Volume 18, Issue 4 ________________________________Bible Prophecy Ministry

Jewish Wedding Traditions

Ancient Jewish Wedding Customs and their

 Symbolic Parallels relative to the Church

( The Bride of Jesus Christ )

Ancient Jewish Custom

Parallel to the Church


The Match

·        Initiated by the father of the groom

·        Agent may be used

·        Choice of groom considered

·        Consent of the bride

·        Christ acted at the initiative of the Father, John 5:30

·        Holy Spirit acts as agent of Father in the world today, 1 Cor. 2:10; Gal. 4:6.

·        Christ chose His disciples, John 15:16

·        We respond to Christ's love and accept Him, 1 Pet. 1:8


The Bride Price

·        Required by law

·        Paid by the father of the groom

·        Reflects the value of the bride

  Our Mohar was the life of the Son

·        The price was required by the Law, Rom. 8:3,4

·        The Mohar was paid, as required, l Cor. 6:20, 1 Pet 1:18

·        The value placed on the bride was high, John 3:1


Love Gifts

 Given by the groom to the  


 Not required, an expression of


  Believers are given gifts by the Lord out of love:

·        Eternal Life, John 10:22-28.

·        Anything, John 14:13-14

·        Peace, John 14:27



 Given to the bride by her father

 to equip her for her new life,

 part of her inheritance.

 Believers are given gifts by the Father to equip them for 

 their new life:

·        The Holy Spirit, John 14:16, 17

·        Spiritual Gifts, 2 Cor. 1:21-22


The Marriage Contract

 Written document stating the

 Mohar, the Rights of the bride,

 the promises of the groom.

 Our written contract stating the Mohar, the rights of the 

 Bride, and the promises of the Groom is the New


·        2 Cor. 3:5-6

·        Heb. 8:6


The Betrothal

 Sealed with the 'cup of


 Groom: Preparation of Huppah


·        Purification (Mikveh)

·        Undistracted devotion

·        Anticipation

·        Cup of the New Covenant, Matt. 26:27-29

·        Christ goes to prepare a place for us, John 14:1-3

·        We are 'set apart', 2 Cor. 11:2, 1 Pet 15:1

·        Purified by 'washing,' l Cor. 6:11

·        We are not to be distracted by:

False Teachers, 2 John 7-11

Worldly Things, l John 2:15

·        We anticipate Christ's return, Matt. 24:42-44


God our Heavenly Father

The Nuptials

 Groom's father decides when 

 Son may return for the bride.

 Arrival unexpected by the 


 Abduction of the bride.

 Finely dressed and crowned.

 Marriage Feast

 Bride and Groom dwell 

 together in happiness

 Only the Father knows when the Son will return, Matt. 13:32

 We do not know when He will return Mark 1 3:32

 We will be 'abducted,' I Thess. 4:16-18, Luke 17:34-36

 We will be crowned, l Pet 5:4, James 1:12. 2 Tim. 4:8

 He will be crowned, Rev. 14:14

 We will take part in the marriage feast of the Lamb,  

 Rev. 19:6-9

 We will dwell forever with the Groom in happiness, I  Thess. 4 :17, Rev. 2 1:3.

The Church


Jesus our betrothed



                        The Bridal Price ( Mohar ) was paid by Jesus Christ upon the old  

     rugged cross at Calvary!


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