Islam and Violence Dec. 4….(By Daniel Allott) Following Pope Benedict's remarks on the relationship between faith and violence, a quiet conversation emerged. It highlighted a central question as the West increasingly attempts to engage the Muslim world: Is Islam especially prone to violence? So far, much of the conversation has focused on the violent reactions of some Muslims to the pope's previous comments. But, there's disturbing proof that a far deeper culture of violence pervades much of the Islamic world. In a recent survey on global conflict, Monty Marshall and Ted Burr of the Center for International Development and Conflict Management found that of the 24 major armed conflicts taking place worldwide in 2005, more than half (13) involved Muslim governments or paramilitary groups on one or both sides of the fighting. What's more, among six countries with "emerging armed conflicts," four are predominantly Muslim and another, Thailand, involves a Muslim separatist movement. Marshall and Burr also rated 161 countries according to their capacity to avoid outbreaks of armed conflicts. Whereas 63 percent of non-Muslim countries were categorized as "enjoying the strongest prospects for successful management of new challenges," just 18 percent of the 50 Muslim nations included were similarly designated. In addition, Muslim nations were two-and-a-half times more likely than non-Muslim nations to be considered "at the greatest risk of neglecting or mismanaging emerging societal crises such that these conflicts escalate to serious violence and/or government instability." This evaluation reveals the glaring reality that violence is a fact of life in many Muslim nations. But is Islam itself the impetus? Consider that a recent Pentagon intelligence analysis found that most Muslim terrorists say they are motivated by the Koran's violent commands. The September 11 hijackers and London transit bombers made martyrdom videos in which they recited the Koran while talking of "sacrificing life for Allah." British authorities also recovered martyrdom videotapes in the foiled transatlantic sky terror plot. Shamil Basayev, architect of the 2004 Beslan school massacre in Chechnya, referred to himself as "Allah's slave." Meanwhile, Genocidal Sudanese dictator Gen. Omar Bashir recently swore "three times in the name of Allah" that he would never allow international troops to enter Darfur. And the list goes on. Western liberals often insist that foreign occupation is at the root of Islamic violence. We simply cannot overlook extremist interpretations of religion as a significant part of the problem when terrorists yell, "Allah is great;" as they decapitate their victims or blow themselves up in a crowded market. But the Muslim world's support of faith-based violence is not limited to governments and their non-state proxies. Consider a June Pew Global Attitudes poll that showed a majority of Muslims in Jordan, Egypt and Nigeria, as well as roughly a third in France, Spain and Great Britain, felt violence against civilians can be justified in order to defend Islam. Some Muslims' appetite for destruction is not surprising given the ability of prominent Muslim leaders to foment hatred of the West. The West must recognize these violent outbursts for what they are: calculated acts of outrage meant not to refute but to intimidate non-Muslims into not speaking up at all, and submitting to their dictates. Sadly, with so many in the Islamic world agreeing that Westerners must "convert or die," all signs point to more violence ahead.
Syria’s Devious Weapon for Undermining Siniora Government (al Qaeda infiltrators cross into Lebanon to radicalize Palestinians) Dec. 4….(DEBKA) Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert informed the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee Monday, Dec. 4, that Israel does not intend attacking Syria. Like all its neighbors, Israel is bound to be affected by the turmoil in Lebanon, especially if Hizballah’s pro-Syrian coup-by-demonstration succeeds in overthrowing the anti-Syrian government of Fouad Siniora. Military sources report that the Olmert government should be doubly concerned by Bashar Asad’s latest gambit, filtering Al Qaeda operatives from their Syrian sanctuary into Lebanon, there to foment Palestinian support for Hizballah’s drive to topple the government in Beirut. The largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, Ein al Hilwa near Sidon in the south, saw a conference of the heads of the camp’s Jund Al-Sham factions. Jund Al-Sham, like the Islamic Army of Gaza, is an operational and financial dependant of al Qaeda. They discussed whether to grant entry to Palestinian groups from Syria, and “other Arab factions,” such as “al Qaeda”, “the Islamic Army” and “Fatah al-Islam.” The consensus they reached was that such groups could not be excluded from the Palestinian refugee camps of the south or from Burj al Barajne, Sabra and Chatila near Beirut, because they were already ensconced in the north. In an article published in Dar Al Hayat on Nov. 30, the Lebanese journalist Hassan Haydar asked: “How is it possible for all these armed groups to cross the Syrian-Lebanese border without being spotted by the security apparatus of both sides?” The question was rhetorical. He knows the answer, as do DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources: As we have reported, Syria is arming sympathetic Lebanese factions in readiness for a showdown with anti-Syrian elements in Beirut. Its next step now is to transplant al Qaeda offshoots and affiliates from Syria into Lebanon’s Palestinian camps for three objectives: 1. To remove this incriminating terrorist presence from Syria ahead of a possible thaw in relations with Washington. 2. To radicalize the Palestinians of Lebanon so that in a civil showdown they will fight alongside the pro-Syrian forces. 3. To radicalize the Palestinian people at large, and so disarm and isolate the moderates, not only in Lebanon, but also in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as well. Damascus will of course deny deploying these jihadists at strategic points for destabilizing pro-Western governments and defeating peace diplomacy. But Syria also denies a hand in promoting the violence in Iraq by similar infusions.
President Bush Meeting Iraqi Shiite Leader Ties With Iran Dec. 4….(AP) A Shiite powerbroker reviled by Sunni Arabs for his ties to Iran and a militia linked to sectarian violence will ask President Bush to seek Iran's help in their upcoming White House meeting and try to allay US concerns over Iranian influence in Iraq. Al-Hakim is arguably the most powerful Shiite politician in Iraq, but he prefers to work behind the scenes. He wanted a close SCIRI associate, Adil Abdul-Mahdi, to be prime minister after elections in December, but grudgingly accepted al-Maliki as a compromise. The two men have since maintained a public image of cooperation to safeguard the ruling coalition. Speculation in Iraq that al-Hakim was emerging as a rival for Washington's attention was fueled in part by an internal White House memo that questioned al-Maliki's authority and his ability to handle Iraq's worsening security. Written by National Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley after he met al-Maliki in Baghdad, the memo also spoke of the need for the Iraqi leader to end his alliance with the anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose militia, the Mahdi Army, is blamed for much of Iraq's sectarian violence. The timing of al-Hakim's meeting with Bush raised the possibility that Washington may also be looking for additional sources of help as it tries to stabilize Iraq, allowing a drawdown on US forces to begin. Al-Hakim is expected to try to persuade Bush to enlist Iran's help in quelling violence in Iraq. In return, they said, al-Hakim would pledge not to allow Iran to use him to promote its own interests, said by analysts to be "controlled chaos" that keeps the United States preoccupied with Iraq. Al-Hakim has close links with Shiite Iran, where he lived in exile for years before he returned to Iraq after the 2003 ouster of Saddam Hussein's Sunni-led regime. His Badr Brigade militia, trained and armed by the Iranians, is blamed for some of Iraq's sectarian violence. Al-Hakim's militia links and close ties to Iran, however, have gone unmentioned by Washington, perhaps in recognition of his political leverage. President Bush is under pressure from Sunni Arab allies, like Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, who have become alarmed at the rise of Iraq's majority Shiites to resist the Shiite formula.
Ahmadinejad Tells Haniyeh: Israel Will Soon
UN General Assembly Passes anti-Israel Resolutions
Dec. 2….(YNET)
The General Assembly approved six pro-Palestinian resolutions over United
States and Israeli objections, culminating the annual United Nations debate
aimed at showing the world body's solidarity with Palestinian demands for an
independent homeland. At the end of three days of speeches, the 192-member world
body on Friday reaffirmed the UN's responsibility regarding the Palestinian
question and stressed the Palestinian peoples' right to self-determination and
an independent state. The Palestinian UN Observer, Riyad Mansour, said the vote,
157 to 7 with 10 abstentions, showed massive support in the international
community for moving forward on the peace process. "The only way to reverse all
the ills that we are witnessing in the Middle East is to accept the fact that
there can only be a negotiated solution to the question of Palestine and the
Arab-Israeli conflict," Mansour told the assembly on Thursday. "It is
unfortunate to say, at the least, that each time the Arabs have extended their
hand, it was violently rejected by Israel." The resolutions are not legally
binding, as Security Council resolutions are - but they are a reflection of
world opinion. Each of the six resolution received more than 100 "yes" votes.
The United States, Israel, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau voted
against all six resolutions. The only other resolution to top 150 "yes" votes
declared any attempt to impose Israel's laws, jurisdiction and administration on
Jerusalem illegal, and therefore null and void. It was approved by a vote of
157-6 with 10 abstentions. The other resolutions demanded that Israel withdraw
from the Golan Heights and supported the UN Committee on the Exercise of the
Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, the UN Secretariat's Division for
Palestinian Rights, and the UN's special information program on the question of
Palestine. US Diplomat Ned Siegel opposed the Golan Heights resolution, saying
it prejudged the outcome of negotiations between Israel and Syria. He accused
Syria of using the General Assembly "to direct accusations at Israel even as it
flaunts a number of Security Council resolutions. Syria's UN Ambassador Bashar
Ja'afari accused the US Of using its veto in the Security Council to protect its
Israeli friends and prevent them from complying with UN Resolutions. The Bassij,
Israel’s Enemy From Iran Dec. 1….(CBN)
The world now knows the fiery rhetoric of Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad. What is less known is the group he comes from, called the "Bassij."
The Bassij is one of the most committed enemies of Israel and the United States
in the world today. This paramilitary group is one of the most important
organizations within Iran. It claims as many as three million members in reserve
but tens of thousands serve full time and follow a radical ideology. Menashe
Amir hosts a radio show for Voice of Israel Farsi. He's considered one of the
foremost experts on Iran, maintains contact with Iranians regularly, and keeps
his finger on the pulse of Iranian daily life, such as the influence of the
Bassij. Amir said, "I'm very much afraid that Western countries and Western
people don't realize how dangerous this ideology is and what will be the
prospect in the future. They believe that the Messiah will come soon and their
mission is to safeguard the regime." The Bassij play a key role for the ruling
mullahs and for Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Just a few days ago, he
paid tribute to elite Bassij units and called them his children. "Ahmadinejad
says that he is part of the Bassij, and for him Bassij is very important and
that it has a holy mission, just to safeguard the regime, to suppress any
opposition, any moral behavior which in not in line with the regime," said Amir.
The Bassij function as a human shield for Iran's rulers. Iran's supreme leader
has given them almost unbridled power to protect the regime from internal
dissent. They crush any opposition throughout the country much like the way
Hitler used his SA Brownshirt forces to crush any opposition to the Nazi Party.
"Whenever there is any sign of opposition against the regime," Amir explained,
"they come and attack people, beat them, and injure them. And they are very much
detested among the Iranian population." The fanaticism of the Bassij is
legendary and horrific. During the Iran/Iraq War in the 1980s, tens of thousands
marched to their doom across Iraqi minefields. They are trained to embrace
martyrdom. The same fanaticism during the 1980s is still at work today, and some
say even more aggressively. It's directed at the United States, called "The
Great Satan," and particularly right now at Israel, called "The Little Satan." "We
have to wipe out Israel," said one Bassij member. Another Bassij member
stated, "I am here due to my Muslim obligation to fight Israel until the last
drop of my blood." While many Iranians detest the Bassij, this group sees itself
as a vanguard of Shiite Islam that will help prepare the way of the Islamic
messiah, the Mahdi, and defeat the west. "The Bassij think that Islam is a
young, dynamic force that is growing while the Western civilization is a
declining force," said Amir. They are not ready to sacrifice themselves. And
that's the reason why the Basiji deeply believe that in the end the victory will
be with Islam itself." "No one likes war," said one of the Bassij members, "but
if there is a war, we will be ready to die. In helping Muslims where there is
injustice, we like to become martyrs." With this kind of fanaticism fueling
Iran's regime and with its nuclear program on the way, it will be up to US
President George Bush and or Israel to deal with this daunting threat.
Pope Hailed
for Praying Toward Mecca Like Muslims
(FOJ) Pope
Benedict XVI removed his shoes and prayed alongside an Islamic Imam
Mustafa Cagrici in one of Turkey's most famous mosques in a dramatic
gesture of outreach toward Muslims. The Pope’s public prayer is
being hailed by the world as an act of unity and religious
convergence. In reality, the Pope’s bow toward Mecca is a
blasphemous act toward the God of Israel, as it is in truth an
embrace of a false god. Allah and Jehovah are not one and the
same! Dec. 1….(AP)
Pope Benedict ended a sensitive, fence-mending visit to Turkey on Friday
amid praise for visiting Istanbul's famed Blue Mosque and praying there facing
toward Mecca "like Muslims." His first visit to a mostly Muslim country, held
under tight security for fear of protests by nationalists and Islamists, was
highlighted by a series of conciliatory gestures culminating in a stop on
Thursday afternoon in Istanbul's famed Blue Mosque. Istanbul Grand Mufti Mustafa
Cagrici, who prayed with him there, said Pope Benedict faced Mecca and stood
like Muslims do when they pray aright. "These were very nice gestures," he
told NTV television. "The Pope's dreaded visit was concluded with a wonderful
surprise," wrote daily Aksam on its front page. "In Sultan Ahmet Mosque, he
turned toward Mecca and prayed like Muslims," the popular daily Hurriyet
said, using the building's official name. Just before leaving, Benedict said he
hoped his visit was seen as "a sign of friendship between religions" that helps
bring countries and cultures closer together. Mehmet Nuri Yilmaz, the former
head of Turkey's directorate for religious affairs, said the Pope facing Mecca
was a "great gesture" for the Muslim world. Nasrallah Mobilizes Hezbollah, Allies
For Political Coup in Beirut
The leader of Lebanon's anti-Syrian
parliamentary majority, Saad Hariri, son of former Lebanese prime
minister Rafik Hariri, speaks during an interview with the
Associated Press at his house in Beirut, Lebanon, Thursday Nov. 30,
2006. Hariri warned Thursday that Syria was behind the planned
protests to bring down the government, saying its ally Hezbollah
would not be able force Prime Minister Fuad Saniora to step down.
Hariri also accused Syria of being behind the planned demonstrations
to try to stop the international tribunal that will try the suspects
in the killing of his father in Feb. 2005 Dec. 1….(Ha
Aretz) Hundreds of thousands of protesters from Hezbollah and its pro-Syrian
opposition allies massed Friday in downtown Beirut to force the resignation of
Western-backed Prime Minister Fuad Saniora, who was holed up in his office
ringed by hundreds of police and combat troops. The Shiite Muslim Hezbollah and
its allies mobilized their bases for the protest, arranging to bus supporters
from all over Lebanon and handing out free gasoline coupons to people in remote
regions. The protesters, which police estimated at 800,000, created a sea of
Lebanese flags that blanketed the downtown. Hezbollah officials put the number
at least 1 million, one-fourth of Lebanon's population. Saniora went about his
schedule in what appeared to be a tactic to ignore the throngs that quickly
filled the streets. With heavy traffic reported on highways leading downtown,
pro-government factions urged calm. "Saniora out! The crowd roared in approval
amid the deafening sound of Hezbollah revolutionary and nationalist songs.
Heavily armed soldiers and police had closed all roads to downtown, feverishly
unfurling barbed wire and placing barricades. Despite Hezbollah's assurances the
protests will be peaceful, the heavy security came amid fears the protests may
turn into clashes between pro- and anti-Syrian factions or that Hezbollah
supporters could try to storm Saniora's government headquarters. Hezbollah's
security men, donning caps, formed two lines between the protesters and the
security forces to prevent clashes. Launching a long-threatened campaign to
force Lebanon's US-backed government from office, Hezbollah and its pro-Syrian
allies said the demonstration would be followed by a wave of open-ended
protests. The battle is a
fallout from the summer war between Hezbollah and Israel that ravaged parts of
Lebanon. The guerrilla force's strong resistance against Israeli troops sent its
support among Shiites skyrocketing, emboldening it to grab more political power.
Hezbollah also feels Saniora did not do enough to support it during the fight.
Pro-government groups, in turn, resent Hezbollah for sparking the fight by
snatching two Israeli soldiers, dragging Lebanon into war with Israel. A defiant
Saniora vowed his government would not fall, warning in a nationally televised
speech Thursday night that "Lebanon's independence is threatened and its
democratic system is in danger." Government supporters accuse Syria of being
behind the Hezbollah campaign, trying to regain its lost influence in its
smaller neighbor. Hezbollah and its allies, in turn, say the country has fallen
under US domination and that they have lost their rightful portion of power.
Hezbollah had threatened to call for demonstrations unless it and its allies
obtain a veto-wielding share of the Cabinet, a demand that Saniora and the
anti-Syrian parties have rejected. Hezbollah's deputy leader, Sheik Naim Kassim,
made it clear the fight is against "American tutelage" and said the protest
action will continue until the government falls. The United States has made
Lebanon a key front in its attempts to rein in Syria and its ally, regional
powerhouse Iran. President Bush warned earlier this week that the two countries
were trying to destabilize Lebanon. Hezbollah's leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah,
called for the protests to be peaceful. From the other camp, the head of the
anti-Syrian bloc in parliament, Saad Hariri, said his supporters should not hold
counter-demonstrations. Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese also flooded the
downtown area last week after Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel was shot dead to
show their support for Saniora's government. Lebanon has had a string of
assassinations of anti-Syrian figures in the past two years, including a
prominent Christian government minister gunned down last week and Hariri's
father, former prime minister Rafik Hariri, who was killed in a February 2005
bombing. How Much do Pro-Israel Christians
Really Love Israel? Nov. 30….(Stan
Goodenough) A growing number of Jews are wondering how trustworthy
Christians are who say they love Israel but embrace the teaching that sees the
Church heading for glory while the Jews head for another holocaust. Israel's
biggest circulation daily, Yediot Ahronot, Thursday ran a report on its
Ynetnews website about the release of a hot new computer game based on a runaway
American best-seller prophecy novel. Described as extremely impressive
graphically, and consequently a guaranteed hot sell, "Left Behind - Eternal
Forces" pushes the same eschatological line as the books, which see all the
world's Christians taken into heaven while the Jews are left on earth to go
through "the Great Tribulation" or "time of Jacobs trouble." This period of
intense persecution culminates in the destruction of two-thirds of the world's
Jews, while the surviving one-third convert to Christianity and are saved. More
than 75 percent of pro-Israel American Christians are believed to subscribe to
this interpretation of how our age will end. "Where do we fit into all this,
asks Ynetnews reporter Noam Reshef. Is it "good for the Jews?" "Jews and
Israelis will find the series' plotline extremely troubling, to say the least.
"Left Behind, he concludes, "supports Israel, but portrays Judaism as a mistaken
religion." Reshef's report is just the latest in a series of articles that have
appeared in recent years as interested, curious, suspicious and concerned Jews
have sought to understand the beliefs and motives of the evangelical Christian
community which is increasingly viewed as Israel's last and only ally in the
world. America’s Joint Chiefs
Oppose Iraq pullout
Nov. 30….(Washington Times) All six members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
amid an ongoing Pentagon review of strategy for Iraq, oppose pulling US troops
out of Iraq now, and are also against a specific withdrawal timetable, a defense
source said yesterday. "The chiefs are solid. They want victory," the
source said. "There is no dissent." The Joint Chiefs, which includes Gen. Peter
Pace, the chairman, along with a vice chairman and the heads of the Air Force,
Army, Marine Corps and Navy, have been meeting several times a week to review a
list of Iraq options for President Bush. The Pentagon has said all options are
open for consideration during the far-reaching review. But on the question of
withdrawal, the issue is settled in favor of President Bush's position, the
source said. "We are looking at the whole spectrum of possible military
actions," Gen. Pace said yesterday. At a press conference, Gen. Pace endorsed
the idea of shifting more Iraqi forces into violence-wracked Baghdad, where
Shi'ite and Sunni terrorists are on a killing spree to gain control of the
capital. A number of lawmakers, including Rep. Duncan Hunter, California
Republican and House Armed Services Committee chairman, advocate sending more
Iraqi battalions to the capital. "I think that idea has a good amount of appeal
for multiple reasons," Gen. Pace said. The Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan
commission of former officeholders, completed work yesterday on its final report
to Mr. Bush. The report will be released Wednesday, the day after Senate
confirmation hearings begin for Defense Secretary-designate Robert M. Gates. Mr.
Bush is not likely to warmly embrace the study group's centerpiece proposal,
direct diplomatic engagement with US adversaries Syria and Iran, which are
fueling the various insurgency groups in Iraq that are killing US troops and
Iraqi civilians by the thousands. The month of December is shaping up as a time
of major decision-making by Mr. Bush. He will receive the Iraq study group
report, more input from Gen. Pace and ideas from the National Security Council
staff. He has resisted direct talks with Syria and Iran, two of the
US-designated terrorism sponsors (Axis of Evil) whom the administration
thinks are using unrest in Iraq to spread violence in Lebanon and the
Palestinian territories. America’s Army Would Gradually Stand
Down Under Iraq Study Plan
Nov. 30….(New York Times) The bipartisan Iraq Study Group
reached a consensus today on a final report that will call for a gradual
pullback of the 15 American combat brigades now in Iraq but stop short of
setting a firm timetable for their withdrawal, according to people familiar with
the panel’s deliberations. The report, unanimously approved by the 10-member
panel is to be delivered to President Bush next week. The report recommends that
Mr. Bush make it clear to Iraqi President Al Maliki that he intends to start the
withdrawal relatively soon, and people familiar with the debate over the final
language said the implicit message was that the process should begin sometime
next year. The report leaves unstated whether the 15 combat brigades that are
the bulk of American fighting forces in Iraq would be brought home, or simply
pulled back to bases in Iraq or in neighboring countries. As described by the
people involved in the deliberations, the bulk of the report by the
Baker-Hamilton group focused on a recommendation that the United States devise a
far more aggressive diplomatic initiative in the Middle East than Mr. Bush has
been willing to try so far, including direct engagement with Iran and Syria.
