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The Last Supper was a Real Sacrifice ( Doctrine of the Transubstantiation ) ( Catholic Catechism..p. 610-611,621,1339 ) |
The Last Supper was a Passover meal. Christ’s blood was pored out at Calvary. ( I Peter 2:24 ) |
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The bread and wine become the literal blood/body of Jesus Christ.
( Catholic Catechism….p. 1373-1377 ) |
The bread and wine are symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
( I Corinthians 11:23-25 ) |
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Christ’s body and blood literally exists in every consecrated wafer-cup on every Catholic altar.
( Catholic Catechism…p. 1374, 1377 ) |
Jesus Christ is bodily present in Heaven, having completed the sacrifice.
( Hebrews 10:9-13 ) |
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The consecrated bread/wine are heavenly manna designed to help us attain salvation.
( Catholic Catechism…p. 1392, 1405, 1419 ) |
The bread and wine are merely symbols to help us remember Jesus Christ.
( Luke 22:19, I Corinthians 11:24-25 ) |
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God demands that the bread-wine be worshipped as Divine.
( Catholic Catechism….p. 1378-1381 ) |
God forbids the worship of material idols.
( Exodus 20:4-5, Isaiah 42:8, Acts 19:26 ) ) |
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Christ has ordained certain men to be a ministerial priesthood to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross through sacraments.
( Catholic Catechism..p. 1142, 1547, 1577 ) |
Christ has ordained that every believer may be of the royal priesthood to offer their lives in spiritual service unto God.
(I Peter 2:5-10, Hebrews 13:15, Romans 12:1) |
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The Sacrifice of the Mass is actually the sacrifice of the Cross.
( Catholic Catechism p. 1367 ) |
The sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary was a one time historical event.
( Mark 15:21-41, Hebrews 9:25-28 ) |
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The Mass is the un-bloody sacrifice of Christ which is an atonement for sin.
( Catholic Catechism..p. 1367, 1371, 1414 ) |
Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.
( Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22 ) |
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The faithful receive benefits of the cross through the sacrifice of the mass.
( Catholic Catechism…p. 1366, 1407 ) |
Believers receive the full benefits of the cross through their faith in Jesus Christ.
( Ephesians 1:3-14 ) |
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The sacrificial work of the cross is continually ongoing through the sacrifice of the Mass ( Catechism...p. 1364, 1405, 1846 ) |
The work at Calvary was Finished when Christ gave his life for us! ( “It is finished” )
( Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 1:3, John 19:30 ) |