiencing truth and significance." For the purposes of the research, a
biblical worldview was defined as believing that absolute moral truths exist;
that such truth is defined by the Bible; and firm belief in six specific
religious views. Those views were that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life;
God is the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe and that He also
still rules it today; salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned; Satan
is real; a Christian has a responsibility to share their faith in Christ with
other people; and the Bible is accurate in all of its teachings. Only 7
percent of Protestants overall maintained a biblical worldview, according to
this definition in the study. Of adults who attend mainline Protestant churches,
only 2 percent shared those values. Among Catholics, less than one-half of 1
percent had a biblical worldview. The denominations that produced the highest
proportions of adults with a biblical worldview were non-denominational
Protestant churches, with 13 percent, Pentecostal churches, with 10 percent, and
Baptist churches with 8 percent. Among the most prevalent alternative worldviews
was postmodernism. Geneva Peace Meeting Was Blatantly anti-Zionist
Dec. 2….(FOJ) At
yesterday's Geneva launching ceremony Israeli Labor Party politician Yossi
Beilin told the liberal world, "Peace is just around the corner!" The entire
Geneva event was laced with anti-Israel and anti-Zionist speeches much like the
UN sponsored anti-racism conference in South Africa two years ago. Yasser Abed
Rabbo, the highest-ranking PA figure involved in formulating the Geneva Accords
initiative, threatened that the counter-terrorism partition wall that Israel is
building to stop terrorists will "cause the Palestinians to lose faith in the
“two states for two peoples solution," and said that Israel was virtually
another apartheid state. (ala South Africa) Former U.S. President Jimmy
Carter took the opportunity of the "peace" conference to blame
Israel for the failure of the Road Map.
He said that the "wall" Israel
is building for the purpose of protecting itself from terrorist attacks is to
blame for the Road Map's failure.
"Bush's support for Israeli policy, and his ignoring of the Palestinian nation's
suffering, encourages anti-American feelings and even terrorism," Carter added.
Israel Rebukes Powell for Meeting Geneva Supporters Dec. 2….(Jerusalem Post)
Israel issued a rare rebuke to Washington, its closest ally, on Tuesday, saying
Secretary State Colin Powell would be making a mistake if he met the architects
of a symbolic Middle East peace plan. Vice Premier Ehud Olmert sharply
criticized Powell for praising the unofficial Geneva Accord, whose co-authors
are trying to capitalize on broad international support following its launch on
Monday at a gala ceremony in Switzerland. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's
office is preparing for a meeting between him and Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed
Rabbo, the Israeli and Palestinian team leaders behind the GenevaAccord, The
Geneva Accord was formally launched last night in a glittering and sometimes
emotional ceremony in Switzerland emceed by Hollywood star Richard Dreyfuss. The
event included a speech by Nobel Peace laureate and former U.S. president Jimmy
Carter, who said that certain leaders in the region are now the main obstacles
to peace in the region. (an allusion to Ariel Sharon)
PLO/P.A. Smuggles Drugs into Israel
Dec. 2….(Arutz) While
Yasser Arafat and the PA pretend to be engaged in a peace process, the PLO is
also very involved in a scheme of drug smuggling. The PLO illegally smuggles 100
tons of marijuana and heroin into Israel every year from the Palestinian held
territory. This fact was confirmed by Israel Police Drug Department head Yifat
Steinberg yesterday at a Knesset anti-drugs committee session. The session was
convened following the uncovering of what the Shabak and police called a very
grave matter. It was found that Arabs of Yesha (Judea and Samaria) are
attempting to enlist drug-addicted Israeli youth prior to their enlistment in
the IDF, for the purpose of taking advantage of their need for drugs to force
them to spy on the army. The Arabs promise addicts free drugs in exchange for
classified information.
Hillary as
Dec. 2….(FOJ) Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton after following the President
into Baghda, Iraq, accused President Bush yesterday of conducting the war by a
"political calendar," saying he had dispatched the wrong "mix of troops" to
secure the country and that victory "is far away." In an interview on NBC's
"Today" show yesterday, Mrs. Clinton said her Baghdad visit last weekend was not
to meet only the military, but with civilian American representatives" and that
her trip revealed that the Bush Doctrine is not an effective strategy in Iraq.
Success in rebuilding Iraq, she said can only come with the involvement of
the United Nations, which has been reluctant to aid U.S. efforts in the
country and has reduced personnel in response to a string of terrorist attacks.
"We need to get the U.N. back in as quickly as possible to internationalize
this," Mrs. Clinton said." "We need the legitimacy of the United Nations
in order to move forward." Mrs. Clinton also told the Associated Press while
touring Iraq on Friday that the United States could not be certain of victory in
Iraq. The senator's message was a striking contrast to that of President Bush,
who told cheering troops during a surprise trip to Baghdad a day before Mrs.
Clinton arrived that there is no doubt that "we will prevail." "We will win
because our cause is just," Mr. Bush said on Thanksgiving Day. "We will win
because we will stay on the offensive. We will win because you're part of the
finest military ever assembled. And we will prevail because the Iraqis want
their freedom." Very clearly, Hillary wants to be President, and to be America’s
Commander-in-Chief of armed forces! That ought to scare the terrorists to death. Barak: Geneva Initiative is a Reward to Terror! Dec. 2….(Jerusalem Post)
Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak, speaking on CNN Monday night, called the
Geneva Initiative "a delusion" and said he was dead set against the accord.