Initially, those contacts might be part of a regional conference on Iraq or
broader Middle East peace issues, like the Israeli-Palestinian situation, but
they would ultimately involve direct, high-level talks with Tehran and Damascus.
Throughout the debates, Mr. Baker, who served as secretary of state under Mr.
Bush’s father and was the central figure in developing the strategy to win the
2000 Florida recount for Mr. Bush, was highly reluctant to allow a timetable for
withdrawal to be included in the report, participants said. Mr. Baker cited what
Mr. Bush had also called a danger: that any firm deadline would be an invitation
to insurgents and sectarian groups to bide their time until the last American
troops were withdrawn, then seek to overthrow the government. But Democrats on
the commission also suspected that Mr. Baker was reluctant to embarrass the
president by embracing a strategy Mr. Bush had repeatedly rejected. Committee
members struggled with ways, short of a deadline, to signal to the Iraqis that
Washington would not prop up the government with military forces endlessly, and
that if sectarian warfare continued the pressure to withdraw American forces
would become overwhelming. What they ended up with appears to be a classic
Washington compromise: a report that sets no explicit timetable but, between the
lines, appears to have one built in. As one senior American military officer
involved in Iraq strategy said, “The question is whether it doesn’t look like a
timeline to Bush, and does to Maliki.” Bush Agrees
to Speedy Turnover in Iraq
Nov. 30….(Reuters) Turkey on
Wednesday praised the conciliatory tone of Pope Benedict during his visit to the
predominantly Muslim country and his apparent new support for Ankara's bid to
join the European Union. Celebrating mass at a shrine in southwestern Turkey
where legend says the Virgin Mary lived out her last days, Benedict stressed
that a common devotion to the mother of Jesus Christ is another link binding
Christians and Muslims. Benedict said in his sermon: "From here in Ephesus, a
city blessed by the presence of Mary Most Holy, who we know is loved and
venerated also by Muslims, let us lift up to the Lord a special prayer for peace
between peoples." The Koran describes Mary as the virgin mother of Jesus,
whom Muslims consider the greatest prophet after Mohammed, and some Muslims,
especially women, visit shrines to Mary. The rough stone house where she is said
to have died stands amid olive and pine trees outside the ancient Greek city of
Ephesus, now a collection of ruins known in Turkish as Efes. FOJ Note:
See the “Understand The Times” (http://www/understandthetimes.com)
website by Roger Oakland for further information about the Muslim and
Catholic common ground found through Mary. Pope Holds
Mass at Marian Shrine in Turkey Meanwhile: Al-Qaida
Denounces Pope Visit to Turkey Nov. 29….(AP)
Al-Qaida in Iraq on Wednesday denounced Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Turkey,
calling it part of a "crusader campaign" against Islam. In Istanbul, Vatican
officials said the remark shows the need for faiths to fight "violence in the
name of God." The trip is Benedict's first visit to an Islamic country as
pontiff, seeking dialogue with Muslims who were angered over a speech he made in
September in which he cited a medieval text that linked Islam and violence. Al-Qaida
in Iraq issued its statement on an Islamic militant Web site it often uses to
post messages. "The pope's visit, in fact, is to consolidate the crusader
campaign against the lands of Islam after the failure of the crusader leaders
... and an attempt to extinguish the burning ember of Islam inside our Turkish
brothers," it said. Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi said "neither the
pope nor his entourage are worried" by the statement. "This type of message
shows once again the urgency and importance of a common commitment of all forces
against violence," Lombardi said. "It also shows the need of various faiths to
say 'no' to violence in the name of God."
(FOJ) In this photo of the Pope’s
trip to Turkey, we see the Pope sitting under a banner of Islam and
Socialism. No wonder The Revelation depicts the Woman riding on the
back of a great Beast. (Positive
response to Papal visit after Benedict voices support for EU membership) Nov. 29….(MSN)
Pope Benedict XVI held an intimate Mass under a flower-covered canopy at one of
the holiest Christian places in this predominantly Muslim country Wednesday, as
riot police and soldiers toting submachine guns patrolled a hillside nearby. The
Mass was held next to the ruins of a house where the Virgin Mary is thought to
have spent her last years. the pope urged religious leaders of all faiths to
“utterly refuse” to support any form of violence in the name of faith. He sought
a careful balance as he extended a hand of friendship and “brotherhood” to
Muslims on his first visit to a Muslim country, and even expressed support for
measures that Turkey has taken in its campaign to join the European Union. St.
John the Apostle is believed to have brought the Virgin Mary to the house to
care for her after Jesus’ death. Another belief maintains that the Virgin Mary
died in Jerusalem. The ruins of the house, whose earliest foundations date to
the first century, have become a popular pilgrimage site since the 1950s. A
chapel was built over the ruins, and some believe in the healing powers of both
the chapel and waters flowing from a nearby spring. The site is nestled on a
wooded mountain between the ancient city of Ephesus and the town of Selcuk, near
the Aegean coast. Of Turkey’s 70 million people, some 65,000 are Armenian
Orthodox Christians, 20,000 are Roman Catholic, and 3,500 are Protestant, mostly
converts from Islam. Another 2,000 are Greek Orthodox and 23,000 are Jewish. The
European Union has called on Turkey to expand religious freedoms. The pope
planned to travel to Istanbul later Wednesday to meet Bartholomew I, leader of
the world’s 300 million Orthodox Christians. The two major branches of
Christianity represented by Bartholomew and Benedict split in 1054 over
differences in opinion on the power of the papacy. The two spiritual heads will
meet in an attempt to breach the divide and reunite the churches. Christians
Must “Let Go of Some Beliefs” for Sake of Peace Nov. 29….(The
Tennessean) To live peacefully with Muslims and Jews, Christians must put
aside the notion that their faith requires the creation of a Christian kingdom
on Earth, a Lipscomb University theologian told an interfaith gathering at the
university. "We are not going to get very far in our relationship with Jews or
Muslims if we do not let go of this idea," Lipscomb professor Lee Camp said at
Tuesday's conference. We need to forsake the Christendom model," Camp said. "The
most basic Christian commitment is that we say we believe in the Lordship of
Jesus. But, if we claim that, how can a Muslim or Jew trust us, if we say Jesus
is the Lord of all Lords?" We must change this. Co-sponsored by the First
Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University, the daylong conference was prompted
by a desire to begin a dialogue about global religious conflict. After five
years of rising gas prices, disturbing privacy issues that followed the Sept. 11
attacks and the fear of terrorism, it became apparent that everyday life in
Nashville is directly affected by religious conflicts in the Middle East and
elsewhere, conference organizers said. "We felt like the larger community is
calling for this," said Larry Bridgesmith, executive director of Lipscomb's
newly established Institute for Conflict Management. Panelists representing
different faiths presented their own views on how to begin to bridge the
religious divide. For Kahled Sakalla, a spokesman for the Islamic Center of
Nashville, some of the answers lie in better education about Islam in the
non-Muslim world. Allah, the God Muslims worship, is the same God Christians
and Jews worship, and the Quran recounts the same biblical stories of Mary
and Jesus, he said. "Yes, we have differences, but it's important to focus on
commonalities," said Sakalla, one of four panelists representing different
faiths who addressed the Lipscomb conference. Mark Schiftan, rabbi of the Temple
in Belle Meade, said he also believes people of faith must begin to look for
common ground. "If all of us believe we were created in God's image, then we
have to believe that everyone else is also created in God's image," Schiftan
said. Charles McGowan, president of the Christian group Operation Andrew said:
“the issues that have divided the world's religions for millennia are so deep
and fundamental, ranging from the question of whether the land of Israel
rightfully belongs to the Jews and whether there is one way to salvation,
that tackling them will require both dialogue with other faiths and a more
introspective look at one's own beliefs, panelists said. Some liberal
theologians have suggested that different faiths are all variations on one
another and that beliefs are all basically the same, a position with which Camp
deeply disagrees. Instead, he believes, Christians must not back away from their
beliefs but further examine them and their own history. First, Christians must
examine their "sins of omission," he said, such as not taking the time to learn
about other religions. Then they must look at their "sins of commission." "We
have such short historical (memory) spans as white Christians," he said. "There
is a history of anti-Semitism, the violence and bloodshed of the crusades and
cultural imperialism. We have to deal with the reality of what Christians have
done, which in some cases has been to kill people." Camp described himself as a
conservative Christian but conceded his opinions may be viewed as "radical" by
other evangelical Christians. Christians must shed the idea that they need to
promulgate a worldwide Christianity, he said. "If I hold to a model of Jesus,
what I've committed to in my baptism is loving my enemy," Lee said. "I'm
committed to not killing you, but to serving and honoring you. It's an
exclusive commitment to the way of Christ, not to the exclusive authority of
Christ." Sakalla said there may never be reconciliation on the fundamental
theological divisions. "Every religion has different teachings," he said. "For
Muslims, it's: Do you believe in one God and that Muhammad" is his prophet? "I
don't think we can teach individuals that the way you go to heaven in other
religions is OK. FOJ Note:
Somewhere the Antichrist is smiling. If he can get the so-called Christians to
abandon “some of the basic Biblical beliefs,” then He can easily fashion a
Global religious system that will exalt him as the God of this world. Text of
Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinjad’s Letter to the US 'Both our nations
are God-fearing, truth-loving and justice-seeking' Message of H.E.
Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad In the name of
God, the Compassionate, the Merciful O, Almighty
God, bestow upon humanity the perfect human being promised to all by You, and
make us among his followers. Noble Americans, Were we not faced
with the activities of the US administration in this part of the world and the
negative ramifications of those activities on the daily lives of our peoples,
coupled with the many wars and calamities caused by the US administration as
well as the tragic consequences of US interference in other countries; Were the American
people not God-fearing, truth-loving, and justice-seeking, while the US
administration actively conceals the truth and impedes any objective portrayal
of current realities; And if we did not
share a common responsibility to promote and protect freedom and human dignity
and integrity; Then, there would have been little urgency to have a dialogue
with you. While Divine
providence has placed Iran and the United States geographically far apart, we
should be cognizant that human values and our common human spirit, which
proclaim the dignity and exalted worth of all human beings, have brought our two
great nations of Iran and the United States closer together. Both our nations
are God-fearing, truth-loving and justice-seeking, and both seek dignity,
respect and perfection. Both greatly value and readily embrace the promotion of
human ideals such as compassion, empathy, respect for the rights of human
beings, securing justice and equity, and defending the innocent and the weak
against oppressors and bullies. We are all
inclined towards the good, and towards extending a helping hand to one another,
particularly to those in need. We all deplore injustice, the trampling of
peoples' rights and the intimidation and humiliation of human beings. We all
detest darkness, deceit, lies and distortion, and seek and admire salvation,
enlightenment, sincerity and honesty. The pure human essence of the two great
nations of Iran and the United States testify to the veracity of these
statements. Noble Americans,
Our nation has
always extended its hand of friendship to all other nations of the world.
Hundreds of thousands of my Iranian compatriots are living amongst you in
friendship and peace, and are contributing positively to your society. Our
people have been in contact with you over the past many years and have
maintained these contacts despite the unnecessary restrictions of US
authorities. As mentioned, we have common concerns, face similar challenges, and
are pained by the sufferings and afflictions in the world. We, like
you, are aggrieved by the ever-worsening pain and misery of the Palestinian
people. Persistent aggressions by the Zionists are making life more and more
difficult for the rightful owners of the land of Palestine.
In broad day-light, in front of cameras and before the eyes of the world, they
are bombarding innocent defenseless civilians, bulldozing houses, firing machine
guns at students in the streets and alleys, and subjecting their families to
endless grief. No day goes by without a new crime. Palestinian
mothers, just like Iranian and American mothers, love their children, and are
painfully bereaved by the imprisonment, wounding and murder of their children.
What mother wouldn't? For 60
years, the Zionist regime has driven millions of the inhabitants of Palestine
out of their homes. Many of these refugees have died in the Diaspora and in
refugee camps. Their children have spent their youth in these camps and are
aging while still in the hope of returning to homeland. You know
well that the US administration has persistently provided blind and blanket
support to the Zionist regime, has emboldened it
to continue its crimes, and has prevented the UN Security Council from
condemning it. Who can deny such broken promises and grave injustices towards
humanity by the US administration? Governments are
there to serve their own people. No people wants to side with or support any
oppressors. But regrettably, the US administration disregards even its own
public opinion and remains in the forefront of supporting the trampling of the
rights of the Palestinian people. Let's take a
look at Iraq. Since the commencement of the US military presence in Iraq,
hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, maimed or displaced. Terrorism
in Iraq has grown exponentially. With the presence of the US military in Iraq,
nothing has been done to rebuild the ruins, to restore the infrastructure or to
alleviate poverty. The US Government used the pretext of the existence of
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but later it became clear that that was
just a lie and a deception. Although Saddam was overthrown and people are happy
about his departure, the pain and suffering of the Iraqi people has persisted
and has even been aggravated. In Iraq, about one hundred and fifty thousand
American soldiers, separated from their families and loved ones, are operating
under the command of the current US administration. A substantial number of
them have been killed or wounded and their presence in Iraq has tarnished the
image of the American people and government. Their mothers and relatives have,
on numerous occasions, displayed their discontent with the presence of their
sons and daughters in a land thousands of miles away from US shores. American
soldiers often wonder why they have been sent to Iraq. I consider it extremely
unlikely that you, the American people, consent to the billions of dollars of
annual expenditure from your treasury for this military misadventure.
Noble Americans,
You have heard
that the US administration is kidnapping its presumed opponents from across the
globe and arbitrarily holding them without trial or any international
supervision in horrendous prisons that it has established in various parts of
the world. God knows who these detainees actually are, and what terrible fate
awaits them. You have certainly heard the sad stories of the Guantanamo and Abu-Ghraib
prisons. The US administration attempts to justify them through its proclaimed
"war on terror." But every one knows that such behavior, in fact, offends
global public opinion, exacerbates resentment and thereby spreads terrorism, and
tarnishes the US image and its credibility among nations. The US
administration's illegal and immoral behavior is not even confined to outside
its borders. You are witnessing daily that under the pretext of "the war on
terror," civil liberties in the United States are being increasingly curtailed.
Even the privacy of individuals is fast losing its meaning. Judicial due process
and fundamental rights are trampled upon. Private phones are tapped, suspects
are arbitrarily arrested, sometimes beaten in the streets, or even shot to
death. I have no doubt that the American people do not approve of this behavior
and indeed deplore it. The US
administration does not accept accountability before any organization,
institution or council. The US administration has undermined the credibility of
international organizations, particularly the United Nations and its Security
Council. But, I do not intend to address all the challenges and calamities in
this message. The legitimacy, power and influence of a government do not emanate
from its arsenals of tanks, fighter aircrafts, missiles or nuclear weapons.
Legitimacy and influence reside in sound logic, quest for justice and compassion
and empathy for all humanity. The global position of the United States is in all
probability weakened because the administration has continued to resort to
force, to conceal the truth, and to mislead the American people about its
policies and practices. Undoubtedly, the American people are not satisfied with
this behavior and they showed their discontent in the recent elections. I hope
that in the wake of the mid-term elections, the administration of President Bush
will have heard and will heed the message of the American people. My questions
are the following: Is there not a
better approach to governance? Is it not
possible to put wealth and power in the service of peace, stability, prosperity
and the happiness of all peoples through a commitment to justice and respect for
the rights of all nations, instead of aggression and war? We all condemn
terrorism, because its victims are the innocent. But, can terrorism be
contained and eradicated through war, destruction and the killing of hundreds of
thousands of innocents? If that were possible, then why has the problem not been
resolved? The sad experience of invading Iraq is before us all. What has
blind support for the Zionists by the US administration brought for the American
people? It is regrettable that for the US administration, the interests
of these occupiers supersedes the interests of the American people
and of the other nations of the world. What have the Zionists done for the
American people that the US administration considers itself obliged to blindly
support these infamous aggressors? Is it not because they have imposed
themselves on a substantial portion of the banking, financial, cultural and
media sectors? I recommend that in a demonstration of respect for the American
people and for humanity, the right of Palestinians to live in their own homeland
should be recognized so that millions of Palestinian refugees can return to
their homes and the future of all of Palestine and its form of government be
determined in a referendum. This will benefit everyone. Now that Iraq has a
Constitution and an independent Assembly and Government, would it not be more
beneficial to bring the US officers and soldiers home, and to spend the
astronomical US military expenditures in Iraq for the welfare and prosperity of
the American people? As you know very well, many victims of Katrina continue to
suffer, and countless Americans continue to live in poverty and homelessness. I'd also like to
say a word to the winners of the recent elections in the US: The United
States has had many administrations; some who have left a positive legacy, and
others that are neither remembered fondly by the American people nor by other
nations. Now that you control an important branch of the US Government, you will
also be held to account by the people and by history. If the US Government
meets the current domestic and external challenges with an approach based on
truth and Justice, it can remedy some of the past afflictions and alleviate some
of the global resentment and hatred of America. But if the approach remains the
same, it would not be unexpected that the American people would similarly reject
the new electoral winners, although the recent elections, rather than reflecting
a victory, in reality point to the failure of the current administration's
policies. These issues had been extensively dealt with in my letter to President
Bush earlier this year. To sum up: It is possible to
govern based on an approach that is distinctly different from one of coercion,
force and injustice. It is possible to
sincerely serve and promote common human values, and honesty and compassion. It is possible to
provide welfare and prosperity without tension, threats, imposition or war. It is possible to
lead the world towards the aspired perfection by adhering to unity,
monotheism, morality and spirituality and drawing upon the teachings of
the Divine Prophets. Then, the
American people, who are God-fearing and followers of Divine religions,
will overcome every difficulty. What I stated represents some of my anxieties
and concerns. I am confident that you, the American people, will play an
instrumental role in the establishment of justice and spirituality throughout
the world. The promises of the Almighty and His prophets will certainly be
realized, Justice and Truth will prevail and all nations will live a true life
in a climate replete with love, compassion and fraternity. The US governing
establishment, the authorities and the powerful should not choose irreversible
paths. As all prophets have taught us, injustice and transgression will
eventually bring about decline and demise. Today, the path of return to faith
and spirituality is open and unimpeded. We should all
heed the Divine Word of the Holy Qur'an: "But those
who repent, have faith and do good may receive Salvation. Your Lord, alone,
creates and chooses as He will, and others have no part in His choice; Glorified
is God and Exalted above any partners they ascribe to Him." (28:67-68) I
pray to the Almighty to bless the Iranian and American nations and indeed all
nations of the world with dignity and success. Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad President of the
Islamic Republic of Iran
Focus on Jerusalem Prophecy Ministry Commentary on Ahmadinejad;’
Letter Nov.
29….(Darrell G. Young) Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad logged the above
letter to the American people with the United Nations. It is an attempt by a
declared foreign enemy of the Christian Republic of the United States at
brainwashing the American people through the verbage of political deception. Mr.
Ahmadinejad is attempting to go over the head or our nation and the office of
the Presidency to appeal to the political divisions on our country that have
been created by our own insanity over power and jealousy. These situations in
political America are the result of the Great Falling Away, so aptly describe in
the Holy Bible. Mr. Ahmadinejad’s letter clearly shows that he is making a case
against Israel, (a nation he has said should be wiped off the face of the earth)
and against the God of Israel, by cleverly using the guise of religious
tolerance to suggest that the Koran has just as much authority in this issue as
the Christian Bible. Ahmadinejad is being used of SATAN to castigate the present
Bush Administration for its unswavering support for the security of Israel, and
appeal to the American public to abandon its traditional support for Israel,
because it is supposedly illegally occupying land that the Koran says rightfully
belongs to the Palestinians. The Iranian President is using the appeal of
religious tolerance and unity to compel upon mainstream America to abandon its
Biblical heritage and to adapt to the Divine world religions and the peace and
unity movement. In short, Ahmadinejad is asking Americans to abandon following
the Christian Zionist Doctrine of Prophetic Scripture, and to join the spiritual
convergence of the Antichrist. (Mahdi) Muslim
Congressman-Elect Will Take Oath on Koran, Not Holy Bible
Will America submit to
allowing the Koran to be used for swearing in its elected officials?
Would any Muslim nation allow a Bible to exist on its soil?
29….(Dennis Prager) Keith Ellison, D-Minnesota, the first Muslim ever
elected to the United States Congress, has announced that he will not take his
oath of office on the Bible, but on the bible of Islam, the Koran. He should not
be allowed to do so, not because of any American hostility to the Koran, but
because the act undermines American civilization. First, it is an act of hubris
that perfectly exemplifies multiculturalist activism, my culture trumps
America's culture. What Ellison and his Muslim and leftist supporters are saying
is that it is of no consequence what America holds as its holiest book; all that
matters is what any individual holds to be his holiest book. Forgive me, but
America should not give a hoot what Keith Ellison's favorite holy book is.
