Question # 51 Wasn’t the Abrahamic Covenant a “conditional contract”, solely between
those two contracting parties?( God and the children of Israel ) Didn’t
Israel lose their contractual rights because of their disobedience?
Answer…….. The Abrahamic Covenant was indeed a two-party contract, but unlike
human contracts, one of the contracting parties involved in this covenant
was God himself! God cannot lie, nor default on any commitment, even if
the human co-signer does default. In reality, God knew that any human
party that he entered into a covenant agreement with, would ultimately
fail. This fact did not inhibit God from forging a commitment. Yes, Israel
has suffered grievously as a result of their contractual shortcomings. But
God is still a God of his word, not only to the nation of Israel, but to all of
mankind. God’s credibility is not dependent upon man’s capabilities. The
only incentive for God to enter into any agreement with anyone is merely
to, “demonstrate his dependability”, in spite of our fallibility. It is true
that the uninterrupted possession of the Promised Land by Israel
depended upon Israel’s faithfulness to God’s covenant with her, but the
mandates that God conveyed to Israel are still obligatory. God forewarned
Israel over and over again throughout the Bible, that dispossession of the
Land, would be her punishment if she did not conform to the covenant
which they had entered into with him. But the very same God who made
these warnings, is also the God who promised that he would bring her
back into the land, and put within her a new heart, plus a desire for the
Lord, and his statutes. Leviticus 26:44 states also: “And yet for all that,
when they are in the land of their enemies, I ( God ) will not reject them,
neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break “My
Covenant” with them; for I am Jehovah their God. God is still working
his wondrous miracle of fulfilling his covenant with the nation of Israel.
God will keep his word! That eventuality is certain! In spite of all Israel’s
misdeeds and disobedience, God is still going to work a miracle in Israel
that will be a Divine testament of God’s faithfulness to Bless all the
nations of the world. For Israel to accomplish her divinely called mission,
she must be repatriated to her God. In the interim, God is calling out a
people for his name from among the Gentile nations, then he will return
his mind to his Covenant with Israel, by granting to them the same type of
covenant that he has forged with the Church. ( Jeremiah 31:31 and
Hebrews 8:8 )
Question # 52 When will God’s covenant with Israel be fulfilled, if it is to be fulfilled?
Answer…….. The full realization of the providential objectives of God, in dealing with
the select nation of Israel will only become a reality when her Messiah
returns to reign. The Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ upon this earth
will be the setting for the completion of God’s covenant to Israel. Zechariah 12:10 reveals that Israel will finally, at the prelude of that age of history, recognize Jesus as their long anticipated Messiah, and accept him,
the one whom they pierced, as their promised King! Then and only then will Israel ever know peace.
Question # 53 Won’t Israel be protected by God in the next great war in the Middle
Answer…….. Nobody knows for sure how many wars shall yet be fought in the Middle
East, over the issue of the Zionist presence in the region. There have
already been four wars fought between the Arab nations and Israel, just
since the 1948 rebirth, and reconstitution of the nation of Israel into the
Promised Land. While the Bible does not convey precisely how many
more wars might yet be fought, it does reveal that God will providentially
rescue Israel in the final cataclysmic war, when all of the nations shall be
gathered together around Israel. Daniel 12:1 indicates that Michael, the
great Prince, who defends Israel, shall be closely associated in the
endeavor to save Israel in the final battle. But, in the end analysis, it shall
be Jesus Christ himself that defeats all the enemies that shall come against
Israel. ( Joel 3:2 Zechariah 14:2 Joel 3:14 II Thessalonians 2:8
Revelation 19:11-16 ) A remnant of Israel has always been preserved by
God, for the Divine purpose of establishing the Kingdom of God. The
existance of Israel today in the Promised Land ominously portends that the
epic struggle of “Jacob’s time of trouble” shall be forthcoming. ( Jeremiah
30:7-11 Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the
time of “Jacob’s trouble”; but he ( Israel ) shall be saved out of it!
Question # 54 What is meant by the term “imminency”, when it is used in relation to
prophetic end-time events?
Answer……. The doctrine of “Imminency is a Biblically sound doctrinal concept which
specifies that the epic return of Jesus Christ to this world is an event that
hangs, kind of suspended, just slightly ahead on the horizon of the Church
Age. It is a sure and certain event on the prophetic calendar. For the
Christian in this age, the coming of Jesus is a Blessed Hope, a comforting
factor, that compels him to occupy in this world, until Jesus indeed does
come. The prevailing factor in these days that provides the greatest sense
of urgency for the doctrine of Imminency, is the re-emergence of Israel.
The reality of Israel’s restoration to the Promised Land is the greatest
single indicator signifying that the Church Age is about to finish its race,
and shall soon meet the Lord in the air. It is an imminent event! The signs
of Jesus return revolves around the nation of Israel. Therefore, the
imminency of the Rapture event looms more and more likely with each
passing day!
Question # 55 Revelation 12:7 portrays that a war taking place in Heaven. Was that war
fought when Lucifer originally rebelled, or is it a continual ongoing war, or is it war which shall yet be fought in Heaven?