"After three years of one of he bloodiest suicide bombing campaigns in the
history of terror led by PA Chairman Yasser Arafat and Hamas spiritual leader
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, this accord is rewarding terror. It will not save lives, it
will lead to more deaths," Barak said. Barak emphasized that the Geneva
Initiative does not solve the issue of the so-called Palestinian 'right of
return', one of the most implacable obstacles to peace negotiations between the
two sides. "The issue of right of return into Israel is not solved, it gives
Israel a measure of control over the rate of that return, but it doesn't solve
the problem, it complicates it. Contrary to what Jimmy Carter said tonight;
there is no recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Not even this simplest
demand is met," the former PM said. With Geneva, Israel simply concedes! Muslims Decry Christian President Bush Dec. 1….(World Net Daily) In a candid interview with an Arab weekly, a
Muslim appointed by George W. Bush to a religious freedom panel charged the
president's policies are driven by a Christian, religious fundamentalism from
the colonial era and urged that President Bush not be re-elected. Professor
Khaled Abou El Fadl, of Egypt, and appointed by President George W. Bush to the
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, an independent panel
established by Congress that makes policy recommendations to the president and
secretary of state. As a visiting professor at Yale Law School and a full
professor of law at the UCLA School of Law, El Fadl told the Egyptian
government weekly that he had warned Muslim groups in the U.S. that Bush "was a
Christian religious fundamentalist, as are many of those around him. The
professor said when Bush became president, "there was a revolution in American
policy." "He brought in religious Christian people, and that is dangerous,"
El Fadl asserted. Unbelieving 'Born-Agains' Dec. 1….(World Magazine) Research continues to reveal a steady
theological collapse among professing Christians in America. Secularists,
Liberals, and Muslims do not need to fear conservative Christians, says Dave
Shiflett in the Wall Street Journal. Christians, he says, are not all that
interested in converting the heathen, nor in defending their faith. They don't
really believe that there is such a thing as the heathen, tending to believe
instead that every religion is equally valid. "Even the most feared of
Christians, the dread 'born-agains' who have cost the high priests at People for
the American Way so much sleep, often embrace the modern orthodoxies of
tolerance and inclusion over the traditional teachings of their faith."
He cites poll data from Christian researcher George Barna that 26 percent of
born-agains believe all religions are essentially the same and that 50 percent
believe that a life of good works will enable a person to get to heaven.
More than one in three (35 percent) born-again Christians do not believe that
Jesus rose physically from the dead. Geneva, UN, Roadmap, “They’re all anti-Israel” Dec. 1….(FOJ) As many world leaders convene in Geneva, Switzerland to
sign a controversial and informal peace "agreement" between Israeli opposition
leaders and Palestinian figures, we find that the actual Israeli Prime Minister,
Ariel Sharon, is under more and more political pressure from the world. Sharon
and Israel are being backed into a corner. The Geneva Accords are an unofficial
"peace agreement" negotiated by Yossi Beilin, a key architect (and political
back-stabber) of the now-defunct Oslo peace accords, and Yasser Abed Rabbo,
Yasser Arafat's right hand man. America's envoy to the Middle East, William
Burns met Sharon in an attempt to coerce Sharon to reinvest in the stalled
Roadmap peace process with the Palestinians. (a better deal than Geneva) Thus
the reason that Sharon has been so forceful in telling his constituents that a
withdrawal from some settlements is a certainty. The so-called Geneva Accord,
which has been drafted in secret by left-wing Israelis and unofficial
Palestinian negotiators amounts to nothing more than a method of forcing Israel
and the Sharon government to accept the UN plan! Israeli officials have
denounced the plan as an attempt by Mr. Sharon's opponents to undermine the
government, and in reality, the whole world wishes to see Mr. Sharon fall from
power. Mr. Sharon has described the deal, due to be signed in Geneva today, as
"traitorous," and he is absolutely correct. The Geneva Plan enjoys the blessing
of Shimon Peres, the Israeli political icon of the Global elitists. (ala Carter)
It has also been smiled upon by Yasser Arafat, the man who more than any other
has devoted his life to the destruction of Israel. (Jimmy Carter, Kofi Anan,
Nelson Mandela, and all the anti-Semites of the world) The Quartet and UN
sponsored Roadmap is being maneuvered into becoming, not just a Bush
Administration policy, or Quartet-sponsored peace plan, but the official
Middle East policy of the entire United Nations, with no veto vote from the
United States. Israel is being isolated from US protection and being backed
into a political corner that is designed to force the Roadmap upon Israel and
cause the downfall of the Sharon-Likud led government. Carter slams Israel, Bush in Geneva Speech Dec. 1….(Jerusalem Post) Former US President Jimmy Carter unleashed a
fierce attack against the Israeli and American governments in his speech at the
Geneva Initiative's ceremony in Switzerland. Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize
laureate, blamed US President George W. Bush for anti-American sentiment and
worldwide terror. "Bush's inordinate support for Israel allows the Palestinians
to suffer," Carter said. "This is a source of anti-American sentiment in the
world and encourages terror." Carter said Israel's settlements in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip and the security fence are the main obstacles to peace. He called
repeatedly for the return of Palestinian refugees to the territories, beyond
what is called for in the Geneva Initiative. "Settlements prevent the return of
the refugees who led their homes after the 1948 and 1967 wars," Carter said. "No
matter what leaders the Palestinians may choose, Israel must choose between
peace and settlements." Carter said the main flaw of the US-brokered road map is
its step-by-step approach, which he said has allowed Israel to stop its advance
by building "an enormous barrier wall." "Carter also said that peace prevailed
after the Oslo Accord was signed in 1993, but that the peace was extinguished by
suicide bombers and house demolitions. The former US president also called
for the implementation of the Saudi Initiative, which called on the Arab
world to recognize Israel in return for Israel accepting into its borders the
flood of 4 million Palestinians who claim to be refugees. All the Geneva Accord
signing speakers criticized the government of Israel. None criticized the
Palestinian leadership. (Yasser Arafat) Powered by Bravenet