Insofar as a member of Congress taking an oath to serve America and uphold its
values is concerned, America is interested in only one book, the Bible. If you
are incapable of taking an oath on that book, don't serve in Congress. In your
personal life, we will fight for your right to prefer any other book. We will
even fight for your right to publish cartoons mocking our Bible. But, Mr.
Ellison, America, not you, decides on what book its public servants take their
oath. Devotees of multiculturalism and political correctness who do not see how
damaging to the fabric of American civilization it is to allow Ellison to choose
his own book need only imagine a racist elected to Congress. Would they allow
him to choose Hitler's "Mein Kampf," the Nazis' bible, for his oath? And if not,
why not? On what grounds will those defending Ellison's right to choose his
favorite book deny that same right to a racist who is elected to public office?
Of course, Ellison's defenders argue that Ellison is merely being honest; since
he believes in the Koran and not in the Bible, he should be allowed, even
encouraged, to put his hand on the book he believes in. But for all of
American history, Jews elected to public office have taken their oath on the
Bible, even though they do not believe in the New Testament, and the many
secular elected officials have not believed in the Old Testament either. Yet
those secular officials did not demand to take their oaths of office on, say,
the collected works of Voltaire or on a volume of New York Times editorials,
writings far more significant to some liberal members of Congress than the
Bible. Nor has one Mormon official demanded to put his hand on the Book of
Mormon. And it is hard to imagine a scientologist being allowed to take his oath
of office on a copy of "Dianetics" by L. Ron Hubbard. So why are we allowing
Keith Ellison to do what no other member of Congress has ever done, choose his
own most revered book for the oath of office? The answer is obvious, Ellison is
a Muslim. And whoever decides these matters, not to mention virtually every
editorial page in America, is not going to offend a Muslim. In fact, many of
these people argue it will be a good thing because Muslims around the world will
see what an open society America is and how much Americans honor Muslims and the
Koran. This argument appeals to all those who believe that one of the greatest
goals of America is to be loved by the world, and especially by Muslims because
then fewer Muslims will hate us (and therefore fewer will bomb us). But these
naive people do not appreciate that America will not change the attitude of a
single American-hating Muslim by allowing Ellison to substitute the Koran for
the Bible. In fact, the opposite is more likely: Ellison's doing so will
embolden Islamic extremists and make new ones, as Islamists, rightly or wrongly,
see the first sign of the realization of their greatest goal, the Islamicization
of America. When all elected officials take their oaths of office with their
hands on the very same book, they all affirm that some unifying value system
underlies American civilization. If Keith Ellison is allowed to change that, he
will be doing more damage to the unity of America and to the value system that
has formed this country than the terrorists of 9-11. It is hard to believe that
this is the legacy most Muslim Americans want to bequeath to America. FOJ Note:
The oath of allegiance to office is a solemn pledge. It
is a vow that was created deliberately to enforce the principle that America was
a Christian nation. To swear on the Holy Bible is to acknowledge the fact that
the American government was founded on the principles of the Holy Bible, and
that in office the officeholder will adhere to the Christian precepts of honor
and duty beholden to accountability to the God of scripture. For this reason,
and many others, the first Supreme Court Justice stated it is the duty of
Americans to prefer and to elect honorable Christians to office! By tolerating
the oath on the Koran, or any other book, America is blaspheming its God, and
giving credence to the book (Koran) and the pretender-wanna-be god (Allah) that
calls for the destruction of any Christian nation! Fundamentalist Muslims around
the world are waving the Koran in the face of Christians and Jews as a method of
intimidation. It is through the foolishness of political-correctness and the new
religion of secular humanism that America is being intimidated by false gods. Jordan Will
Not Accept A Palestinian Influx
FOJ Note:
Jordan occupied the now so-called “occupied territory” prior to the 1967 war on
Israel that Jordan participated in with 4 other Arab countries. In fact, Jordan
is a Palestinian State, and like other its neighbors, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon
refuses to accept Palestinian refugees from the West Bank. In fact, the Arabs
insist upon Israel absorbing all the Palestinians. (Arafat’s infamous
right-of-return clause that would in effect make Israel an Islamic nation)
Jordan never face the UN agenda of creating a second Palestinian State on the
West Bank, as is now the case being pressed against Israel.
Christian Leaders Press Warren to Keep
Obama From Pulpit (Argue
Democrat senator's support for abortion incompatible with Bible) Nov. 28….(WND)
Christian leaders from across a wide spectrum of theologies and missions are
rising up together to urge Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren to rescind an
invitation to Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (and Presidential candidate) to speak
from Warren's pulpit. The Illinois Democrat, an enthusiastic supporter of
abortion, is scheduled to speak at a seminar Dec. 1 called, "We Must Work
Together" at Warren's 30,000-member California church. The seminar is about
coordinating efforts to address the AIDS crisis worldwide. "You cannot fight one
evil while justifying another," a joint statement from dozens of leaders of
Christian groups said in condemning Obama's support for abortion and Warren's
support for Obama. "The evangelical church can provide no genuine help for those
who suffer from AIDS if those involved do not first have their ethic of life
firmly rooted in the Word of God," the group said. "Accordingly, we call on
Pastor Rick Warren to rescind his invitation to Sen. Obama immediately. "The
millions of silent victims who have died because of the policies of leaders like
Sen. Obama demand a response from those who believe that life is a gift from
God." It's the second round of criticism for Warren in just days. Warren has
been under scrutiny because of his recent trip to Syria, where he described the
government and its policies as "moderate" even though the US government
describes Syria as "a terrorism-sponsoring state," and Mideast experts confirm
it has punitive policies discriminating against Christians and Jews. The name of
the Saddleback seminar at which Senator Obama will be appearing is entitled, 'We
Must Work Together.' No, Mr. Warren, Mr. Obama, we will never work with those
can support the murder of babies in the womb."
Bush Says US Won't Pull Out of Iraq
Nov. 28…(My Way) President Bush, although under immense
pressure to change direction in Iraq, said today that he will not be persuaded
by any calls to withdraw American troops before the country is stabilized.
"There's one thing I'm not going to do, I'm not going to pull our troops off the
battlefield before the mission is complete," he said in a speech setting the
stage for high-stakes meetings with the Iraqi prime minister later this week. A
bipartisan panel on Iraq is finalizing recommendations on Iraq. The group led by
former Secretary of State James Baker III and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind.,
plan to present ideas to Bush next month. The commissioners are expected to
debate the feasibility of withdrawal timetables. Recent US elections added fuel
to the argument from Democrats that US soldiers need to come home. But Bush has
resisted that, even while projecting the need for a different approach. "We'll
continue to be flexible and we'll make the changes necessary to succeed," the
president said. Bush pushed back against skeptics of his goal of spreading
freedom across the Middle East. "I understand these doubts but I do not share
them," the president said. Earlier Tuesday, Bush blamed the escalating
bloodshed in Iraq on an al-Qaida plot to stoke cycles of sectarian revenge,
and refused to debate whether the country has fallen into civil war. Bush,
dodging a direct answer of whether a civil war existed in Iraq, tied the three
conflicts together in a different way. He said recent strife in Lebanon and the
heated up Israeli-Palestinian dispute are, like Iraq, the result of extremists
trying to choke off democratic progress. "There's a lot of sectarian violence
taking place, fomented in my opinion because of these attacks by al-Qaida,
causing people to seek reprisal."
President Bush said he will ask al-Maliki to explain his plan for
quelling the violence. "The Maliki government is going to have to deal with that
violence and we want to help them do so," the president said. "It's in our
interest that Iraq succeed." Bush repeated his administration's reluctance to
talk with two nations it regards as pariah states working to destabilize Iraq,
and the whole Middle East. Iran, the top US rival in the region, has reached out
to Iraq and Syria in recent days, an attempt viewed as a bid to assert its role
as a powerbroker in Iraq. The president said Iraq is a sovereign nation, free to
meet with its neighbors. "If that's what they think they ought to do, that's
fine," he said. "One thing Iraq would like to see is for the Iranians to leave
them alone." Iran's state-run television, however, quoted Iraqi President Jalal
Talabani as saying "we are in dire need of Iran's help in establishing security
and stability in Iraq." The comments came after Talabani met Monday with Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran. Far from reaching out to Iran and
Syria, Bush also denounced them for trying to destabilize the fragile,
Western-backed government in Lebanon. "That government is being undermined, in
my opinion, by extremist forces encouraged out of Syria and Iran," Bush said.
"Why? Because a democracy there will be a major defeat for those who articulate
extremist points of view." Ahmadinejad:
US, U.K., Israel Will 'Collapse' Nov. 28….(AP)
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted that the United States,
Britain and Israel will "collapse" in disgrace because of the war on terrorism
in various Middle Eastern nations. Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly called for
Israel's destruction, told a rally of supporters in Tehran that "the Zionist
regime is on a steep downhill" decline. In a reference to the United States and
Britain, the Iranian president said "the collapse and crumbling of your devilish
rule has started." Iran, which is feverishly trying to develop nuclear power
against US opposition, funds terrorist organizations throughout the region,
including Hezbollah, which recently attacked Israel despite an apparent
cease-fire agreement. Ahmadinejad called on Iran's neighboring nations to drive
out "foreign occupiers" in Iraq and Afghanistan, telling his supporters that
"the presence of foreigners is the source of discord and conflict" in the Middle
East. Israel, and
Only Israel, Slammed by UN Human Rights Council Nov. 28….(JNEWSWIRE)
Israel, and only Israel, came under the gun of the United Nations Human Rights
Council Monday, which voted for two resolutions criticizing the Jewish state. In
the six months since its formation, this organ of the UN has voted exclusively
against Israel. As far as it is concerned, no other nation on the planet is
currently murdering, torturing or otherwise abusing the human rights of others.
In Monday's votes Israel's 1981 annexation of the Golan Heights was ruled
illegal. The fact that: 1. the Heights
were part of the land promised to the Jews under the Balfour Declaration and by
the League of Nations in San Remo 2. Syria used the
Golan as a platform from which to murder Jewish farmers and other civilians in
the Upper Galilee; and while Syria only occupied them for 19 years, the Heights
have been under Israel for more than twice that length of time All of this
meant nothing to the council. In the second vote, the council decided that
Israel should reverse its policy of building and expanding towns and villages
for Jews in the heart of that nation's ancient homeland. Canada was the only
participating state to vote against the resolutions.
Khamenei Says US is Destabilizing Iraq
Iranian supreme leader
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, right, meets with Iraqi President Jalal
Talabani, center, as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, left
looks on during an official meeting in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, Nov.
28, 2006. A photo of Iran's late leader Ayatollah Khomeini, hangs on
the wall in the background. Nov. 28….(YNET)
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Tuesday accused the United
States of destabilizing Iraq through hired "terrorists" and former members of
Saddam Hussein's regime. In a meeting with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani,
Khamenei pledged that Iran would do all it can to use its influence among Iraq's
Shiite Muslims to quell the violence, according to a state television report.
"The main reason for the current situation in Iraq is America's policies," the
television quoted Khamenei as telling Talabani, who is on the final day of a
two-day visit. "Those (the Americans) who plotted against Iraq, and whose plans
have not materialized, are intent on destabilizing the situation. Their agents
on the ground are terrorists, the excommunicated and former Baathists," the
television quoted Khamenei as saying. By "excommunicated," he appeared to be
referring to the civil servants loyal to Saddam's Baath Party. The United States
expelled Baathists from the government in the early days of its occupation of
Iraq after Saddam was toppled. After his arrival in Tehran on Monday, Talabani
said his government was in dire need of Iran's help to quell the escalating
violence in Iraq. The United States has accused Iran of supplying money, weapons
components and training to Shiite militia in neighboring Iraq. Iran has denied
the charge, saying it has only political and religious links with Iraqi Shiites.
Both Iran and Iraq are Shiite majority countries. FOJ Note:
This is a perfect example of the twisting of the truth. It is Iran that is
destabilizing Iraq through terrorists.
Rick Warren Accused of 'Enabling and
Defending' Evil
(Megapastor's appearance in Syrian propaganda triggers
criticism) Nov. 28….(WND)
Megachurch pastor Rick Warren may have been unprepared for the Syrian media's
propaganda using his name during his recent visit and he may have confused
religious tolerance with religious freedom, but neither is an excuse for
becoming "an enabler and defender of evil," according to experts on the Mideast
and its persecution of non-Muslims. "Rick Warren can do us all a favor and keep
his remarks and opinions to himself. When you don't stand up against and condemn
evil, let alone say misrepresented facts about an evil regime, you become an
enabler and defender of evil, plain and simple," Brigitte Gabriel told WND.
Gabriel, a Lebanese-American who wrote "Because They Hate," and the founder of
the American Congress for Truth, was responding to Warren's recorded statement
about Syria that: "It's a moderate country, and the official government rule and
position is to not allow any extremism of any kind." Warren, the
pastor of Saddleback Church and the author of the best-selling "The
Purpose-Driven Life," told WND when the comment first was reported that he had
been misquoted, and further, he wasn't a diplomat and probably wasn't fully
prepared for a situation in which he was used for propaganda. But a video posted
on YouTube showed Warren making the statement, and when WND linked to it, it
suddenly disappeared. Larry Ross, who acts as a spokesman for the church, told
WND the video showing Warren making the statement was removed because Warren had
heard there were "reports" about his Syrian visit, but not necessarily the
reports from WND. The Warren YouTube postings had been ongoing as kind of a
travelogue to his congregation, Ross said. But when Warren arrived in Rwanda
from Damascus and found out there were concerns about his activities in Syria,
he suggested that no video from Syria be posted. "Let's not post one for Syria
until we see where we're at," Warren had said, according to Ross. But it already
had been put up, so it was pulled down, only a few hours after it was put up,
Ross said. "It was in the context of reports that they'd heard about, not
specifically yours (WND's)," he said. "It was obviously with the understanding
or the awareness that there were some reports about the trip to Syria." But
before it was removed,
Bruce Delay, a talk-show host at KFAQ 1170 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, downloaded
the audio portion of Warren's comments, and Warren can be heard making those
very statements. Syria is anything but neutral on the international issues
involving differences between Muslim, Jew and Christian. The US Congressional
Research Service forwarded to the US State Department earlier this year a
massive report documenting that many believe it was Syria's decision to resupply
Hezbollah with missiles and other materials that allowed Hezbollah to wage war
with Israel over the summer. That same report noted that Syria, which has not
signed the Chemical Weapons Convention, has acquired an arsenal of chemical
weapons and surface-to-surface missiles, as well as research centers for
conducting work on biological weapons "and may be interested in a nuclear
weapons capability." Nerve agents such as sarin already are stockpiled and
scientists may be working on the more deadly VX, said the report. Syria also has
been listed, since 1979, on the list of nations considered by the US to be
sponsoring terrorism, and while its direct credit for individual terrorism acts
has been limited in recent years, "Syria has continued to provide political and
material support for Palestinian groups that have committed terrorist acts, and
allows them to maintain offices in Damascus," the report said. "Rick Warren's
comments about Syria are an insult and a slap on the face to every Christian who
ever lived under that regime or suffered from Syria's evil dictatorship not only
in Syria but also the Christian Lebanese," said Brigitte Gabriel. "Rick Warren
needs to speak to some of the Christians who fled Syria because of the
oppression of the Syrian regime and are now here in America. They can tell him
about the Syrian troops storming their Christian schools when they were children
and burning the schools because they were Christians. They can tell him about
fearing for their lives, controlling their tongues, living with humiliation and
trying to get out of the country in any way possible." She said it's actually
the fortunate and well-to-do who are able to leave Syria; others must stay.
"They do not have any weapons to protect themselves with, they are outnumbered
by the oppressing Islamic majority and are under the mercy of radical tyrants
who will not think twice about killing people for any reason at any time," she
said. Further, it was under Syrian control and protection that Muslims in
Lebanon went on a killing spree against Christians, said Gabriel, who was 10 and
living in Lebanon in 1975 when militant Muslims poured into her country and
declared jihad against Lebanese Christians. "To call Syria a moderate peaceful
country where Christians and Jews live peacefully protected by the regime is
nothing more than a statement of his ignorance, lack of intelligence and lack of
grasp and understanding of the Middle East conflict. There are Christians in
Syrian prisons now whose families do not know anything about them or if they are
still alive or dead. According to SANA, Warren, who met with various religious
and political leaders in Syria including President Bashar al-Assad, had "hailed
the religious coexistence, tolerance and stability that the Syrian society is
enjoying due to the wise leadership of President al-Assad, asserting that he
will convey the true image about Syria to the American people." The reports also
quoted Warren saying about four in five Americans reject the US policies and
actions in Iraq. Nov. 28….(Ha'aretz)
Russia is determined to help defend Iran's pursuit of nuclear know-how by
continuing its supplying of top-of-the-range anti-aircraft defense systems to
the regime in Tehran. Delivery of 29 high-lethality Tor-M1 mobile systems to the
regime of Holocaust-threatening Mahmoud Ahmadinejad began this month, as America
and the United States continued to explore ways to neutralize the burgeoning
Iranian threat. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov at the weekend defended
the Putin government's decision to proceed with the weapons' sale. Utilizing
Russian double-speak, Ivanov insisted that the eight-missile Tor-M1 units,
capable of tracking 48 targets and engaging two of them simultaneously at medium
to very low altitudes, is merely a "defensive weapon." What these missiles are
being sold to Iran to defend, however, is the construction of weapons of mass
destruction whose purpose, as openly expressed by the Iranian leadership, is
anything but defensive. Ahmadinejad has repeatedly vowed that Iran will wipe
Israel of the face of the map. The Russian-Iranian alliance is growing stronger
in the face of the toothless western attempts to stop Tehran. In February the
two countries signed a nuclear deal that helped accelerate the Iranian race to
acquire atom bombs for Allah. FOJ Note:
Russia is busy doing exactly what the prophet Ezekiel revealed that Russia
would do in the Last Days. Ezekiel 38:7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for
thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a
guard unto them.
Purpose-Driven Warren’s Lack of Good Sense & Consequences of Compromising the
Word of God Nov. 27….(Bill
Wilson, KIN) Saddleback Church pastor and author of The Purpose-Driven
Life, Rick Warren, learned a hard lesson about how compromising the Word of God
has harsh consequences. Warren went to Syria trying to build bridges for peace
as part of his international PEACE Plan ministry. According to the Syrian media,
he said that 80 percent of Americans reject the US administration's policies in
Iraq and the Middle East; he hailed Syria as an example of how Christians and
Muslims live together in tolerance and peace; and he said he would bring the
true story of Syria to the American people. Now Warren is saying he was
misquoted and used and that he is a pastor, not a diplomat. He is also
undiscerning and unwise. There is a group of people out there who believe, bless
their hearts, that if they just bring the Word of God to the world, there would
be peace on earth, God's kingdom would be established and all will be well with
the world. That's why many a deceived Christian is signing on with the "green
agenda" to stop the concept of global warming, others want to dedicate all their
political muscle to bring world peace, and still others back the United Nations'
mission to end global poverty. They are the same Christians who want to show
those who hate Christianity that Christians aren't so bad, in the hope of
finding common ground. Noble thoughts all, but this naïve neo-Christian belief
not only compromises the Word of God, it is unscriptural. Blessed are the
peacemakers, yes, but the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 6:14, "Be ye not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship has righteousness
with unrighteousness and what communion has light with darkness?" In every case
where Christians try to strike common ground with God's enemies to show them
they should know God because Christians are good, God's word will be compromised
unless those who do not have the Light of God fully accept Him. Accepting the
premise of global warming is accepting the agenda of the communists and
socialists, who deny God. Bringing world peace is also the mantra of communists
and socialists, who deny God. Communists and socialists want to end world
poverty. But they want to do it by creating a secular humanist-based utopian
world. We know through the prophets and the book of Revelation that Jesus
Christ, the Prince of Peace, is the only one who can bring peace; He is the only
one who will create a new heaven and earth (a totally revitalized and clean
environment) and end poverty. There is a fine line between evangelizing and
compromising, and much of the Church today is compromising. Perspective: Many an
unsuspecting Christian can be deceived by the secular humanists into supporting
an agenda here and there. But some things are obvious: Terrorists want to
destroy Jews and Christians, which is denying God. Hence, giving them publicity,
trying to work with them on common ground, allowing them to use a Christian's
credibility to advance their cause, is also denying God because, at that point,
it is the Christian doing the compromising. We are supposed to evangelize the
world, not work shoulder to shoulder with the unsaved in order to show them that
Christians are good people. Whenever Christians enter into fellowship with
darkness, it will be the light that is compromised. Christians, here's a clear
warning: Abandon the agenda of finding common ground. Instead, open your mouths
boldly to proclaim the mystery of the Gospel. Bush To
Pursue US Policy Reversal in Iraq Nov.
27….(DEBKA) Hamas was quick to pick up on the new tune emanating from
Washington. Its leaders and Mahmoud Abbas declared a hurried ceasefire Sunday to
take advantage of the US president’s willingness to broaden his Amman talks from
his planned meetings with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki to an effort to
convene an international conference on the Palestinian issue. Israel’s Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert accepted the ceasefire against military advice to capture
high ground. King Abdullah chipped in by saying that Palestine “is the core” of
all Middle East violence. No seasoned observer expects the truce to last, but it
shows that there is a new wind blowing on the diplomatic front, and it involves
Iraq and Palestine.