Answer……. The Luiferian insurrection began of course shortly after the creation. That
insurrection, or rebellion, led by the chief rebel, Satan, continues even at
the present time. Although the insurrection is a failed effort, ( many of the fallen angels are already imprisoned ) God still is permitting mankind to express his freedom of choice to remain complicit in the Luciferian rebellion, or to repent. One-third of the host of Heaven joined Lucifer in attempting his coup de-tat against God. Satan; just as was demonstrated with Job, continually accuses the repentant saints before the throne of God. Satan has been defeated, but he will not accept his defeat without a fight to the death. Upon that auspicious occasion when God decides to end the testament of humanity, he will direct his Son, Jesus Christ to descend back to the earth. Satan will recognize this directive as his chance for a last stand. ( He will know his time is short at this point; Rev 12:12 ) He will confront the angels of Heaven to oppose Christ’s return to the earth, but he will be thrown out of Heaven, and he will then come down unto a rebellious mankind, inciting an all out last ditch offensive to oppose the returning rightful Sovereign King, Jesus Christ!
Question # 56 What will happen to Lucifer after he and the armies of the Antichrist lose
that final battle against Jesus Christ?
Answer……. Revelation 20:2 gives us the answer to this question. “And I saw an angel
come down from Heaven, ( to the earth ) having a great chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on the Dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and
Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled; and after that he must be loosed a little season.”
Question # 57 I find the idea of the Rapture to be completely unbelievable. How could
anyone in their right mind possibly believe that millions of people around the world will suddenly disappear, and be spirited away in the clouds?
Answer……. Well, I can commiserate with you when I am in my natural mind also. The
mere idea of an actual event like the Rapture does indeed seem unrealistic in the humanly logical sense. But, this supernatural event is conveyed in the Bible, therefore I believe it. The Bible also indicates that Enoch, Elijah, John the Revelator, and an unknown man in II Corinthians 12:2 experienced a similar experience. Jesus also was caught up into Heaven after his resurrection. So, it isn’t altogether unique. Ironically, many people today believe that alien spacecraft are abducting people off the face of the earth, so, I guess people only require a spaceship to make it a believable phenomenon. Apparently the Bible isn’t convincing enough!
Question # 58 If an unbeliever knew the scriptures, and finding themselves left behind
after the Rapture, why couldn’t they realize the accurate descriptions of the prophetic events in the Bible, and get saved then?
Answer……. Very good question! While people will still be afforded the opportunity to
obtain salvation, after the Rapture, it will be much more of a difficult
prospect then than it currently is. Just possessing a knowledge of prophetic events pertaining to the Tribulational era, and being able to discern those events while they are transpiring, won’t be enough to convince a person to get saved. That same prospect exists even today. There are plenty of prophetic signs being enacted out on the stage of prophetic history right now! Compounding the situation after the rapture is the fact that a “grand delusion” will be perpetrated upon the world of that era. ( II Thessalonians 2:9-11 ) To reject the Truth in this era of grace, will only place one in greater subjectivity to the likelihood of believing the great Lies of Satan!
Satan will have a greater capacity of deceptive power in the era after the rapture, because the restraining power of the Holy Spirit ( truth ) will
cease any longer in acting to withstand, or restrain the mystery of iniquity.
Historically speaking, people have rarely responded with anything other than skepticism to the signs of prophecy. Signs were abundant for the people of the first century to anticipate the first coming of Jesus, just as they are today, but sad to say, people missed them then also. Even the informed nation of Israel failed to discern the signs of the times!
Question # 59 Where will the Antichrist come from? Will he be from Europe, or be from
one of the Western sphere of nations?
Answer……. I cannot say for certain where the Antichrist will be from. In today’s
global community, he might very well come from anyplace. However, I
believe that the Bible points to the fact that he will eventually emerge, or
rise to his world-wide prominence through the logistical infrastructure of
the last great Gentile empire in a certain place. Daniel 9:26 seems to
indicate, that the future Antichrist will spring forth from amongst the
geo-politcal theatre of the ancient Roman domain. ( Dan. 9:26 “the
people of the Prince that shall come” ) Most of the Western sphere of
nations are derived from the influence of the Roman Empire, so the
Western socio-political-religious arena is the most likely regional theatre
for the grandstand emergence of the Antichrist.
Question # 60 What would be the prophetic ramifications today, if the Abrahamic
Covenant has indeed become invalid, especially with respect to its present
application for the status of the modern nation of Israel?
Answer…….. If the Abrahamic Covenant had become null and void as a result of
Israel’s past sins, and its rejection of Jesus Christ as their Messiah, then
the following prophetic themes would be invalid for today:
a) The Woman being pursued by the Great Red Dragon in Revelation 12
could not possibly be interpreted as being identified as the nation of Israel. ( It could only be the Church, and therefore no Rapture )
b) If there weren’t any legitimacy to the prophesied restoration of Israel, then there wouldn’t be any reason for Jesus to return, and rescue the nation of Israel from the encircling armies of the Antichrist.
c) The Messianic prophecies concerning a kingdom for Israel, and an unending reign by her king would be rendered irrelevant and meaningless.
d) The existence today of a state called Israel would by prophetic definition constitute that God has been caught completely unaware of a Luciferian scheme to reestablish the chosen people into the Promised Land for his own designs.
e) The judgement of the nations would have no historical setting.
f) God’s promise to gather a remnant of Israel could only apply to the
Church, and not to national Israel, therefore the size of the Church would be inferred to be a rather small group of people.
g) The invalidation of the Abrahamic Covenant would mean that God is
not a God of his word.
h) The invalidation of the Abrahamic Covenant would mean that Israel
has no further purpose within God’s providential plans, and therefore the rebirth of Israel in 1948 was a mere coincidence.
i) If the Abrahamic Covenant is invalid, then Israel shall most
likely indeed be destroyed by the many Arab nations that surround her.
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