Twinning in Washington of the Iraq and Palestinian Issues (How Iraq and
Palestinian Issues Came to Be Twinned in Revised Bush Strategy on Iraq)
One of the most
pressing pieces of business the US president George W. Bush must tackle in Amman
later this week is the demand for an international conference on Iraq which must
be dominated by a built-in agenda on the Palestinian-Israeli dispute.
Palestinian leaders, picking up the new tones in Washington, decided to cash in
by announcing the cessation of Hamas’ Qassam missile attacks on Israeli civilian
locations, starting Sunday, Nov. 26. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, loath
to relinquish the high diplomatic ground to the Palestinians, promised Monday
that after the kidnapped Israeli soldier is released, Israel will free many
jailed Palestinians, including long term prisoners, as a confidence-building
gesture to prove Israel seeks peace. As soon as a Palestinian unity government
is formed, Olmert said, immediate negotiations could start with Mahmoud Abbas on
the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state. He allowed the evacuation of some
West Bank settlements was possible in return for real peace and Palestinian
renunciation of the return of 1948 Palestinian refugees. If such talks are
successful, Olmert promised to release frozen Palestinian funds. Earlier, Ehud
Olmert quickly accepted the Palestinian ceasefire, against the advice of the
Israeli military. He ordered the curtailment of an effective IDF anti-missile
operation and a complete troop withdrawal from the northern Gaza Strip. This
left non-Hamas armed factions free to continue firing and arming while Israeli
troops were ordered not to interfere. Since Sunday, every Palestinian and
Israeli verbal pronouncement has been attuned to the wavelengths of Bush and his
secretary of state Condoleezza Rice. She will join him in Amman and lead the
effort to bring Israeli and Palestinian leaders together. Her mission will be to
extract results from these encounters for tempting Arab rulers to lend the
United States a helping hand on the Iraq crisis. The brain behind this new
strategy belongs to Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser to three
Republican presidents, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and George Bush Sr. He is
emerging as the live wire behind the latest US foreign policy departures and the
pivotal figure behind the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group. This panel, which
submits its final report to Congress on Dec. 10, recommends an international
conference on Iraq attended by leaders from Europe, Russia, the Middle East, the
Persian Gulf and the main Muslim nations. According to DEBKA’s Washington
sources, such a conference would spend more time on the Palestinian-Israeli
issue than on Iraq. The group’s leaders predict that Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
Morocco and other Arab participants will demand “progress on the
Israel-Palestinian track” before letting the conference get down to brass tacks
on Iraq. To lay the groundwork, therefore, Washington will have to give the
international community free rein to squeeze Israel for far-reaching concessions
to the Palestinians, and not only the Palestinians, if Syria is to be engaged.
This would require a diametric reversal of George Bush’s previous warm attitude
towards “our friend and ally” Israel, possibly even a reversion to the iciness
directed against the Shamir government in the early 1990s by the elder Bush,
whom James Baker served as secretary of state and Scowcroft as national security
adviser. Earlier this month, Scowcroft, as chairman of the American-Turkish
Friendship League, visited Ankara for an appeal to Turkish leaders to persuade
the Syrian ruler Bashar Asad to cooperate on Iraq. His mindset was revealed in
an interview he gave the Turkish Daily News of Nov. 9, 2006: “I think we need
to embed Iraq in a larger regional solution, and that to me goes back to the
Palestinian issue. I think this would put us back on the offensive
psychologically and even make Iraq easier to manage.” Scowcroft then linked this
viewpoint to the notion of an international conference, saying: “I believe the
Arab states in the region are eager for such a conversation. Israel may not be
eager, but Israel is in bad shape right now.” Scowcroft was therefore the first
American strategic thinker to say out loud what DEBKAfile has been
reporting since early August, that George Bush and his key advisers have
diagnosed Israel as coming out of the Lebanon War weakened and with its
strategic situation impaired. The cards in Washington are therefore stacked
against Israel these days. An unfortunate combination has emerged of a
president who regards the Jewish state as strategically weak and a brace of key
US advisers on the administration’s new Iraqi policy who are drawn from the most
anti-Israeli US administrations of the past.
Olmert Announces: We Are Willing to
Give up Land for Real Peace
Nov. 27….(YNET) In a dramatic speech Monday, Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert made an appeal to the Palestinians, urging them to choose a
'new path,' a path of negotiations with Israel.
The government met on Sunday at
Kibbutz Sde Boker to commemorate the passing away of Israel's founder and first
Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion 33 years ago.
Olmert, who
until recently called for a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from West Bank
territories, or “realignment” as he referred to it, said, "I call on you from
here today to choose a new path, a path that gives a chance to a different
future for you and for us. Yesterday we went down that path and I hope it will
push us forward towards the goal that we want to reach, peace, calm and trust in
one another." Olmert said Israel will be ready to evacuate occupied lands and
settlements in return for "real peace." "You have to stop violence and terror,
to recognize our right to live in peace and security by your side and to give up
the right of return. If you show the needed
determination and discipline you will find us ready. Please don't face us with
another test that would cause destruction and thousands of victims and will lead
to crisis and despair," he said, addressing the Palestinians.
The prime minister evoked Ben-Gurion who said Israel
would have to give up most of the territories occupied during the Six-Day War in
return for peace. "Ben-Gurion extended a hand
in peace to Arab states the year Israel was born. The hand then returned empty,
but like then, the hand remains extended. I extend my hand in peace to our
Palestinian neighbors in the hope that it won't return empty," Olmert said that
if a new Palestinian Authority government accepts the Quartet's conditions fore
legitimacy, implement the road map and release Cpl. Gilad Shalit, he would
suggest a meeting with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to conduct a "true, open and
serious" dialogue between us. Olmert said that within this framework, and in
line with the road map, the Palestinians could establish an independent, viable
state with contiguous territory in the West Bank, and have full sovereignty over
recognized borders. He said that within this framework Israel's borders would be
established that "would be different from the territory which is now under
Israel's control." According to Olmert, he understood the importance of
the release of Palestinian prisoners to the Palestinians, said that with the
release of Shalit "Israel would be willing to release many Palestinian
prisoners, including those who were sentenced to long prison terms, in order to
increase the confidence between us and prove that our hand is outstretched in
true peace." He stressed that if the Palestinians responded, Israel would
significantly reduce the roadblocks, increase freedom of movement, open and
improve border crossings for goods and merchandise, and release Palestinian tax
revenues held in Israel since Hamas's victory in last January's elections.
Pope Ready
to Bow to Allah Nov. 27….(The
Daily Telegraph) Vatican officials announced Sunday that Pope Benedict plans
to become just the second pope to enter a mosque when he visits Turkey Tuesday.
In order to be permitted into an Islamic place of worship the pontiff, who has
been trying to placate Muslim rage he triggered last September, will have to
remove his shoes in deference to the anti-Christian and anti-Jewish religion and
its Allah. Analysts in the Vatican said the purpose of the mosque visit would be
to try and build bridges between "Christians" and Muslims. But the announcement
did nothing to placate the fury or encourage tolerance from tens of thousands of
Muslims who rallied in Istanbul Sunday to protest against the pope's arrival.
The mob's message to the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics was
vividly spelled out on a large banner above the crowd. It was an attack on the
very heart of the Christian faith and read: "Jesus is not the son of God. He is
a prophet of Mohammed." In Islamic parlance "God" means "Allah" so the
protestors were half right. However, the orthodox Jewish Rabbi from Nazareth
Muslims repeatedly delight in defaming lived long before Mohammed and, in fact,
warned His followers to be on the alert against false prophets like one who
founded Islam. Instead of shunning this religion, Pope Benedict appears poised
to embrace its followers in order to "build bridges" between the Vatican and the
Muslim world. Nov.
26….(Jerusalem Post) As the US debates whether to reach out to Syria for
help in calming Iraq, some close to the Syrian regime said Sunday the country
would be willing to help, but only if it got something valuable in return.
Damascus certainly has been interested in political dialogue with the West and
wants talks with Washington, many have said. But the regime of President Bashar
Assad wants, in return, help on certain issues, such as a return of the Golan
Heights, which Israel captured in the 1967 war. The regime itself has stayed
tightlipped, refusing to say what it envisions but expressing willingness to
help with Iraq and broader peace deals. Earlier Sunday, Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proposed that he would help the United States calm Iraq if
Washington changes what he described as its "bullying" policy toward Iran. "We
are ready to help you, Ahmadinejad declared while addressing a group of members
of the Basij paramilitary group, affiliated to the elite Revolutionary Guard.
But Iran's firebrand president took the US to task, questioning its motives for
invading Iraq. "You went to Iraq to topple Saddam and find weapons of mass
destruction, but it was clear to us that you came in order to dominate the
region and its oil." Ahmadinejad said that the US and Britain are paying for the
instability and violence in Iraq. "You have been trapped in a quagmire and
locked in your place with nowhere to go." "The Iranian nation is ready to help
you to get out of the quagmire, on condition that you resume behaving in a just
manner and leave Iraq," he added. "Then, nations of the region, headed by
the Iranian nation, will be ready to show you the path of salvation,"
Ahmadinejad said. "It is the time for the leaders of the US and U.K to listen.
You have reached a dead end in our region as well as in the world." President
George Bush is scheduled to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki when he
visits Jordan Wednesday and Thursday. His trip follows Vice President Dick
Cheney's brief stop Saturday in Saudi Arabia, another of Iraq's neighbors, to
confer with its leader on regional issues. The unusual succession of trips
appears to reflect US determination to rally allies at a time when Washington is
considering overhauling its Iraq policy. Since the Democratic victory in US
midterm elections, the Bush administration has been under increased pressure
at home to approach Iran and Syria for help in Iraq. Such a measure is believed
to be one of the recommendations by a panel on Iraq led by former Secretary of
State James A. Baker. Iraqi President Jalal Talabani was scheduled to visit
Teheran on Saturday. But on Friday, he had to postpone his trip until Baghdad's
airport, closed in a security clampdown after the violence reopens. Iran is
believed to back Iraqi Shi'ite militias blamed in sectarian killings that have
killed thousands this year. WEEK OF NOVEMBER 19 THROUGH
Russia Delivers Missiles to Iran Nov. 24….(Brietbart) Russia has begun delivery of Tor-M1
air defense missile systems to Iran, a Defense Ministry official said Friday,
confirming that Moscow would proceed with arms deals with Teheran in spite of US
criticism. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not
authorized to discuss the issue, declined to specify when the deliveries had
been made and how many systems had been delivered. Ministry officials have
previously said Moscow would supply 29 of the sophisticated missile systems to
Iran under a $700 million contract signed in December, according to Russian
media reports. The United States called on all countries last spring to stop all
arms exports to Iran, as well as ending all nuclear cooperation with it to put
pressure on Tehran to halt uranium enrichment activities. Israel, too, has
severely criticized arms deals with Iran. Tehran insists its nuclear program is
for peaceful purposes, but the United States and its allies suspect Iran is
trying to develop weapons. The UN Security Council, where Russia is a
veto-wielding permanent member, is currently stalemated on the severity of
sanctions on Iran for defying its demand to cease enrichment. The Tor-M1 deal,
involving conventional weapons, does not violate any international agreements.
Russian officials say the missiles are purely defensive weapons with a limited
range. According to the Interfax news agency, the Tor-M1 system can identify up
to 48 targets and fire at two targets simultaneously at a height of up to 20,000
feet. Russian media have reported previously that Moscow had conducted talks on
selling even more powerful long-range S-300 air defense missiles, but Russian
officials have denied that. America – Still Blessed by God Nov. 24….(Hal Lindsay) Thanksgiving tradition says that
the first day of Thanksgiving was when the Pilgrims came together to give thanks
to God for the bountiful harvest of 1621. The colonists, according to tradition,
celebrated with a Thanksgiving feast, also attended by 91 Indians who helped
them through their first year. Two years later, the colonists gathered during a
severe drought to pray for rain. When it rained the very next day, Gov. William
Bradford called for another day of Thanksgiving. Thereafter, there were numerous
calls for national days of Thanksgiving. Following our miraculous victory in the
Revolutionary War, George Washington proclaimed the first national day of
Thanksgiving in 1789. It wasn't until 1863 that President Lincoln officially
designated the last Thursday in November as a national day of Thanksgiving. It
took almost a hundred more years before Thanksgiving was declared a national
holiday by an Act of Congress in 1941. Sixty-five years later, the holiday
remains a reminder of America's rich and undeniable Christian heritage, even
though the One to whom the holiday is dedicated is now legally persona non grata
at the celebration. To most Americans, Thanksgiving Day is "Turkey Day" and
Thanksgiving celebrations are more about football, parades and huge family
feasts than they are about reflecting on the blessings extended America by the
protective Hand of a sovereign God. Sadly, one can almost chart the gradual
withdrawal of that protective Hand as America's Thanksgiving celebration
revolves more around the turkey dinner than the Creator that spoke it into
existence. This year, as I reflect on our remaining blessings, I mourn those
blessings that are systematically being withdrawn by a God-hating few in this
country. Writing of the declining social morality of the last days, the Apostle
Paul wrote what could have been a critique on the United Nations, saying:
"Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of
God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They
have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.
They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,
slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of
doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless,
heartless, ruthless." (Romans 1:28-31 NIV) And Paul could just as easily have
been describing the US Congress when he wrote the following warning to Timothy:
"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. (The KJV renders
it 'perilous times') People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,
boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
without natural affection, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control,
brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.
Have nothing to do with them." (2 Timothy 3:1-5) America's domestic tranquility
is being severely tested. America's international standing has never been lower.
Enemies beset us on all sides. Our continued survival as a nation is in greater
doubt than at any time in our country's history. We are facing nuclear threats
on several fronts, and our government is divided over whether or not we are
truly at war. Even more perilous, we don't even know with whom we are at war.
Jesus may not set Foot in the White House, but Allah has an open-door policy.
The present false separation of church and state issues keep the only true God
at arm's length, even as we ignorantly celebrate the day our forefathers drew
aside to give him thanks. It is an outrage that these same "issues" don't
present any barriers to Ramadan being celebrated at the White House while the
president proclaims Islam a "legitimate global religion based on peace and
love." As for me, I give thanks that God has not yet completely closed the
window of blessing on America and unleashed His Judgment on it. We remain the
most prosperous and healthy nation on earth. We still enjoy greater freedoms
than any other nation, and, despite the concerted efforts of the leftists in the
media and government, America still has a Christian majority, even though the
majority are timidly silent. More than anything else this Thanksgiving, I am
thankful that America still has time to claim the promise of God: "If My people,
who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and
turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their
sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV)
Nov. 34….(Arutz)
former head of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) says the West must wake up
and understand it is fighting World War III against a movement of global
jihadists. Lieutenant General Moshe Yaalon, who was chief of staff of the IDF
from 2002 to 2005, also believes the coalition must take a hard line against
Iran and Syria if it is to stabilize Iraq. "We should understand in the West
that this is World War III, not less than that," Lt. Gen. Yaalon said in
Canberra today. "We are under attack, we are in defense, they are on the offence
so far." He said Iran had become the headquarters of a global movement that
wanted to impose a strict form of Islam on the rest of the world. The West
should confront the threat through diplomatic and even military action if
necessary, and Iran and Syria must be held responsible for their support of
militants in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Yaalon said. Both countries have been accused of
supporting Iraqi terrorist groups through the supply of weapons, training and
even fighters. "If we want to stabilize Iraq, to have a unified Iraq, we should
confront Iran. Asked if that meant military strikes, he said that should be the
last option. "I am talking about confronting, first of all use sticks then let's
talk about (other options)," he said. He stopped short of saying whether the US
invasion of Iraq was a mistake, saying only that if the US became bogged down in
Iraq and failed to prosecute other terrorist regimes such as Iran it would
eventually be viewed as a mistake. "I believe that it will be judged
historically, as we can't judge it now," he told reporters. "If at the end,
because of the US engagement in Iraq, Iran becomes nuclear, it might be seen as
a mistake, if we are now in a stage that the West is bogged in Iraq and not
going to deal with the rogue regimes, historically it will be judged in one
way." Lt Gen Yaalon
said he believed the western military could make effective air strikes on
Iranian nuclear sites if the regime pushed ahead with its nuclear program. He refused to say
whether he thought Israel might carry out strikes on its own if the US refused
to take party. President Bush on Thanksgiving Day
(FOJ) Remember America’s
service men and women today. They, and the many who preceded them in
service have enabled all Americans to enjoy the Liberty and
individual freedoms that we have.
2….(White House) As Americans gather with family and friends to celebrate
Thanksgiving Day, we give thanks for the many ways that our Nation and our
people have been blessed. The Thanksgiving tradition dates back to the earliest
days of our society, celebrated in decisive moments in our history and in quiet
times around family tables. Nearly four centuries have passed since early
settlers gave thanks for their safe arrival and pilgrims enjoyed a harvest feast
to thank God for allowing them to survive a harsh winter in the New World.
General George Washington observed Thanksgiving during the Revolutionary War,
and in his first proclamation after becoming President, he declared November 26,
1789, a national day of "thanksgiving and prayer." During the Civil War,
President Abraham Lincoln revived the tradition of proclaiming a day of
thanksgiving, reminding a divided Nation of its founding ideals. At this time of
great promise for America, we are grateful for the freedoms guaranteed by our
Constitution and defended by our Armed Forces throughout the generations. Today,
many of these courageous men and women are securing our peace in places far from
home, and we pay tribute to them and to their families for their service,
sacrifice, and strength. We also honor the families of the fallen and lift them
up in our prayers. Our citizens are privileged to live in the world's freest
country, where the hope of the American dream is within the reach of every
person. Americans share a desire to answer the universal call to serve something
greater than ourselves, and we see this spirit every day in the millions of
volunteers throughout our country who bring hope and healing to those in need.
On this Thanksgiving Day, and throughout the year, let us show our gratitude for
the blessings of freedom, family, and faith, and may God continue to bless
(Lebanon's Jumblatt warns US against Iraq withdrawal) Nov. 23….(WND)
The Syrian government was responsible for the assassination yesterday of
Lebanon's Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel and will likely attempt more killings
with the goal of destabilizing Lebanon, the country's Druze leader Walid
Jumblatt told WND in an interview today. Jumblatt is head of Lebanon's
Progressive Socialist Party and is widely considered the most prominent
anti-Syrian Lebanese politician. He charged the calls by many in the US
government for a withdrawal from Iraq sent a message of American weakness to
Syria that may result in "more instability and chaos" in Lebanon and other parts
of the Middle East. "The Syrian regime through some of its local allies carried
out this assassination," said Jumblatt. "They (the Syrians) are capable of
anything. They will probably try more killings. We still have a majority in the
parliament unless ministers resign or Syria kills more ministers off." Jumblatt
said Syria is "emboldened by the fact that the Americans are searching for an
exit strategy from Iraq. This is encouraging all kinds of people to kill and
create chaos in the region." Jumblatt connected what he said was Hezbollah's
emboldened attitude to calls for a US withdrawal from Iraq and a change in
America's Middle East policy, which he warned could create "havoc" in the
region. Hezbollah's departing parliament "could not have happened without
Syria's backing," Jumblatt said. He said Syria was taking advantage of the
"changes in attitude" in the US, where many see the Democrats' victory in
midterm elections earlier this month as setting the stage for an eventual
withdrawal from Iraq. Jumblatt said President Bush's decision to invade Iraq in
2003 was "the right thing to do," but stressed an early evacuation would send
the wrong signals to Syria and Iran, and could result in regional instability.
"The Syrians play this game where they have been waiting for the Americans to
get weaker in Iraq," said Jumblatt. "Now with the Democrat's win paving the way
for an American withdrawal, the Syrians believe they have the upper hand in the
region to retake Lebanon." President
Bush Blasts Syria & Iran over Lebanese Assassination Nov. 22….(MSN)
President Bush blasted Syria and Iran yesterday after the assassination of
Christian cabinet minister Pierre Gemayel for trying to destabilize Lebanon,
reflecting tensions between Washington and its two Middle Eastern rivals that
are increasingly playing out in Lebanon as well as Iraq. While the President
stopped short of blaming Syria for the killing, he warned that the United States
remains "fully committed" to supporting Lebanon's democracy despite attempts by
Damascus, Tehran and their allies in Lebanon "to foment instability and
violence." During remarks to US troops in Hawaii, he also charged that the
regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is in violation of two UN resolutions
for its ongoing meddling in Lebanon. For the past 21 months, the Bush
administration has tried to steer the Mediterranean country toward democracy and
away from the grips of long-standing Syrian and Iranian influence. As Iraq
imploded, the Bush Administration hoped that Lebanon might prove an alternative
model for the flowering of freedom in the Middle East. The massive Lebanese
protests during the Cedar Revolution last year, when more than 1 million
Lebanese turned out to demand Syria's withdrawal after the assassination of
former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri, eventually brought down a
government and forced Syria to end its 29-year occupation. Elections two months
later put in place a parliament dominated by anti-Syrian forces. But the
assassination yesterday of Gemayel, who was a member of the third generation of
Lebanon's most prominent Christian political family, signals that the battle for
Lebanon is far from over, said US officials and regional experts. And having the
United States as an ally is no protection. "The assassination highlights to what
extent the United States is now in a position of weakness in the region. It
doesn't matter what statements the US makes about coups and assassinations, it
still happens," Emile el-Hokayem, an expert on Lebanon at the Henry L. Stimson
Center, a defense think tank, said in an interview from Beirut. Indeed, the
bullets that raked Gemayel's car also fired on US policy, analysts say. "The
bullets were meant for an outspoken critic of Syria. The Cedar Revolution is
seen as an extension of American power, so the assassination of Gemayel was by
extension a way of striking the US as well," said Augustus Richard Norton, a
former UN peacekeeper in Lebanon and now a professor at Boston University.
Assassinations by Damascus, Tehran Pushing US Out of Mideast
Nov. 22….(Washington Times) The brazen assassination yesterday of
Christian Cabinet minister Pierre Gemayel has pushed Lebanon's fragile
democracy, heralded by the United States as a model for the region, to the brink
of collapse. Coming amid moves by Syria and Iran to improve relations with Iraq,
the killing also was seen by analysts as part of a coordinated attempt to
push the United States out of the Middle East. "This is part of a broader
effort on the part of Syrians and Iranians in their own isolation to prove they
have leverage over events in the region and to minimize the role of the US in
the region," said former US ambassador to Morocco, Marc Ginsberg. Suspicion
immediately focused on Syria, which stands to be deeply embarrassed by a
proposed international tribunal that would investigate its suspected role in the
killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on Feb. 14, 2005. The UN
Security Council approved plans for the tribunal hours after the killing
yesterday, but it must still be approved by a weakened Lebanese government. We
can add this to the list of Syrian killings of anti-Syrians in Lebanon," said
David Schenker of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Mr. Gemayel was
the fifth anti-Syrian figure killed in the past two years. "There is obviously a
concern that a UN investigation would be so thorough and comprehensive it will
get to the bottom of who killed Hariri and the other murders in Lebanon, and
obviously there are some people very nervous about that," Mr. Schenker said.
Syrian officials denied any involvement in the latest assassination, which
rattled a Lebanese government already battered by a wave of Cabinet resignations
and the threat of street demonstrations by Hezbollah. "Syria had nothing to do
with this," said Syria's UN Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari. But Amal Mudallali,
foreign affairs adviser to the head of Lebanon's largest parliamentary faction,
said Mr. Gemayal's killing had been carefully planned. "The assassination is
aimed at stopping the international tribunal," she said. "It is the second time
they have killed a Lebanese politician when the UN Council was meeting on Hariri,
it is not a coincidence. Following the walkout of five Hezbollah and one
Christian minister on Nov. 11, the death of Mr. Gemayal leaves the anti-Syrian
Cabinet with just one member more than the minimum to maintain a constitutional
quorum. In broader terms, analysts saw the killing as part of a concerted effort
by Iran and Syria to flex their muscles just as pressure is mounting in
Washington for President Bush to seek their help in stabilizing Iraq.
40% of Children Born in US in 2005 Out
of Wedlock, an All-Time High
Nov. 22….(Fox News) Out of wedlock births in the United
States have climbed to an all-time high, accounting for nearly four in 10 babies
born last year, government health officials said Tuesday. While out-of-wedlock
births have long been associated with teen mothers, the teen birth rate actually
dropped last year to the lowest level on record. Instead, births among unwed
mothers rose most dramatically among women in their 20s. The overall rise
reflects the burgeoning number of people who are putting off marriage or living
together without getting married. The increase in births to unwed mothers was
seen in all racial groups, but rose most sharply among Hispanics. About 4.1
million babies were born in the United States last year, up slightly from 2004.
More than 1.5 million of those were to unmarried women; that is about 37 percent
of the total. In 2004, about 36 percent of births were out of wedlock.
Out-of-wedlock births have been rising since the late 1990s. According to census
figures, the median age at first marriage was 27 for men and 25 for women last
year, up from 23 and 20 in 1950. Meanwhile, the number of unmarried-couple
households with children has been climbing, hitting more than 1.7 million last
year, up from under 200,000 in 1970. The US teen birth rate is still the highest
among industrialized countries.
Al Qaeda Welcomes Democratic Victory
Nov. 22….(By Walid Phares) The latest audio by al Qaeda's Iraq commander,
posted 48 hours after the midterm elections, sends a clear signal to the readers
of the jihadi strategic mind: Al Qaeda and its advisers around the world want to
provoke an "American Madrid." Portraying the United States as a bleeding bull in
disarray, the war room projects its wish to see America's will crippled. The
video attempts to do the following:
Convince the jihadists that the United States is
now defeated in Iraq and beyond. While no reversal of the balance of power has
taken place on the ground, the jihadi propaganda machine is linking the shift in
domestic politics to a withdrawal from Iraq. It projects the change in
Washington as a crumbling of the political process in Baghdad and America's
foreign policy. Interestingly, others in the region are also "announcing" the
upcoming defeat of America in the war on terror. Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah
declared: "The Americans are leaving, and their allies will pay the price."
Spread political chaos at home. Jihadists portray
the Democratic takeover of Congress and the resignation of Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld as signs of American weakening in the resolve to fight jihadism.
Americans may end up believing that the situation in the Middle East is a result
of a faulty US policy.
Al Qaeda's audio tells citizens in the United States that they were wise for
having responded positively to the previous messages by Osama bin Laden. Al
Masri's words aim at convincing the American public to pressure their newly
elected legislators to pull US forces hastily from Iraq. In short, al Qaeda
wants an American Madrid: it wishes that a change of power in January would be
accompanied by a change of national determination, not just a change of course
within Iraq. In the terrorist’s minds, the Democratic Party victory in Congress
means that America is now divided and that with more killings in Iraq, they will
break the will of Americans at home; and that the new Congress, seeking to
fulfill one of its electoral promises will force the Bush administration to pack
up and leave the Middle East. Iran,
Syria, Iraqi Insurgents, and al Qaeda Outflanking Washington Nov.
22….(DEBKA) Our Middle East sources report that all these elements are using
the hiatus in Washington to snatch the initiative on Iraq and other regional
issues. In Jakarta, President George W. Bush said Monday, Nov. 20, “I haven’t
made any decisions about troop increases or troop decreases.” Before day’s end,
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad summoned the Iraqi and Syrian presidents
to a weekend summit, a gesture to demonstrate that Tehran rather than Washington
is now making the rules for progress in the Iraq crisis. Bush’s
let-everyone-wait stance was reflected in the way high Pentagon officials
speaking to the Washington Post talked about Gen. Peter Pace, head of the joint
chiefs of staff, and the commission of 16 high US officers who served in Iraq or
the Persian Gulf he appointed to examine three options: injecting more troops
into Iraq, shrinking the force but staying longer or pulling out. The panel was
asked to say what is going right or wrong with the war and elaborate on options
for progress. Gen. Pace plans to draw on these ideas for his thoughts and
recommendations to the secretary of defense and the president, a process which
is still immature. For their part, generals on the spot, Maj.Gen William B.
Caldwell, spokesman for the US military in Iraq who usually speaks for the war
commander Gen. John Abizaid and general George Casey, US commander in Iraq, have
said that adding more U.S. forces would ''achieve a short-term solution, but
it's not going to achieve a long-term effect. The key to this thing is we have
got to get the Iraqi security forces able to operate in an independent manner,
on their own.'' There have been indications that the special Iraq Study Group,
led by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, will
recommend a broader role in the region for Syria and Iran. The Iraq Study Group
is likewise in no hurry to issue its report. Reporting from the Middle East,
DEBKAfile notes that none of Iraq’s neighbors are hanging about waiting
for a US decision. They are making waves as though American and British troop
withdrawals from Iraq are already in sight. By the time the Bush administration
picks an option, the Middle East will have moved on, rendering the
recommendations from the various US panels irrelevant. Some steps
already in motion are: 1. Ahead of the
Tehran summit this coming weekend, Syria and Iraq have agreed to restore
diplomatic relations. 2. The Sunnis and
Shiites are locked in battle over the domination of Baghdad, both camps
gathering in all their manpower and resources from inside and outside Iraq.
3. The US
military and Iraqi army are playing no part in this battle royal. They are
operating on the fringes of the main combat sectors and stepping in only when
their own security zones are threatened. In other words, large sections of the
Iraqi capital have slipped out of the control of the Americans and the al Maliki
government. This situation prevails also in other main cities. 4. It means in a
nutshell that time has run out for building and training a competent Iraqi army
capable of operating on its own to bolster central government, defend it and
fight Sunni insurgents and al Qaeda. 5. The faint hope
of driving a wedge between Tehran and Damascus, on the basis of the former’s
backing for Iraq’s Shiites and the latter’s for its Sunnis, has likewise gone up
in smoke. The Syrian and Iranian governments are now fully synchronized and
equally determined to keep the US-British alliance from attaining any sort of
success in Iraq. 6. Their
collaboration against the US extends to other parts of the Middle East. In
Lebanon, they have activated their pawn, Hizballah, to topple the pro-US
anti-Syrian government headed by Fouad Siniora. In the Palestinian areas, Iran
and Syria are pumping in hundreds of military instructors and tens of tons of
explosives, missiles and cash to dethrone Mahmoud Abbas and demolish his
Palestinian Authority. By escalating their missile attacks, Hamas and its
radical partners are bent on forcing Israel to launch a full-blown war on the
Lebanon War model to crush their strengthened terrorist infrastructure in the
Gaza Strip. Iran and Syria are therefore in full flight keeping the different
Middle East pots on the boil and the pro-Western governments in jeopardy. Lebanon’s
Anti-Syrian Christian Leader is Assassinated (Anti-Syria
politician Pierre Gemayel shot, killed driving in Christian suburb)
(FOJ) Pierre Gemayel, the Lebanese
Minister of Industry and the son of former President Amin Gemayel,
was a supporter of the anti-Syrian parliamentary majority, which is
locked in a power struggle with pro-Syrian factions led by
Hezbollah. Hezbollah leader Nasrallah has threatened to topple the
Lebanese unity government and has called upon Muslims to march in
the streets as a show of support for Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a
terrorist arm that is an extension of Iran’s Shiiite extremism.
Nov. 21….(Fox
News) A prominent Lebanese anti-Syrian Christian politician named Pierre
Gemayel was assassinated in a suburb of Beirut today as he drove through the
Christian sector of Beirut. The slaying heightens political tensions in Lebanon,
where the leading Muslim Shiite party Hezbollah has threatened to topple the
government if it does not get a bigger say in Cabinet decision-making. Gemayel
was shot point-blank in his car in Jdeideh, a Christian neighborhood, his
constituency on the northern edge of Beirut, witnesses said. A car rammed his
vehicle from behind and then a gunman stepped out and shot him at point-blank
range, they said. In Washington, the State Department denounced the
assassination as terrorism and an attempt to intimidate the US-backed governing
coalition in Beirut. "This is a very sad day for Lebanon. We view it as an act
of terrorism and we also view it as an act of intimidation," Undersecretary of
State Nicholas Burns said. Gemayel was staunchly anti-Syrian, and worked
incessantly to dissect Syrian influence over Lebanon. Predictably, Syrian
condemned the assassination, and disavowing any connection to the assassination.
Gemayel was Lebanon’s minister of industry and the on of former President Amin
Gemayel. Gemayel is the third prominent figure in Lebanon to be assassinated in
the past two years. Former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, Saad Hariri’s father,
was killed in a car bombing in February 2005, and lawmaker and newspaper manager
Gibran Tueni was killed in a car bombing in December 2005. Gemayel hailed from a
prominent family of politicians. His father, Amin, served as president between
1982 and 1988. His grandfather, the late Pierre Gemayel, led the right-wing
Christian Phalange Party that fielded the largest Christian militia during the
1975-90 civil war between Christians and Muslims. Amin Gemayel was elected by
parliament after the assassination of his brother, Bashir, who was chosen
president but was killed a few days before he was to take office. The Phalange
Party dominated Christian politics for decades after Lebanon’s independence from
France in 1943, and Amin Gemayel is its current leader. Pierre was a rising star
in the party and expected to carry the mantle of the political family. During
the civil war, the Phalange had the largest Christian militia that fought Muslim
forces and Palestinian guerrillas. The death of the senior Pierre Gemayel in
1983, the shrinking Christian community, and the rise of Hezbollah have
seriously weakened the party, which could not get its own leader elected to
parliament in 2000. Bolton:
Syria Linked to Lebanon Killing
US Ambassador Bolton accused Syria of being
implicated in this, and other assassinations in Lebanon. While Syria
denies any involvement, it is ironic that all anti-Syrian leaders in
Lebanon are falling victim to assassination. The killings only serve
Syria and or Hezbollah’s interests.
officials and Assistant US Secretary of Defense Peter Rodman, second
right, with Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Murr, second left, sign
documents at the Ministry of Defense. Lebanon signed US$10.5 million
military agreements with the United States as part of a US
assistance program designed to strengthen the Lebanese army as it
takes on additional duties following its deployment near the border
with Israel for the first time in more than three decades.
Nov. 21….(Newsmax) US Ambassador to
the UN John Bolton said Tuesday the assassination of a Lebanese Cabinet minister
and vocal critic of Syria showed the need for quick agreement on creation of an
international court for Lebanon. Bolton also hinted at Syrian involvement in
the killing of Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel by gunmen who opened fire on
his convoy near Beirut. He pointed to a string of recent assassinations of
anti-Syrian political figures in Lebanon following the February 2005 murder of
former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri after Hariri spoke out against
Syria's domination of Lebanon. "I think the facts need to be developed, but if
you look at the evidence that links the Hariri assassination to the other
political assassinations, I think people can draw their own practical
conclusions," he said. Bolton strongly disagreed when asked by a reporter
whether council approval of the tribunal plan might feed instability in Lebanon,
as some council members had argued. Instability? They are killing people in
Lebanon, they are assassinating political leaders." During a closed-door UN
Security Council meeting Monday, Russia and Qatar had suggested it might be
prudent to delay action on the tribunal due to Lebanon's political crisis.
Gemayel's assassination came as Hezbollah and its allies prepared to take to the
streets to try to topple the government and the UN Security Council's
consideration of the plan for an international tribunal to try suspects in the
murder of Hariri and the other recent assassinations, which UN investigators
believe are related to Hariri's death.
Gemayel was among the members of the Lebanese Cabinet to have
voted last week to approving the UN plan for the tribunal.
The Root of Gaza-Palestinian Misery
Nov. 21….(FOJ) On Sunday Palestinians in Gaza were
celebrating the victory of their “human shields” in thwarting an air
strike against the home of wanted terrorist Wail Barud. But the tactic may have
backfired from a propaganda perspective. It is clear the Palestinians
themselves do not believe their own propaganda about Israel’s alleged thirst for
blood. Otherwise, they never would have been able to recruit all those human
shields. And if Israel really were sadistic as its critics claim, it
wouldn’t have called off Sunday’s bombing run. Just imagine if the shoe was on
the other foot, and hundreds of Israeli “human shields” positioned themselves in
an unguarded café in the West bank. Palestinian suicide bombers would be
stepping over each other in an effort to attack the target. “Human shields”
work only when your enemy fights like a human. A second irony is that it is
men like Barud who are at the root of Palestinian misery, for if they were not
firing rockets into Israel from Gaza, and smuggling in weapons from Egypt, there
would be no need for Israeli counterterrorist operations in Gaza. If
Palestinians were more rational about where their society’s interests lie, they
would go to Barud’s house not to offer protection, but to arrest him so that
others in the area could live in peace. The
number of rocket attacks on Israel so far this month is more than double the
number recorded immediately after the disengagement from the Gaza region and
the withdrawal of the IDF. Statistics reported by the Intelligence and Terrorism
Information Center for Special Studies reveal that there were 119 rocket attacks
in the first 10 days of November 2006, compared to 63 in all of September 2005.
The number of terrorist attacks, including roadside bombs and shootings as well
as Kassam firing, has reached 174 in the first third of November, compared with
the same number for the entire month of September last year.
Hamas “Satisfied Jews Fleeing Rocket
Nov. 21….(FOI) Hamas is “very satisfied with reports in
Jerusalem that some Israelis in communities near the Gaza Strip are ready to
flee their rocket-plagued towns while students reportedly have been skipping
school for fear of being caught in the daily Palestinian attacks, a senior
leader of Hamas’ so-called “military wing” told WND in an interview on
Monday. “The importance of what is happening to Sderot proves to the
Palestinians, that rocket attacks do bring big benefits,” said Abu Abdullah, who
is considered one of the most important operational members of Hamas’ Izzedine
al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas’ declared military wing. “We promise we will
keep hitting them by launching rockets because it is starting to bring results.
We are working to improve our rockets to hit further and cause more Jews to
evacuate,” said the terror leader, speaking from Gaza. Iran
Invites Iraqi, Syrian Presidents to Teheran Nov. 21….(AP)
In an apparent bid to counter US influence in the region, Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad invited his Iraqi and Syrian counterparts to a weekend
summit in Tehran to tackle the chaos in Iraq, Iraqi lawmakers said Monday. The
diplomatic gambit coincided with a groundbreaking visit to Baghdad by Syrian
Foreign Minister Walid Moallem, who was challenged over Damascus' role in
supporting the Sunni insurgency. The Iraqi government said diplomatic relations
between the two countries, severed nearly a quarter-century ago, would be
restored by Tuesday. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told the Syrian envoy
that Damascus should not let its disputes with the United States be played out
in Iraq, where the chaos and bloodshed has become "a danger that threatens all,
not Iraq only." Although a spokesman for the Iraqi president said Syrian
President Bashar Assad would not be attending the summit, the Iranian move
appeared designed to upstage possible American efforts to reach out to Tehran
and Damascus in a wider effort to subdue runaway violence in Iraq. The
invitation was also a display of Iran's increasingly muscular role in the Middle
East, where it already has established deep influence over Syria and Lebanon.
Teheran is thought to benefit from a low level of chaos in Iraq to keep the US
bogged down, but is wary that too much bloodshed could cause trouble across its
own border, where Kurds could become restive. A close parliamentary associate of
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said the summit represents an attempt by Tehran
to strengthen its position in the region and prevent the US from dividing Syria,
a predominantly Sunni Arab country, from its ally of convenience, Shiite Iran.
Talabani has accepted the invitation and will fly to the Iranian capital
Saturday. Tehran meeting would only include Talabani and Ahmadinejad. He said,
however, that Talabani had accepted an invitation to meet with Assad in
Damascus. The US State Department reacted with skepticism about Iran's
intentions in Iraq, but said it was up to Iraq to decide. "It's their call; it's
their decision," deputy spokesman Tom Casey said in Washington. "We have seen
statements like this many times in the past," and there have been several
high-level contacts between Iran and Iraq, Casey said. But Iran's statements of
a desire to reduce violence in Iraq "have not been backed up by facts," the US
spokesman said. Syria is widely believed to have done very little to stop
foreign fighters and al-Qaida recruits from crossing its border to join Sunni
insurgents in Iraq. It also has provided refuge for many top members of Saddam
Hussein's former leadership and political corps, which is thought to have
organized arms and funding for the insurgents. The Sunni insurgency, since it
sprang to life in the late summer of 2003, has been responsible for the vast
majority of US deaths in Iraq. Iran is deeply involved in training, funding and
arming the two major Shiite militias in Iraq, where Tehran has deep historic
ties to the current Shiite political leadership. Many Iraqi Shiites spent years
in Iranian exile during Saddam's decades in power in Baghdad. One militia, the
Badr Brigade, was trained in Iran by the Revolutionary Guard. Assad's foreign
minister, Moallem, was the highest-level Syrian official to visit Iraqi since
Saddam's ouster in 2003. Syria broke diplomatic ties with Iraq in 1982, accusing
Iraq of inciting riots by the banned Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. Damascus also
sided with Iran in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war. The invitation extended by Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad is seen as an Iranian move to grab influence from the United States
in Iraq. Iran and
Syria Making Overtures to Iraq
Nov. 21….(FOJ)
The Bush administration is casting a wary eye on signs that Iran and Syria
are taking a more active diplomatic role in Iraq, even as debate in the US
centered on how many American troops to keep in the war. Just days after reports
that US officials were discussing a broader role for Iran and Syria, Iraqi
lawmakers said Ahmadinejad had invited the Iraqi and Syrian presidents for a
weekend summit. At the same time, there have been indications that a special US
advisory commission is considering recommendations that could include a broader
role in the region by Syria and Iran. The Iraq Study Group, led by Bush family
friend and former Secretary of State James Baker and former Rep. Lee Hamilton,
is expected to issue its report soon. One military official close to the group's
discussions said that one option could combine encouraging talks with Iran and
Syria with shifting the US military focus away from combat and toward training
the Iraqi forces. But members of the commission have expressed concern that
working with Iran and Syria could require America "to enter into a de facto
partnership with them," with possible trade-offs, said the official, who
requested anonymity because the group's discussions have not been made public.
Hunter to Iraqis: 'Saddle Up' and Fight Nov. 21….AP)
The United States should push for available and trained Iraqi security
forces to be sent to the front lines of the fight to stabilize the war-torn
country, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter said Monday. "We
need to saddle those up and deploy them to the fight" in dangerous areas,
primarily in Baghdad, Hunter, a California Republican who is interested in his
party's 2008 presidential nomination, told The Associated Press in an interview.
He took a different tack from Sen. John McCain, a front-running 2008 hopeful who
has urged that additional US troops be sent there. Hunter said in the AP
interview that he wants to "Go Iraqi." He also said the Pentagon
has told him that some 114 Iraqi battalions are trained and equipped, and 27 of
those units are operating in areas that see less than one attack a day. Monday's
statements continued an Iraq war policy debate that has been intensifying before
and since midterm elections that saw Democrats grab back control of the House
and Senate from the GOP.
Syria and Iraq Restore Relations
Nov. 21….(Jerusalem Post) Diplomatic relations between Syria and
Iraq, severed 24 years ago, were restored today, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh
said. "The latest talks between the Syrian and Iraqi side have been crowned by
declaring a new era with the participation of the Syrian brothers in working on
the security and stability with Iraq and restoring full diplomatic relations,"
al-Dabbagh told The Associated Press. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem
arrived in Iraq on Sunday in the first such visit by a senior Syrian official
since the 2003 fall of Saddam Hussein's regime. He was expected to return to
Damascus later Tuesday. After the signing ceremony, Iraq's Foreign Minister
Hoshyar Zebari told reporters that the names of ambassadors would be announced
soon. "Iraq's flag will fly in the sky of Damascus and Syria's flag will fly in
the sky of Baghdad," Zebari said. On arrival, Moallem had called for a
timetable for the withdrawal of US forces, saying that would reduce
violence. Syria broke diplomatic ties with Iraq in 1982, accusing it of inciting
riots in Syria by the banned Muslim Brotherhood. Damascus also sided with Iran
in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.
Missile Menace Growing Nov. 21….(Jnewswire)
The threat to Israel from the south is increasing, and Israelis are now
beginning to talk about the need to retake the Gaza Strip. Gaza’s Arabs appear
to have improved their rocket aim and are scoring damage and casualties in
southern Israel on an almost daily basis with their crude but deadly Kassams.
According to Mideast Newsline, Israeli intelligence officials report that the
terrorist rocket teams have set up a number of command and control centers from
which to coordinate the missile attacks on Jewish targets. At least three
rockets were fired in the first wave of shooting as Sderot residents made their
way to work Tuesday morning. If the trend established over the past weeks and
months holds, more Palestinian missiles will fall later in the day, and more
will fall every day this week. Whereas the majority of the Kassams have hitherto
landed in open fields, terrorizing thousands of Israelis but causing relatively
few injuries and damage, recent days have seen a marked upswing in actual hits.
A woman was killed and a man had his legs destroyed in a rocket attack on Sderot
last Thursday morning. That afternoon saw a young Israel man critically injured
in a separate strike. Altogether 12 Kassams rained down on southern Israel on
that day; four hitting the city of Ashkelon. Last Sunday evening saw a couple
and two of their teenage children wounded in an attack. At least nine rockets
hit Sderot Monday morning; one landing in a private yard, a second hitting a gas
pipeline, according to Israel National News. Likud Party leader and former Prime
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held his party’s weekly meeting in Sderot Sunday to
show solidarity with the battered residents of the town. Noting that the
security situation in the area was deteriorating, Netanyahu slammed the
government for not providing security for the town. “Sderot is not external. It
is part of the State of Israel,” he said. At the weekly Cabinet meeting in
Jerusalem Sunday, Internal Security Minister and former head of the Shin Bet
(Israel Security Agency) Avi Dichter angered Prime Minister Ehud Olmert when he
criticized the government for not dealing effectively with the rocket threat,
and called for an intensified military campaign in Gaza. "It's time to tell
ourselves the truth: we need to stop the Kassams today, because I don't suggest
waiting for a time when the Palestinians have better rockets. An angry cabinet
member reportedly asked Dichter directly whether Israel should retake the Gaza
Strip. He did not reply. Before Israel began pulling out of the Strip under the
Oslo Agreement, no rocket threat existed and terrorism from Gaza was extremely
limited. Since Israel completed its abandonment of the area 16 months ago, tens
of tons of weaponry and explosives have been brought into Gaza, and the rocket
attacks have intensified. Despite the incessant rocket attacks, the UN over the
weekend condemned Israel for attacking suspected rocket launching havens.
Moreover, Palestinian civilians
in the Gaza Strip have begun to willingly volunteer themselves as human shields
to protecting known terrorists and rocket bases from Israeli strikes.
Theodore Roosevelt
on Immigrants and Being an American in 1907
Nov. 20….(FOJ)
In 1907, President Roosevelt gave a speech on immigrants coming to American.
The picture shown below shows the former President at a train stop delivering a
speech on the topic, and why assimilation was important. President Roosevelt is
recorded as saying; "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant
who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us,
he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an
outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or
origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an
American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here.
Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American
at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but
one language here, and that is the English language, and we have room for but
one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Today, through
the so-called philosophies of tolerance and political-correctness, we tolerate
people being anything other than solely American, and wholly devoted to the
flag, the language, and the Republic of the United States.
US Slams UN
Over Anti-Israel Resolution Nov. 20….(JNEWSWIRE)
US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton issued a scathing attack
against the UN world body today over its resolution against Israel's war on
"Palestinian" terror, and the continued Gaza rocket attacks. Bolton said the
resolution passed by the UN General Assembly had cynically equated terrorist
rocket attacks with Israel's military response. He went on to note that
anti-Israel bias is "endemic to the culture of the United Nations," and said the
whole episode again called into question the "relevance and utility" of the
world body "in confronting the challenges of the 21st century." Saudis: US
can Buy Arab Favor by Forcing Israeli Surrender Nov. 20….(AP)
Saudi Ambassador to the US Prince Turki al-Faisal told a gathering in Washington
Monday that America's standing in the Middle East is an all-time low, and can
only be elevated by forcing Israel to surrender all lands being demanded by the
Palestinian Arabs. And that includes the city of Jerusalem, the ancient Jewish
capital the so-called "Palestinians" claim solely as their own. The Prince said
that Riyadh has no problem with the US remaining close friends with Israel, but
that that friendship must be used to "push Israel" to make "peace" on the Arabs'
terms. Nov. 19….(Times On Line) Syria
is ready to demand American help in securing the return of the Golan Heights
from Israel as the price of co-operation over Iraq. With the White House
under pressure to talk to its adversary, President Bashar al-Assad has resolved
that his assistance will not be cheap. Assad has been considering how to respond
to an American overture following reports that the Iraq Study Group will
recommend that the United States engage Syria and Iran in talks on Iraq, a
position backed by Tony Blair last week. The Syrian president wants America
and Britain to use their influence with Israel to raise the return of the Golan
Heights, seized by the Israelis in the 1967 war. “It will be the top
demand,” said Ayman Abdel Nour, a leading reformer in the ruling Ba’ath party.
Assad has ruled out co-operating with the Americans in return for the promise of
unspecified benefits. “The Syrian leadership is fed up with the Americans and
does not trust their word when it comes to future aid for Syria,” Abdel Nour
said. “Syria will not do anything unless it has secured guarantees from
Washington and London that every action Damascus takes to help them will be
reciprocated. It will be a step by step scenario: these actions for those
actions,” he added. Assad also insists that any help must be dependent on a
timetable for US troop withdrawals, a move resisted by President George W
Bush. Shaul Bakhash, an expert on the Middle East at George Mason University,
Washington, said: “Neither Iran nor Syria will do a favor for the US without
wanting something back, and what both countries want are things that the US is
not willing to give them.” The Syrians believe they are in a position of
strength. “Already there is talk that Syria is the winner and will set the new
rules of the game in the region,” Abdel Nour said Syria on
the Move in Lebanon and Iraq (Syrian-backed
Hizbullah may be poised to stage a revolution in Lebanon as back-room
negotiations between the US and Syria may result in Israel being pressured to
give up the Golan Heights) Nov. 19….(Arutz) Syrian Foreign
Minister Walid Moallem began a visit to Iraq on Sunday. The visit will include
meetings with US officials in Iraq at which Moallem will relay Syria’s demand
that Israel retreat from the Golan Heights in return for Syrian cooperation in
Iraq. The insurgents that have plagued US troops in Iraq have for the most
part entered the country from Syria. According to preliminary reports,
former American Secretary of State James Bakar’s soon-to-be delivered
recommendations on Iraq policy include engaging Syria and Iran in negotiations
in order to enable the US formulate an exit strategy. London’s Sunday Times,
which has in the past proven the veracity of its Syrian sources, quotes Syrian
Baath Party official Ayman Abdel Nour saying that Bashar al-Assad’s “top demand”
from the US and Britain is that Israel be pressured to withdraw from the Golan.
"Syria will not do anything unless it has secured guarantees from Washington and
London that every action Damascus takes to help them will be reciprocated. It
will be a step by step scenario: these actions for those actions,” he said. The
Syrian demands also include a staged withdrawal of US troops from the region.
Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt warned Sunday that Lebanon is on the
verge of a coup de tat staged by Hizbullah and other pro-Syrian elements.
"The opposition groups are on the verge of announcing a coup in the country and
we should take the brave decision to confront all options," Jumblatt said in a
briefing to his ruling parliamentary faction. Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah
attacked the Lebanese government publicly Saturday, saying it lacked
credibility. "The Lebanese government is in a state of weakness and is still
feeling a huge defeat as the result of the last Israeli war in Lebanon,"
Nasrallah said in a taped address aired on Hizbullah’s Al-Manar satellite
station Sunday. Nasrallah urged Lebanese citizens to be prepared
“psychologically” to take to the streets in support of Hizbollah's demand for a
national unity government, though he insisted he was not calling for any
violence. Analysts think Nasrallah’s statements may serve as instructions for
pro-Syrian elements in Lebanon to prepare to take control. Hizbullah’s unity
government bid consists of a demand that the group, which answers to Syria and
Iran, be given veto power on all major government decisions. Nov.
19….(DEBKA) The primary object of the new Spanish-Italian-French Middle East
“peace plan” is to insert European military forces into the Gaza Strip after
establishing themselves in the expanded UNIFIL in South Lebanon. In furtherance
of their goal, the European Union endorsed the UN resolution’s call Friday, Nov.
17, for Israel to pull out of Gaza, although its withdrawal to the UN-approved
line was completed in September 2005. European assertiveness is coming at the
expense of the Bush administration’s post-election weakness. Its
tenaciously-held premise that the roads to all the region’s woes lead back to
the Israel-Palestinian issue is already reflected in these two European steps,
the first of a systematic campaign of crushing pressure on Israel to fall into
line. The campaign will peak in the third week of December, when British premier
Tony Blair is due to visit Damascus to open the road for Washington. As a
down-payment for buying Syrian president Bashar Asad’s cooperation on Iraq,
Blair will try and coerce Israel to accept talks with Syria for the return of
the Golan captured in the 1967 war. Last Monday, Nov. 13, prime minister
Ehud Olmert rather naively claimed he and President George W. Bush were of one
mind that Israel must not sit down and talk to Syria until the Assad regime had
abandoned its sponsorship of terror. As he spoke, three high-ranking US
officials, David Satterfield, the state department’s coordinator for Iraq, J.D.
Crouch, deputy national security adviser, and Condoleezza Rice’s assistant
secretary of state for Near East affairs, David Welch, were deep in arrangements
for the Blair visit to Damascus, which they see as the key for opening the door
to direct US-Tehran talks. The fresh US-European Middle East momentum on the
Palestinian issue is being crafted as a positive counterweight to the negative
effect of the impending American-British withdrawal from Iraq. The groundwork
for this ploy was laid by Blair’s senior political adviser Nigel Sheinwald, when
he met Asad in Damascus in late October. He brought back welcome tidings from
his meeting: Damascus and Tehran did not see eye to eye on Iraq; Asad said he
felt no compulsion to stick to the Iranian line in the embattled country. The
Damascus visits are meant to be the conduit to the start of Washington’s
dialogue with Tehran. Blair’s most recent foreign policy statements are at odds
with the positions he and Bush have shared, unless seen in the context of these
behind-the-scenes diplomatic feelers. Through this prism, they sound like an
effort to prepare American and British public opinion for the extreme policy
reversal embodied in his impending visit to Damascus in the role of appeaser.
The pacifier he means to offer for Syria’s cooperation on Iraq: massive Israeli
concessions. In an interview to the Washington Post Thursday, Nov. 16, Prime
Minister Tony Blair was suddenly optimistic about progress on the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying that "sensible Arab and Muslim countries"
now see "strategic reasons" for finding a solution and new initiatives could
come within weeks. In a closed-door video conference Tuesday with the US Iraq
Study Group, the bipartisan panel in Washington reviewing Iraq policy, Blair
said that any solution to Iraq must begin with progress on the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That is the one issue, he insisted, that
unresolved allows extremists to gain purchase on the more moderate elements of
the Muslim and Arab world. Then, talking to David Frost on al Jazeera’s new
English language program Saturday, Blair again stressed the importance of
progress in the Middle East peace process in winning the "war on terror". But he
admitted for the first time that Western intervention in Iraq had "so far been
pretty much of a disaster.” Middle East sources note that very few people in
Washington, London or Damascus understood why President Bush’s leading ally in
the Iraq war had suddenly turned against him. But Blair’s eye, say those
sources, was very much on the Damascus ball; he was signaling the Syrian leader
that he and Assad were now on the same side: the two leaders should together
take a lead role in solving the burning issues of Iraq, the Middle East dispute
and Iran. He implied that the US president, whose party had lost control of
Congress, like Olmert, who had lost the Lebanon war, no longer held controlling
stakes in the must urgent regional issues, whereas Blair and Assad were now in a
position to seize the high ground. The Sheinwald mission in late October
tactfully avoided mention of Damascus’ role as headquarters for radical
Palestinian terrorist groups. Assad was only warned off schemes to topple the
Fouad Siniora government in Beirut. Informed that such machinations would bring
the new rapprochement to an abrupt halt, Asad is quoted as saying he understands
perfectly the fragility of Lebanon’s situation. Assad was thus given to
understand that for London, the rancor over the Iraq war was water under the
bridge and the way forward out of what he later admitted was a “disaster” was
the paramount consideration. All this radical shifting around of US and British
positions for the sake of an exit from Iraq, coupled with Europe’s maneuvering
to make hay on the Palestinian-Israeli front, leave the Jewish state prey to
crippling pressures as well as dangerously exposed to Iran, whose nuclear
weapons aspirations remain unsolved in the stampede to leave Iraq. Tehran’s
proxy Hizballah, Syria and the Palestinian Hamas will be left in peace to
advance on their agenda for rapid armament and preparations for the next war.
There is still a month to go before the British prime minister’s projected
mission to Damascus, time enough for the notoriously fickle Syrian ruler to
change his mind or for the Iranians to derail the plan, unless the ayatollahs
are assured they playing a winner’s game. WEEK OF NOVEMBER 13 THROUGH
NOVEMBER 19 President
Bush Visits Hanoi for APEC Summit Nov. 17….(FOJ)
For American young men of the 1960’s, the sight of an American President
sitting under a bust of Ho Chi Minh in North Viet Nam is a picture that is still
hard to stomach, even after all these years. Over 50,000 American servicemen
died in Viet Nam for some reason. It was a war that was supposedly about
stopping the spread of Communism, but apparently, as the passing decades and the
emerging Global World Order demonstrate, the Iron and Clay nations have found a
way to work together. US President George W. Bush is pictured here during a
meeting with Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet at the Presidential Palace
in Hanoi. President Bush is in Hanoi for the APEC Summit, and a state visit to
communist Vietnam and talks on Iraq, ahead of a weekend Asia Pacific summit
focused on the drive for Global free trade.
2:42-43 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and
part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly
broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they
shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not
cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
Former Iran
Leader Tells Bush to Drop; 'Axis of Evil' Nov. 17….(AP)
Iran's former president urged President Bush today to remove the Islamic
republic from his so-called "axis of evil" and warned Washington
not to consider military intervention in his country. Hashemi Rafsanjani, the
Iranian president between 1989 and 1997 and now the head of the Expediency
Council that mediates between the parliament and ruling clerics, said Bush "made
a strategic mistake. He should exclude Iran from the circle (axis of evil) that
he has made." President Bush used the term in his 2002 State of the Union
address to describe Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Iran and North Korea, states he said
sponsor terrorism and seek weapons of mass destruction. Saddam was toppled the
next year following a US-led invasion, but autocratic governments remain in
place in the other two countries, and both have nuclear programs that alarm the
West. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said late last month that recent
events in Iran and North Korea support Bush's claim that they were part of an
"axis of evil." "It was a pretty good analysis, wasn't it?" She said Iranians
deserve a better leader, referring to the current hard-line President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad. Iran said recently that it would be willing to talk to the United
States about Iraq and other regional issues if the US requested it, as is
purported to be the case wit the new Iraq Survey Group. But the White House has
said it will only talk to Iran if Tehran agrees to suspend its suspect uranium
enrichment activities. "In the nuclear case, a difficult encounter is ahead of
us," Rafsanjani said during Friday prayers in Tehran. "It will be difficult for
the US, too. The United States should not pin hope on its veto right in the UN
Security Council. It is not an angel for them; it is only a temporary solution."
Rafsanjani also warned the US not to consider military intervention in Iran,
saying Washington's "iron fist policy" has failed. "It will be dangerous if the
US thinks that it can behave toward Iran in the same way that it has treated
Afghanistan and Iraq," he said. Today, negotiations, prudence and wisdom are the
solution for the problems in the entire world. The former Iranian leader played
down the effect on Iran of the US midterm elections that gave Democrats control
of Congress. "Democrats are a little bit softer, but they are not angels. Do not
interpret the win of either parties as very significant," he said. During his
speech, Rafsanjani did not mention an Argentine judge's request for his arrest
and the detention of eight other officials for the 1994 bombing of a Jewish
cultural center in Buenos Aires. The blast killed 85 people and wounded more
than 200.
Arafat's Widow Lives Well in New York
& Paris on Arafat’s Billions
Declared One of Worlds Wonders Nov.
17….(Jerusalem Post) Jerusalem, particularly its Old City, has been declared
one of the "Seven New Wonders of the World" by ABC's Good Morning, America
program and USA Today. The Israeli capital was the second choice for
the list, coming in after Potala Palace in Tibet. The team of experts who chose
the second "wonders" said the presence of sites central to all three
monotheistic faiths is what set Jerusalem apart. They ignored the fact that
Islam's obsession with the Temple Mount (Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque) is
a relatively new phenomenon that dates back less than 100 years. Prior to the
regathering of the Jews to their land, Islam did not universally regard
Jerusalem's Temple Mount as its third holiest site. Jerusalem, and especially
the Temple Mount, is absolutely central to all true Bible-believing Jews and
Christians, however.
Iran in 'Final Step' of Nuke Program (Ahmadinejad
makes declaration as UN struggles to find response)
Lebanese Confirm Arms Flow to Hizbullah
Rick Warren
Denies Praising Syria (‘I said
nothing of the sort’) Nov. 16….(WND)
Megachurch Pastor Rich Warren is adamantly denying he praised Syria on his
recent trip, which he describes as a favor to his Muslim next-door neighbor.
Warren, author of the best-selling "The Purpose-Driven Life," visited Syria this
week and was quoted by official Syrian news agencies as saying the US should
have been holding dialogues with Damascus, that Syrian Muslims and Christians
co-exist peacefully and the Syrian leadership is responsible for the nation's
tolerance and stability. He added that the State Department had warned him "to
expect exactly what Syria did – a PR blast. I don't pretend to be a diplomat.
I'm a pastor who just gets invited places." The reports from the official Syrian
news agency included statements that: "Pastor Warren hailed the religious
coexistence, tolerance and stability that the Syrian society is enjoying due to
the wise leadership of President al-Assad, asserting that he will convey the
true image about Syria to the American people." "Syria wants peace, and Muslims
and Christians live in this country jointly and peacefully since more than a
thousand years, and this is not new for Syria." Warren told Syria's Islamic
grand mufti there could be no peace in the region without Syria and 80 percent
of Americans reject the US administration's policies and actions in Iraq. The
comments attributed to Warren contradict documentation by the International
Counter terrorism Organization and US State Department of Syria's extensive use
of terrorism for its political goals. The ICT said "frequent use of the 'terror
weapon' has been made by Syria against Lebanon, Jordan and the Palestinians" in
an attempt "to impose Syrian hegemony over them and bring them into line with
Syrian policy." "The main Lebanese leaders killed by Syrian proxies were: Bashir
Gemayel (who was accused by Syrian propaganda of being a 'Zionist proxy'); and
Kamal Jumblatt (accused of being a 'traitor' and an 'American agent.')," the ICT
said. Saddleback Church, with 30,000 members, was begun by Rick and Kay Warren
in 1979 and now has more than 200 ministries in the Orange County area. His
popular book, which has sold about 12 million copies, focuses on worship,
fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism. It tells readers the life is
"not about you," and shows how God can enable each one to live for His purposes.
Warren is scheduled to preach in North Korea next year. In a letter to his
congregation, Warren explained in more detail why he went to Syria. "Our team is
on a three nation PEACE plan tour," he wrote. "After leading a PEACE plan
briefing for 44 major Christian missions organizations that we'd gathered in
Atlanta, our team traveled to Germany where we taught the PD Preaching seminar
to pastors and shared the PEACE plan with about 5,000 church leaders. Warren
concluded: "Regrettably, because I praised Syria's welcoming of Christian
refugees from Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon into their country, some bloggers
concluded that I approved of everything Syria does. That's nonsense! Syria needs
many reforms, but in terms of religious freedom, they are ahead of places like
Burma, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, and many others." FOJ Note:
Perhaps Rick Warren was misquoted by the Syrian news agency. But then, that
is what you should expect when you consort with a terrorist state.
Bush, Putin
Discuss Iran in Quick Stopover Nov. 16….(AP)
President Bush, eager for Russian help in ongoing nuclear disputes with North
Korea and Iran, utilized a quick refueling stopover in Moscow to make a quick
call on President Vladimir Putin. Bush paused to visit the Russian leader at an
airport stopover on his way to Asia for an eight-day trip that includes stays in
Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia. Bush has meetings scheduled with several
important allies, including Putin, on the sidelines of a summit of Pacific Rim
leaders in Hanoi, Vietnam, later this week. But only Putin rated a social call
as well. Russian news agencies quoted Kremlin spokesman Alexei Gromov as saying
the two presidents discussed the Iranian nuclear program, the situation in the
Middle East and nuclear nonproliferation. Gromov also confirmed that a bilateral
agreement on Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization was being
readied for signing in Hanoi. But the rarity of a US President flying east to
Asia, rather than west, no doubt reflected that the Washington-Moscow
relationship needs a little extra care lately. Russian officials described the
meeting as cordial. As Bush was boarding his plane to resume his journey, he got
a hug from Putin. Russia voted for US-backed United Nations sanctions on North
Korea after it conducted a nuclear weapons test. Now Washington is seeking to
overcome Russian reluctance toward an upcoming vote on UN sanctions against Iran
over its disputed nuclear program. At the United Nations in New York, US
Ambassador John Bolton said, "We've been trying to get sanctions in the Security
Council against Iran's nuclear weapons program and we've been having a lot of
difficulty with Russia in particular, so I hope they had a chance to talk about
that issue." "The key thing is for Russia to internalize that the fight against
nuclear proliferation is more important than commercial contracts and that we're
all safer when we don't enable countries like Iran and North Korea in their
pursuit of nuclear weapons," he said. FOJ Note:
Undoubtedly, President Bush also conferred with President Putin on the new
direction the US is considering undertaking with regards to direct talks with
Iran, as proposed by the Baker Iraq Survey Team, which is now spearheading the
policy in Iraq. Coming
Soon: 'Great War to Exterminate Israel' Nov. 16….(YNET)
One day after Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu warned that the Iranian threat
facing Israel was similar to the 1938 looming Nazi danger to European Jewry, the
Israeli media reported that an Iranian newspaper had called on Muslims around
the world to get ready: A "great war" to destroy the State of Israel was on the
way, an October 29 editorial in Kehyan had exulted. Translated by MEMRI,
the paper said half of Israel had been taken care of by the Lebanese Hizb'allah
last July. "Now only half the path to Israel's destruction remains." The war
would be waged by "millions" of Jihadists along Israel's extended
border with Jordan, along Israel's southern border with Egypt, and on the Golan
Heights, where Israel and Syria meet. "That day is not far off." "The great war
is ahead of us, (and will break out) perhaps tomorrow, or in another few days,
or in a few months, or even in a few Years... Israel must collapse," the
newspaper said. It added: "For the first time in the 60 years of its disgraceful
life, the Zionist regime, the West's beloved in the Middle East, tasted the
taste of defeat, and the citizens of this regime trembled at the menace of
Hizbullah's missiles. The nation of Muslims must prepare for the great war, so
as to completely wipe out the Zionist regime, and remove this cancerous growth.
Like the Imam (Ayatollah) Khomeini said: 'Israel must collapse.'" Iran
Complains to UN of Israeli Bomb Threats Nov. 16….(YNET)
In what America's ambassador to the United Nations called an act of
"chutzpah," Iran has complained to the international body that Israel is
threatening to bomb the Islamic republic. The official complaint, contained in a
letter sent to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on November 10, comes after
Iran's leaders have repeatedly vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
As they work to equip themselves for the implementation of this genocidal act,
the Iranians have defied international calls to halt their nuclearization
program. Israel Vows
to Respond to Rocket Attacks Nov. 16….(Ha
Aretz) Israel promised a punishing response to a deadly Palestinian rocket
attack Wednesday near the home of the country's defense minister. The rocket,
one of at least eight that struck Israel during the day, killed a 57-year-old
woman walking to the grocery store in the Israeli town of Sderot near the Gaza
border and raised the specter of a large-scale offensive against militant rocket
squads. Militants affiliated with the Palestinians' ruling Hamas group and
Islamic Jihad both claimed responsibility for the fatal Sderot attack, calling
it retaliation for 19 civilians killed by Israeli shelling last week in the Gaza
town of Beit Hanoun. Sederot, a town of 20,000 is a favorite target of the
militants because it is less than a mile from the Gaza fence. Israel's latest
military offensive against rocket squads in Beit Hanoun ended last week without
major achievements. For more than a week, troops backed by attack helicopters
and tanks went after the squads, killing about 50 militants and at least seven
civilians. One Israeli soldier died. The offensive left badly damaged buildings,
uprooted trees and streets chewed up by tank treads. The Geneva-based UN Human
Rights Council, which has censured only one country — Israel —
during its six-month existence, voted Wednesday to send a fact-finding mission
to Beit Hanoun and to condemn the Israeli artillery barrage and other "human
rights violations" in the Palestinian territories. Israeli Ambassador Itzhak
Levanon said the special session was another example of the council's lack of
objectivity. The United States is an observer of the council, without voting
rights. Rocket attacks resumed from Beit Hanoun immediately after Israeli troops
pulled out. On Wednesday, militants fired 13 rockets, eight of which landed in
Israel, the military said. Four hit the coastal city of Ashkelon, the
northernmost point that Palestinian rockets have reached. The homemade
projectiles have killed eight people since 2001. Despite the deaths in Beit
Hanoun, which Israel said were unintended, Palestinian talks aimed at forming a
more moderate government and ending crippling Western aid sanctions continued. A
coalition agreement would be closely linked to a Hamas-Israel prisoner swap and
a promise by Gaza militants to halt rocket attacks on Israel. Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in
Cairo on Wednesday to discuss the talks and the potential for peacemaking.
Envoys of the "Quartet" of Mideast mediators, the US, the UN, the European Union
and Russia, also met Wednesday in Cairo to discuss peace prospects. It was their
first gathering since Hamas took power in March. The Islamic militant group
insists it will never recognize Israel even after a new government takes power.
Rick Warren Meets With Syrian Grand
Mufti Robert Schuller, the Grand Mufti and
Olmert: The
Time Has Come to Act Against Iran Nov. 15….(Arutz)
In his White House meeting this week, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
focused on the threat resulting from Iran’s continued nuclear enrichment towards
constructing an atom bomb. While America is sensitive to Israel’s concerns, the
European community and Russia are not as anxious to act against Tehran,
preferring to take a more diplomatic approach, opposing proposed stiff American
sanctions. Speaking to a Los Angeles Jewish forum on Tuesday, the prime minister
called upon moderate Arab nations, too, to act against Iran, warning that the
point of no return has arrived. Earlier in the week, Vice Premier Shimon Peres
stated that a nuclear Iran is a threat to everyone, including Russia. He warned
of the instability that will result if Tehran is permitted to achieve nuclear
independence. Addressing the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities
of North America, known as the GA, Mr. Olmert stated that a nuclear Iran will
result in a level of instability that has never been known before. Calling for a
coalition of moderate Arab nations, Olmert stated such a coalition can and must
act to prevent such a level of instability in the region by directing efforts
against radical Islamic elements. On the heels of his White House meeting with
US President George W. Bush, Olmert praised him as a true friend of Israel who
shares Jerusalem’s concerns and is committed to preventing Iran from moving
ahead with its nuclear agenda. The Prime Minister stated Israel and America see
eye-to-eye on the Iranian issue. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues
to use every platform available to him to call for the eradication of Israel. At
the same time, he insists his nuclear program is for peaceful medical purposes.
(Yet yesterday the UN nuclear inspectors found material that can only be used
for making nuclear bombs) Ahmadinejad continues to defend Tehran’s right to
develop a nuclear weapon, largely supported by Russia, which continues to
counter American efforts to impose stiff sanctions on Iran. Ahmadinejad has
often threatened that any thought of a military attack by western countries
would be met with a swift and painful retaliation. Vice Premier Peres recently
pointed out that in Iran’s case, even stiff economic sanctions will have little
impact, as national poverty is a way of life and most citizens would never
realize a difference following sanctions. Peres hinted that a more aggressive
approach must be taken. Bush
Doesn't Fear Attack on Iran: Israeli Envoy Nov.
15….(Reuters) President Bush will not hesitate to use military force against
Iran if other options fail, Israel's outgoing ambassador to the United States
said in an interview published on Wednesday. "I know President Bush well, and
from his standpoint, a nuclear Iran, ayatollahs with a bomb, is unacceptable,"
Danny Ayalon told Israel's Ma'ariv newspaper. "I have been privileged to know
him well, and he will not hesitate to go all the way to a military option if
there is no choice." Concern over Iran's atomic ambitions figured prominently in
talks in Washington this week between Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert. Ayalon, who has spent the past 4-1/2 years in Washington, said Bush
would continue to pursue diplomatic efforts for now, and failing that would
choose to try to isolate Iran via sanctions. But if that tactic also failed to
stem Iran's nuclear plans, Ayalon said President Bush would likely use air power
combined with limited ground forces to attack Iran. "Anyone who knows President
Bush knows that he is very determined. He is convinced of the moral supremacy of
democracies over dictatorships. If the sanctions succeed, all the better.
Otherwise, he will act by all means possible, including military action," he
said. In public, Bush has said he backs a diplomatic solution with Iran but has
refused to rule out a military strike. The Islamic republic has said it is
willing to talk to the US, but that Washington must first "change its attitude."
Asked if the United States would be capable of taking military action against
Iran, given that it is already engaged in a debilitating conflict in Iraq,
Ayalon said: "This is not an operation on the same scale. There is no
intention of employing large ground forces in Iran. That is not the model. It is
more a case of employing air power combined with limited ground forces.
Ahmadinejad: Iran Will Reach Full Nuclearization This Year
Report: Iran Seeking al-Qaida Alliance
Nov. 14….(Jerusalem Post) Iran is trying to form an unholy
alliance with al-Qaida by grooming a new generation of leaders to take over for
Osama bin Laden, The Daily Telegraph revealed on Tuesday, as Western
intelligence officials say the Iranians are determined to take advantage of bin
Laden's declining health to promote senior officials who are known to be
friendly to Teheran. The revelation will deal a major blow to Tony Blair's hopes
of establishing a "new partnership" with Teheran. According to the Telegraph
British intelligence officials have been most alarmed by reports from Iran that
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is trying to persuade al-Qaida to promote a
pro-Iranian activist to a senior position within its leadership. The Iranians
want Saif al-Adel, a 46-year-old former colonel in Egypt's special forces, to be
the organization's number three. Al-Adel was formerly bin Laden's head of
security, and was named on the FBI's 22 most wanted list after September 11 for
his alleged involvement in terror attacks against US targets in Somalia and
Africa in the 1990s. He has been living in a Revolutionary Guard guesthouse in
Teheran since fleeing from Afghanistan in late 2001.
Assad Meets
With American Mega Pastor Rick Warren Nov. 14….(AFP)
The meeting between President Bashar al-Assad and Pastor Rick Warren, a famous
Protestant clergyman in the USA and an accompanying delegation on Sunday focused
on the Syrian-American relations. The American delegation led by Pastor Rick
Warren stressed that the American administration is mistaken not to hold
dialogue with Syria. The importance of dialogue among religions and
achieving the just and comprehensive peace in the region which leads for
stability and prosperity were emphasized during the meeting. Pastor Warren
hailed the religious coexistence, tolerance and stability that the Syrian
society is enjoying due to the wise leadership of President al-Assad,
asserting that he will convey the true image about Syria to the American people.
He offered to President al-Assad a memorial drawing as a gift to the Syrian
people for their generosity and hospitality, thanking their efforts exerted for
maintaining peace and harmony.
Shock Announcement: Olmert Still Determined to 'Realign'
Nov. 13….(JNEWSWIRE) Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert, en route this week for a meeting with US President George W. Bush in
Washington DC, announced Friday his intention to, after all, implement the
"re-alignment plan" that will facilitate the creation of a State of
Palestine on ancient Jewish lands. News outlets in Israel all carried the
story Sunday: Although he had earlier let it be known that he was no longer
able to implement the platform on which he was elected to the premiership at
the head of his Kadima Party last March, Olmert has now revealed that he is
in fact still determined to try and carry it out. "Realignment" calls for
the uprooting of as many as 100,000 Jews from their homes in Samaria and
Judea, the biblical heart of the Jewish homeland, and the surrender for all
time of that territory to the rabidly anti-Semitic Palestinian Arabs. It is
not known whether the reason for Olmert’s return to his plan is at least
partially because of the hammering the Republicans received at the hands of
the American electorate last week. The results of those mid-term elections
have, according to many pundits, signaled Israel that the USA will from now
on expect more concessions from Israel, and a greater willingness for the
Jewish state to take "risks for peace." Whatever the motivation, Olmert’s
announced intention to move ahead with his plan comes despite the painful
That Israel’s withdrawals from southern Lebanon led directly
to the painful war Israel fought in July, when the Lebanese Hizb’allah
kidnapped Israeli soldiers and poured rocket fire down on northern Israel
for weeks on end.
And, most significantly: That the land Olmert believes he has the right to barter away is Israel’s national cradle. It was the hope of return to these very areas, Shechem, Shiloh, Bethel, Bethlehem, Hebron, and the Old City in Jerusalem with its Temple Mount, the holiest site for the Jews, that kept Jewish identity, hope and faith alive during their centuries in exile. Olmert’s plan imperils Israel on every front. It will play straight into the hands of the Arabs, multiplying and accelerating the militarily threat against the Jews. It will tear even more deeply at the national pide, driving those Jews who can see the existential threat it poses to acts of desperation to resist it. It will sever Israel from its national roots. For Israel, realignment spells national suicide. This is the offering Olmert is preparing to present at the White House Monday morning.
Blair to Call for Syria, Iran to Join Mideast Peace Process
On Iraq, newspapers Monday reported that he will concede that Britain's approach must "evolve" to meet the changing nature of the conflict, amid mounting violence, including against US and British troops. Blair’s speech at the annual Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City financial district of central London will see him defend Britain's controversial close alignment to the United States on foreign policy issues. Critics have long accused London of slavishly pursuing Washington's agenda, particularly in Iraq and more recently by refusing to call for an immediate ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. But Blair, who has previously described anti-Americanism as "madness," will say it would be folly to abandon the so-called "special relationship" between Britain and the United States. The only workable "British" foreign policy was one based on "strong alliances", including with the European Union, which Britain is often accused of sidelining in favor of close ties with the United States. Blair's speech comes as the Iraq Study Group, led by former US secretary of state James Baker, is looking at current coalition policy in Iraq with President Bush. FOJ Note: Blair’s call for including Syria and Iran in Middle East Peace talks falls in line with the Baker group’s counsel. Prime Minister Blair has always insisted that implementation of a peace process in the Middle East was essential to world stability, even in light of the terrorists war on America and Britain. Now, both Great Britain and the US are conforming more and more to the European Union model of a New World Order. And by engaging Syria and Iran diplomatically, first on Iraq, and then on Israel, both countries stand to lose influence in the Middle East, and Israel stands to lose support, and to see its security lessened. Iran stands to be the Big Winner, in Iraq, and strategically in the region, so no wonder Ahmadinejad says the time is nearing for the death of Israel.
President Bush Meets With Iraq Survey Group
(President Bush met with the Iraq Study Group last June. Today he met with the bipartisan panel again. Seen from left are former Attorney General Edwin Meese, former Secretary of State James Baker, former Rep. Lee Hamilton, former CIA Director Robert Gates, (and new Defense Secretary) former Clinton adviser Vernon Jordan, and former Senator Alan Simpson- (You will note that James Baker is front and center opposite the President.) Nov. 13….(My Way) President Bush met this morning with the bipartisan group seeking consensus on a new approach for the war in Iraq amid widespread agreement that the administration’s current efforts have not worked well enough or fast enough. White House press secretary Tony Snow described the meeting as a conversation in which both sides shared views. “This is not a deposition,” Snow said. Further, he said there was not a presentation of alternatives but rather an assessment of the situation on the ground now. The president talked in the Oval Office with members of the Iraq Study Group, headed by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III. The study group was spending the day at the White House speaking with members of Bush’s national security team, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, National Intelligence Director John Negroponte, CIA Director Michael Hayden, US Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalizad and Gen. George Casey, the top US commander in Iraq. And British Prime Minister Tony Blair planned to speak to the commission via video link on Tuesday. Cheney, Hadley and chief of staff John Bolten took part in the meeting with Bush. Meanwhile, Gen. John Abizaid, head of the US Central Command, met Monday with the Iraqi prime minister to “reaffirm President Bush’s commitment” to success in Iraq, the government said. Nouri al-Maliki and Abizaid, who commands all US forces in the Middle East, discussed “the effect neighboring countries are having on the security situation in Iraq,” the government statement said in a clear reference to Iran and Syria. Baker hints at middle ground Even before it is finished, the study group’s report is seen by many as having huge stakes. It could give the Democratic and Republican parties a chance at consensus, or at least a tenable framework for agreement, after an election that gave Democrats congressional control and reshaped Bush’s final two years in office. “The president looks forward to sharing his thoughts with the Iraq Study Group, as do other administration officials,” said Gordon Johndroe, spokesman for the National Security Council, on Sunday. “He is open to any ideas and suggestions on the way forward.” Baker has indicated the recommendations will fall somewhere between the troop withdrawal strategy that Republicans like to say Democrats favor and the stay the course policy until recently used by Bush and widely ridiculed by Democrats. On Sunday, Bush’s advisers adopted a new tone, days after a dissatisfied public handed the White House a divided government. “Full speed ahead” in Iraq, as Cheney put it in the final days of the campaign, was replaced by repeated calls for a “fresh perspective” and an acknowledgment that “nobody can be happy” with the situation in Iraq. “We clearly need a fresh approach,” said Josh Bolten, Bush’s chief of staff, making the rounds of morning talk shows.
Photo Shows Iran Leader as '79 US Hostage Taker (Ahmadinejad has denied role in seizure of embassy seizure)
Nov. 13….(WND) The Russian publication Kommersant has published a newly located photograph of a US hostage-taker in Iran circa 1979 bearing a striking resemblance to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Iranian leader has steadfastly denied he was involved in the takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran and the holding of 52 Americans for 444 days despite assertions to the contrary of some of those hostages and former Iranian President Abholhassan Bani-Sadr, who says he was a ringleader and the liaison with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Charges by the ex-hostages were made shortly after Ahmadinejad came to power June 24, 2005. But from the beginning, the White House and State Department made it clear they would rather not know the truth about Ahmadinejad because it would place the US in a position of refusing to permit a head of government into the country to attend UN meetings. One official said such a finding would "enormously complicate" matters. US "investigators" never bothered to interview any of the former hostages who made the charges against the Iranian leader. Perhaps the most damning evidence against Ahmadinejad with regard to the hostage-taking came from Bani-Sadr, Iran's President during the early days of the Khomeini revolution. He has adamantly affirmed Ahmadinejad was one of the kidnappers who held 52 Americans for 444 days. He said the former student leader was in the embassy throughout the hostage crisis. "Ayatollah Khomeini's deputy, Ayatollah Khamenei, demanded of him a constant report on what is happening in the embassy," he said. When told Ahmadinejad denied the accusation, Bani-Sadr laughed. "What do you want?" he said. "That he should not deny it? I was president, and I know the details, and I am telling you for sure that he was there, though his role was not organizational. He was the chief reporter to Khamenei." Sadr added that Ahmadinejad initially opposed the hostage-taking but changed his mind once Khomeini gave his support. At least six former American hostages agree the president of Iran played a key role in interrogating and abusing them. Chuck Scott characterized his tormentor as "cold, hard-nosed" and said his memory is solid, "as sure as I'm sitting here." "If you went through a traumatic experience like that and you were around people who made it possible, you're never going to forget them," said Scott, a 73-year-old retired US Army colonel. Scott said he recognized him almost instantly during the publicity surrounding his election in June, when he shocked the world by winning in an upset. Former hostage Don Sharer identified Ahmadinejad as a student leader who called Americans "pigs and dogs." Ahmadinejad acknowledges membership in the radical student organization that stormed the embassy when he was 23. "He was in the background, like an adviser," recalled Sharer, a former US Navy officer. "He called us pigs and dogs and said we deserved to be locked up forever." Scott called him "a leader, what I would call a hard-a--. Even the other guards said he was very strict." "The new president of Iran is a terrorist," said Scott. Sharer said Ahmadinejad was an interrogator and remembers being personally grilled by him. "He was involved in interrogating me the day we were taken captive," said former Marine security guard Kevin Hermening. "There is absolutely no reason the United States should be trying to normalize relations with a man who seems intent on trying to force-feed the world with state-sponsored terrorism." William Daugherty, another former hostage, concurs that Ahmadinejad was there. He claims he saw him eight to 10 times in the first 19 days of captivity before the hostages were separated into smaller groups. "As soon as I saw the face, it rang a lot of bells to me, and it was a recent picture, but he still looks like a man, take 20 years off of him, he was there. He was there in the background." David Roeder, the embassy's former deputy Air Force attache, also said Ahmadinejad was present during one of his interrogations. "It was almost like he was checking on the interrogation techniques they were using in a sort of adviser capacity," Roeder said. Sharer added: "He was extremely cruel. He is one of the hardliners, so that tells you what their government is going to stand for in the next four to five years."
Terrorists Announce Plans to Attack US (Terrorists declare they're preparing to 'hit Americans without mercy') Nov. 13….(WND) Four terror groups, including militants from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party, which the US considers moderate, warned today America is now officially a target for attacks both in the region and abroad. The terror groups blamed the US for "attacking Muslim land" in Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan, and for providing support to the Israeli Defense Forces, which last week accidentally hit a residential area with artillery fire while trying to stop rockets from being launched from the northern Gaza Strip into nearby Jewish communities. Several Palestinian terror leaders in Gaza told WND their organizations will soon lead attacks against US interests. We call upon all Mujahedeen in Palestine and around the world to start hitting Americans without mercy. The Americans are destroying Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan and are bombarding our Muslim land," read a statement signed by Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Popular Resistance Committees, the Fatah-affiliated Abu Rish Brigades, and a new group calling itself the Brigades of the Believers. "The Americans seem not to understand any language but that of blood and violence. We say the Americans have an artificial culture. It is a country that doesn't respect the blood of innocents. Americans only take into consideration the blood of the Jews," read the statement obtained by WND. The statement went on to blast the US for vetoing a draft UN resolution yesterday condemning an ongoing Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip. The resolution demanded Israeli troops pull out of the territory. The IDF stepped up operations in Gaza last month following reports hundreds of tons of weapons, including advanced missiles were smuggled into the territory. Since Israel withdrew from Gaza last summers, Palestinian groups there have been regularly firing rockets into neighboring Jewish communities. The Israeli army last week used artillery shells to target a site in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip from which Qassam rockets were fired at a nearby, populated Jewish city. Meanwhile Palestinian terror groups said their organizations will lead attacks against the US. Abu Ahmed, a senior leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in Gaza, told WND, "We asked the Palestinian people and the mujahedeen to target Americans. American targets will very soon be subjected to our military plans inside Israel and the territories. We are still deciding whether to only target US interests in Palestine or also abroad." The Al Aqsa Brigades is the declared "military wing" of Abbas' Fatah party. The US has provided large sums of aid, weaponry and advanced military training to Fatah militants. Abu Abir, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees, an umbrella of major Palestinian terror groups, told WND his group would target Americans anywhere, including abroad. "We will reach Americans either inside or outside. We will not hesitate to target the US," Abu Abir said. The Committees spokesman claimed the US was using Israel to test weapons on Palestinian civilians. "We have proof of American involvement in Beit Hanoun last week. Every weapon the Americans create, they first give to the Israelis to examine on innocent Palestinian civilians. The US will pay a price for this," Abu Abir said. The statement warned of upcoming Hamas attacks against the US and urged Arabs and Muslims to "teach the American enemy merciless lessons they will not forget."
Bush Prepares Switch on Iraq and Downgrading of US Ties with Israel Nov. 13….(DEBKA) Former US secretary of state James Baker and ex-Congressman Lee Hamilton will present their recommendations on Iraq to President Bush in the Oval Office. Their audience will include an array of top administration officials: Vice President Dick Cheney, national security adviser Stephen Hadley, secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte and CIA Director Gen. Mike Hayden, as well as US Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace. Incoming defense secretary Robert Gates will attend as a member of the bipartisan committee. Absentees will include outgoing defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who stepped down after the Republican’s lost the Nov. 7 midterm to the Democrats over the Iraq war, and the commanders directly running that conflict, Generals John Abizaid and George Casey. The timing and composition of the conference indicate that the larger decisions are already in the bag with regard to the new US policy on Iraq and a fresh approach to the radical side of the Middle East led by Iran and Syria, mainly at the expense of Jordan and Israel. Monday’s White House conference will be concerned mostly with tying up the last ends and deciding who performs which part of the revised strategy. DEBKAfile’s Washington sources report that Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, who is due Monday will be one of the first foreign White House visitors to hear an update on the new policy. He will find he is required to listen rather than speak. Bush will use the occasion to inform him where America’s Iraq policy leaves Israel and the Palestinian dispute. Most of all, the US president will be looking ahead to Wednesday, Nov, 15, when he stops over in Moscow for unscheduled talks with Vladimir Putin. Air Force One was originally supposed to refuel in Moscow and continue without delay to Hanoi for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit later this week. And the Russian president would not normally have come to the airport to greet him. But the US president has decided to seize on the chance of persuading Putin to jump aboard the new American format on Iraq, Iran and the Middle East, on none of which the two leaders saw eye to eye before. The first sign of Bush-Putin collaboration is in the air. DEBKAfile’s Moscow sources report that Iran’s senior nuclear negotiator, national security adviser Ali Larijani spent two days of talks in Moscow on Nov. 10 and 11, during which Putin asked him if Tehran was willing to adapt its nuclear program after Washington agrees to direct negotiations. Once President Bush decided, after his election defeat, to subsume his Middle East policy to the bipartisan model, he lost no time in realigning its elements. No senior Israeli official was abreast of the seismic changes in Washington’s attitude before the prime minister embarked for the United States. After the White House talks, Olmert will follow the best diplomatic traditions of US-Israeli relations, declaring that Israel has no better friend who is more committed to its security that the President of the United States and affirming full assent between the two governments on the issues of Iran and the Palestinians. He will gloss over the reality: the New US Middle East Policy will add another negative layer to Israel’s situation and further aggravate the fallout of its Lebanon War reverses. Israel will find itself high and dry in the Middle East. After being downgraded by the Lebanon War’s outcome, the Olmert government will be obliged to accept the crack of the American whip, at least until it can build a new security option that is not dependent on Washington’s new Middle East strategy. A clear-eyed evaluation of this prospect was ventured Friday, Nov. 10, by the new deputy defense minister Ephraim Sneh, who urged Israel in a Jerusalem Post interview to prepare to thwart Iran’s drive for a nuclear capability “at all costs”. The chances of the international community instituting effective sanctions against Iran are not very high, said Sneh. “
Democrats to Propose Iraq Pullout Nov. 13….(AP) The two top Senate Democrats on foreign policy yesterday said they will introduce a resolution in January calling for troops to start being withdrawn from Iraq by this summer, a move that Sen. John McCain said would put the US in the worst of both worlds. Sen. Carl Levin, Michigan Democrat in line to lead the Senate Armed Services Committee, said his party's election victory last week vindicates calls for a change of strategy in Iraq and said withdrawals would need to start this year, despite White House opposition to any timetables, a stance it also reiterated on yesterday's political shows. "The people spoke dramatically, overwhelmingly, resoundingly, to change the course in Iraq," he said during an appearance on ABC's "This Week." The Senate's "first order of business is to change the direction of Iraq policy." "We need to begin a phased redeployment of forces from Iraq in four to six months, to begin that redeployment," he said. "We have to tell Iraqis that the open-ended commitment is over." On the other hand, Mr. McCain said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that the US troop presence in Iraq would need to be increased to achieve victory and said he would favor a total withdrawal if that didn't happen. "I believe that there are a lot of things that we can do to salvage this, but they all require the presence of additional troops," he said. Moderator Tim Russert said: "It sounds as if McCain is saying, 'Either send more troops in, secure the country and win, or make the decision and get out.' " I think that that's pretty much my position," said the Arizona Republican, who is considering a run for the White House in 2008. "Maybe it's more nuanced than that." Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., who appeared on the same ABC segment as Mr. Levin, said he backed Levin’s proposal. Besides Mr. Levin and Mr. Biden, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the incoming majority leader, also called for a redeployment of troops from Iraq, which he said "should start within the next few months," although he said the withdrawal should be phased. White House officials said yesterday that President Bush opposes a specific timetable for withdrawal and partitioning of Iraq, but that he is willing to reconsider proposals on conducting the war.
UN: Mideast Key to Bridging Civilizations (Panel set up by UN submits report on causes for growing gap between West and Muslims) Nov. 13….(YNET) Researchers, politicians, and religious figures met in Istanbul, Turkey on Monday in order to discuss ways to improve the shaky relations between cultures, and in particular between Muslims and the Western world. At the center of the summit was a report submitted by a UN panel, made up of researchers and leaders for various cultures, set up to examine the issue in-depth. A message on behalf of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said that the problem was not found in the Koran, Torah, or New Testament. The message added that faith was not the problem, but rather believers and the way they behave to one another. According to the 39-page report composed by the panel, a copy of which has appeared on the BBC website, one of the clearest symbols of the increasing gap between cultures is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the report's authors called for a renewal of the Middle East peace process. Among the recommendations in the report, the authors said the world must recognize the reality shaping the stances of millions of Muslims, the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. The authors said they wished to emphasize the "urgency" of the Palestinian issue, which forms a significant factor to the growing tear between Muslim society and Western society, the report said. The authors said that without a "fair, respectable, democratic" solution to the problem, based on the good intentions of all involved to end the conflict, all efforts to bridge the cultural gap would fail. The authors added, the Israeli-Palestinian issue carries a symbolic value, and is the one influence that could bind the cultural and political relations between the followers of the three monotheistic religions. The panel members included former Iranian president Muhammad Khatami, and Nobel Prize Winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Arab-Israeli Peace Key to Easing Muslim-West Tensions Nov. 13….(Jerusalem Post) UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Monday that any effort to stop growing violence between Islamic and Western societies must include an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Annan spoke after receiving a report from a high-level group of experts on ways to alleviate Muslim-Western clashes and misunderstandings. "We may wish to think of the Arab-Israeli conflict as just one regional conflict amongst many," said Annan, who leaves his post at the end of the year. "It is not. No other conflict carries such a powerful symbolic and emotional charge among people far removed from the battlefield." (God has proclaimed that this conflict would involve all nations / Joel 3:2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.) Annan said he would work along with his successor, Ban Ki-moon, to help implement the recommendations of the report, which called for renewed efforts toward the goal of establishing "two fully sovereign and independent states co-existing side by side in peace and security." "As long as the Palestinians live under occupation, exposed to daily frustration and humiliation, and as long as Israelis are blown up in buses and in dance halls, so long will passions everywhere be inflamed," Annan said. The report called for an urgent international conference "to reinvigorate the Middle East peace process." The group making the recommendations was formed in 2005 as part of the UN-backed "Alliance of Civilizations" initiative.
Valuing the Invaluable: Tips for Observing Veterans Day
Al-Qaida: We'll blow up the White HouseNov. 11….(Ireland On Line) Al Qaida’s leader in Iraq today vowed his fighters will never rest until they have blown up the White House and reached Jerusalem. In an audio tape made available on militant websites, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir claimed to be winning the war in Iraq and said the US President was “stupid”. He praised the Republican defeat in the US midterm elections as “reasonable”, and claimed the al Qaida army has 12,000 fighters in Iraq, ready to die for their cause. Also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, al-Muhajir became the leader of al Qaida in Iraq after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by the US military in June. The al-Qaida leader reached out to the Muslim world and said his group was winning faster than expected in Iraq. The US president’s policy had enabled the militant group to achieve their goal of fighting more Americans, said the al Qaida leader. We haven’t had enough of your blood yet,” he told the US. He called on President Bush to remain “steadfast in the battlefield” so al Qaida would have more opportunities to fight his soldiers. "We haven't had enough of your blood yet," he boasted. “We call on the lame duck (Bush) not to hurry up in escaping the same way the defense minister did,” he said, referring to the removal of Donald Rumsfeld as US Defense Secretary following the Democrats’ victory in Midterm elections. “They are getting ready to leave, because they are no longer capable of staying,” the al Qaida leader said.
Iran Complains Against Israel at UNNov. 11….(Jerusalem Post) Iran has complained to the United Nations over a "series of threats" after Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh told the The Jerusalem Post on Friday that Israel refused to rule out a military strike against the Islamic republic. Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's ambassador to the United Nations submitted the complaint to Secretary General Kofi Annan and the Security Council on Friday following Sneh's comments. "The letter, underlining threats from Sneh and other Israeli officials, regards these statements as illegal, ridiculous and a sign of the Zionist regime's criminal policies and terrorist intentions," the state agency said. Sanctions against Iran are unlikely to work, so Israel must be prepared to thwart Teheran's drive for a nuclear capability "at all costs," Sneh has told the Post. "I am not advocating an Israeli preemptive military action against Iran, and I am aware of all of its possible repercussions," Sneh stressed. "I consider it a last resort. But even the last resort is sometimes the only resort." In the most dramatic comments to date by a senior government member on the threat posed by the Iranian nuclear program, the former IDF brigadier-general described an untenable scenario of Israel "living under a dark cloud of fear from a leader committed to its destruction." He said he was afraid that, under such a threat, "most Israelis would prefer not to live here; most Jews would prefer not to come here with their families; and Israelis who can live abroad will. People are not enthusiastic about being scorched." Thus the danger, Sneh elaborated, was that Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would "be able to kill the Zionist dream without pushing a button. That's why we must prevent this regime from obtaining nuclear capability at all costs." Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Thursday night that Iran posed a serious threat that needed to be addressed with a cool head. "There is no issue that I deal with more intensively than the Iranian problem," he told a Kadima meeting in Petah Tikva. But he cautioned against creating panic among the public. "We have to handle the issue with coolheadedness and wisdom," he said. "Even the Russians don't want a nuclear Iran. (Want to bet?) We have to talk to everyone and remind them of the danger of a Muslim extremist nation using a nuclear weapon to harm another nation. The big countries have to lead and we have to push them." Sneh said he still hoped the international community would institute effective sanctions against Iran, but that "the chances are not high. My working assumption is that they won't succeed." Interviewed in his Knesset office, Sneh said his priority was to define Israel's national goals, including "preparing the IDF for victory in the next round with Iran and its proxies."
Nov. 6….(YNET) Iran is ready to share its missile systems with friends and neighbors, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards said, after he showed off missiles including some he said had cluster warheads. Revolutionary Guards commander-in-chief Yahya Rahim Safavi also told Iran's Arabic-language Al-Alam TV late on Sunday the Guards had thousands of troops trained for suicide missions in case Iran was threatened although he said any US attack was unlikely. Washington believes Tehran is seeking to make atomic bombs, despite Iranian denials.
"We are also able to give our missile systems to friendly and neighboring countries," Safavi told Al-Alam. A text of his comments in Farsi were obtained by Reuters on Monday. Iran's ambassador to Lebanon, Mohammad Reza Sheibani, was quoted by Iran's semi-official Mehr News Agency on Sunday as saying the Islamic Republic was ready to supply air defense systems, without giving specifics, to the Lebanese military. "Tehran also considers this as its duty to help friendly countries which are exposed to invasion of the Zionist regime (Israel)," Sheibani was quoted saying, in response to what he said was a request by Lebanon's army commander, General Michel Suleiman, for help from friendly states. Iran funded and supplied Lebanon's Hizbullah militia in the 1980s, but now says its support is political and moral. The group used Iranian-made missiles fighting Israel this summer. On Thursday, at the start of 10 days of military exercises, Iran's Revolutionary Guards said they fired Shihab missiles with cluster warheads. Experts say the Shahab 3 has a maximum range of 2,000 km, able to hit Israel and US bases in the Gulf. 'They are ready for martyrdom-seeking operations.' Military experts said the exercises were to show off Iranian technology, although they say many systems are based on modified versions of equipment from other countries, such as North Korea. Washington dismissed the maneuvers as "saber-rattling." "Under the current circumstances, Americans are involved in Afghanistan and the quagmire of Iraq so we do not anticipate any military attack from America," Safavi said.
Israeli Sheikh: Temple Mount is Entirely Islamic
Nov. 6….(Arutz)
Sheikh Raad Salah, head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, a Hamas
supporter, and an outspoken enemy of Israel, warns that Israeli plans to build a
synagogue on the Temple Mount could lead to violence and bloodshed. "The day
will never come when a Moslem or an Arab will have the right to cede even one
foot of the Al-Aqsa Mosque or of Jerusalem," the Sheikh's Al-Aqsa movement
announced. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem was the site of the two Jewish Holy
Temples, the first of which was built by King Solomon in the year 832 BCE, close
to 1,500 years before Islam was founded. For most of the next 1,000 years,
Holy Temples stood on the site, until the Romans conquered the entire land and
destroyed the Second Temple. Though the area came under the control of the
Romans, Byzantines, Moslems, Christians, Turks, British and others over the
coming centuries, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were always the focus of Jewish
religious and national yearnings and continued to be the Jews' "capital in
exile." In the Six Day War of 1967, the modern state of Israel liberated the
Temple Mount area, placing all of Jerusalem under Jewish control once again
after a hiatus of 1,900 years. Israel, however, has never actualized its
sovereignty over the holy Temple Mount site, but rather granted the Moslem Waqf
nearly total control. Jews, in fact, have not been allowed to pray there
ever since then-Chief IDF Rabbi Shlomo Goren led a prayer service there on the
first Tisha B'Av after the liberation. As Arutz-7 reported nearly two months
ago, MK Uri Ariel (National Union) is preparing a plan for the construction of a
synagogue on the southeastern corner of the Temple Mount. The plan must be
approved by the Jerusalem municipality's planning committee, an unlikely
eventuality, and Ariel is set to meet with rabbis and public figures on the
issue later this week. MK Ariel notes that such a building would "rectify a
historic injustice," and that every Supreme Court ruling on the issue has
recognized the right of every Jew to pray on the Temple Mount. "The synagogue
will not interfere with believing Moslems who wish to pray at the Al-Aksa
Mosque," Ariel said. "On the contrary, this is an opportunity for the Moslem
world to demonstrate and prove that it is tolerant enough." The "Moslem world"
is not jumping at said opportunity. The announcement by Sheikh Salah's
organization states, "We hereby warn aloud about the existence of a Jewish
national consensus that is trying to build the Holy Temple at the expense of the
Al-Aqsa Mosque. We warn that similar plans were submitted to Ariel Sharon and
Ehud Barak and their publication led to violence, the ramifications of which
have not ended to this day." "The timing of the publication of this plan is not
coincidental," the Islamic Movement states, "and it jibes with the increased
calls for expulsion [of Arabs], the implementation of the policy of religious
persecution and national discrimination, and the giving of a green light to the
construction of the Third Temple." "We remind, for the 1,000th time, that the
entire Al-Aqsa mosque, including all of its area and alleys above the ground and
under it, is exclusive and absolute Moslem property, and no one else has any
rights to even one grain of earth in it." "We remind the Israeli establishment,
which stands behind these plans, that the problem of Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem is
not just a Palestinian problem, but a Palestinian, Arab and Islamic problem.
The day the Al-Aqsa Mosque is harmed, Heaven forbid, all the Arab and Islamic
nations will call to prevent this damage. Watch out! Beware of merely the
thought of hurting or desecrating the mosque."
Syria Threatens War with Israel
Nov. 6….(JNEWSWIRE) Syria's information minister on Sunday said his nation could resort to armed conflict if Israel does not agree to negotiate its surrender of the Golan Heights. Mohsen Bilal claimed at the opening of a three-day media event that Syria wants peace with Israel, but only on its own terms. Damascus sees Hizb'allah's summer war with Israel as a success for the terror group, and is said to be considering a similar conflagration with the Jewish state in order to drum up international support for its claims to the Golan. Israeli military leaders said they were taking the threat seriously, and that the IDF is preparing for a war with Syria and Hizb'allah as early as next summer. Syria could resort to armed resistance if peace negotiations fail to make Israel give back the Golan Heights, the Syrian Information Minister said Sunday. Mohsen Bilal said international negotiations should lead to Israel restituting the occupied Golan Heights territory it took from Syria during the 1967 Six Day War and later annexed. He warned that Syria could otherwise resolve to "other means, which struggling people have used at various points in history, beginning with legitimate resistance." But Bilal stated that Syrians were nonetheless eager to resume talks. "The road for peace and stability in the region and the world goes through ending occupation" of the Golan Heights, he said, opening a three-day media forum geared at highlighting Syria's right to the Golan. On Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad, who was meeting with Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa, called for a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. Assad and Moussa stressed the need to "establish security and stability in the region by reaching a comprehensive and just peace," Syria's official news agency SANA reported. Israel has brushed off Assad's previous calls to restart peace talks, saying Syria must first clamp down on the radical Palestinian groups it hosts. The three-day Syrian forum on the Golan was being held in the war-wrecked town of Kuneitra, just across the border from the territory controlled by Israel. Some 300 media people and human rights activists from 30 Arab and foreign countries were participating, organizers said. Kuneitra, which lies 65 kilometers (40 miles) southwest of Damascus, was destroyed in 1967 and returned by Israel to Syria as part of a negotiated disengagement after the 1973 war. Syria keeps the town in the state it found it as a testimony to the occupation of the Golan.